As far as we know, in actuality it seems there must be two to create one.  Other than that, in order to find that singularity, it seems we must have zero reality.  Is zero reality what we refer to as nothing?  That nothing word is derived from no or nay + thing, or n a y thing. En / an a y thing is thing of a y. Y A?  A is key 0 in ABBC, the alphabeta binary code based on a 22 letter Hebrew alphabet which is apparently based on hieratic form of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.  This pictorial code, w/ an image for every letter, set up to be viewed in 3-D as a cube(cubic house of cards), was devised by c.e. adepts to preserve & perpetuate esoteric/hidden/secret knowledge. That knowledge of such that I am being denied over thousands of years of involutionary regression would remain buried in that collective psyche of man / manas / mind till that now when circumstances precipitate its re-emergence.  In order to perpetuate that knowledge through time of intense denial / ignore-ance, these adepts developed a 52 playing card minor version for games of chances.  This minor arcane is divided into 4 suits, each featuring 3 royals analogous to 4 fixed signs of the zodiac in triplicity of modes. Thus we find that 12 as in 12 months, 12 tribes, 12 disciples.  The playing cards of course feature Ace as primary trump, simultaneously low & high card. In the major 22 card higher arcane version, A, naturally is ever still that primary.  The image for A is the young fool stepping off the cliff(((a ledge”dly asz too(two) k’as(cause)now ‘falling’/k’now’ledge))).   Somehow this seems an apt picture for any scientist telling how everything comes from nothing as only a fool would posit such a theory.  Yet it seems that y da na-thing, a’s denial / d’na y’ll/w(h)ile(cunning daring super duper duped duplicity) / ignore-ance/intentional disregard of that y singular sum thing sum time sum matter a’s any a na y thoughts t(h)ing’king x(out), is the power to cause(ka’s) it to be the case.  If zero / A /alpha / reality is a’s fool, then it is perfectly natural to begin w/that twist of fool fooled foolishness, eve’n still y’all y’ll eve’r(e) being of that singular point of view, of you/y now k’no no no’w’ing x(out) d’na y’ll/denial a’s y’ll d’na-thing being that, that I am w/a twist a’s that fool foolishly considering a beginning to begin with.  Being that zero has no beginning or end, it offers infinite potential y na for any an y & y’all actuality of one to be or not, or y na/d’na y’ll/denial.  Being complete, a zero beginning would always come w/ simultaneous ending / n’ding at the same sum point of view, of you/y/yod.  Thus beginning is ending / n’ding.  ABBC reveals letter n in its hieroglyphic form as the wavy line, which begins w/wwwwwwwwwww a v doubled y?  As you see, we could start w/why, wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hay y / yod /you/ that I am, & end w/that as well, a’s we’ll(wheel) turning, as we will, of that I am pretty sure.  Letter A is V inverted w/a horizontal bar in the middle.  That horizontal bar is yod carried over from the hieroglyphic root for A which morphed from 4 symbols re / yod / tav / nun = reytn = reaten .  Thus in A we have nun – VVVVVVVVVV / ending-beginning in yod / that I am, that zero, that w/out beginning or end, w/ or w/out potential for that.  In other words, y that I am reality is ever potential to begin/end or not/na/d’na y’ll/denial.  That infinite potential is d’na-thing, a twisting of an y y na in order to create a’s though(t) appearing to disappear.  That is the Y of A ever connecting, uniting, empowering every frequency, every length, every number, every amplitude, every velocity of that way of(wave) function(functional actuality) a’s source, direction, & field.  A zero, z’ero’s singularity is a’s though(t) B’ing, Be’aming a’s too/two C/G’od’ing , G’ra-va’ting / Gravitating in space / es(shin’ning) peh(p-er\/re) a’s (though(t)) ce’en.

Only a fool would rush into being being of such an apparent paradox whose only real purpose is to realize that, that Y / Yod / that I am.  But then, why not/y na?  Why d’na-thing in the first place if only a’s x ka’ng y a’s y na x ka’ng y?

What can be said is what must be said or not, or na, or d’na y’ll appearing to disappear.

In that scientific model of the big bang, that apparent beginning from that a’s though(t) y na an y- thing prior to that twist of fate of d’na y’ll, we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) fast-forward some 9 billion years to the genesis of our solar system w/out waxing nostalgic for those good old early bang days, before that an y y na-thing appeared to disappear in d’na y’ll, in denial.  In this model, our mama is a virgin nebula of pure hydrogen gas some 10 million times larger than our sun to be.  Into this gassy virgin womb, some well intentioned second generation blue star blew its wad of 2 million earths worth of 92 elements including the iron that will eventually find its way into our blood streams.  This detritus pushes mama’s gas into dense filaments, creating twisting knots(ka na ts) of collapsing gas balls & a litter of new third generation stars.  Whereas our person-na mama had to endure nine months of pregnancy our system needed some 4.6 billion years to come to term by which time big gassy mama is outta site somewhere well south of Miami & big papa, let’s say he didn’t stick around & seems to have quickly blown town.  Our sun, certainly not his only begotten but fortunately w/enough bearing, enough gravity to get its atomic mojo working & thus nuclear fusion of its protons shines on to foster or fester some planets & people to lather up & catch some of his rays.

The analogy to this cosmic model is found in ABBC a’s Magus & High Priestess morphing to Empress & Emperor.

B / beta = key 1; the Magician.  That key is re-iterated in the very form of the Hebraic-hieroglyphic symbol =/ , where that line above & that line below are joined w/ a diagonal.  Thus we have potential for a sum thing to be ‘in’ as inna the beginning.  Thus beta / beth means house, building, dwelling, being a’s though(t) in space of time for watcher watching.  In the ABBC cube of space, Magician is the upper face, High Priestess the lower & the Fool, that divine y will (we’ll), that diagonal or vertical joining interior, above & below analogous to proton fusion at the interior of the atom to create heat & light.  Magus is being now a a’s actual actuality of apparent transmission of that non-actual a’s fool foolishness, a’s channel.  An intellectual intellection of transparency, of be’ing, be’aming, actualizing function a’s potential for that singularity to appear, to be a’ble for life / appearance & death / disappearance to happen is presented in beta\/gimel = Magus \/ High Priestess = B \/ C,G.  A free channel permits free passage of that a’s above to that a’s below & y out(x) a’s word.  Magus is mythological Hermes(Hermit), that one directing the soul through the mysteries of the underworld, the dark side, the causal nature. Hermes is now Magus, the SEER, that ONE (O-na) who sees every day in every way.  Magic is science of that whole, HERMETIC SCIENCE, that seer a’s though(t) seen / scene, still eve’r inclusive in eve’r(e) being that HERMIT SEER.  That is I magus Image I-magic, I-magining / objectifying under that spell(ing) of namarupa / name-form, that (wh)ole black(d’na causal) magic.

Desire is the motivation & condition of function actuality.  That desire, so intimately connected to sexuality, reveals the source of all that appears, the prima materia pictured in key 2, the High Priestess/Eve re y.  The man as mind is captivated in matter as womb / door(peh-esse) to potential actuality emerging now pictured in key 3, the Empress.  In other words, in actuality now it takes two to tangle, to twist the filaments of y d(at a) na thing, from the virgin High Priestess to a’s womb-ful Empress.

Now it seems the great mystery is yielding to scientific understanding in that we all(wheel) may turn to realize in man / man as / manas / mind needing womb / room to grow, yet as that, that that I am is is still stillness(immortal immortality) remaining singular zero reality sublime w/out necessity of causality.  That d’na y’ll-thing, that twist of fate appearance, a result of desire necessarily associated w/sex a’s reproductive function, may be now sublimated through realization for performance of other miracles.  That miracles, a’s eve’nts of such a’s that appearing outside of any known law or agency, are(a-re) attributes attributed to a supernatural or divine re-source, means consciously realizing that, that I am.  Therefore if you / yod / that I am now k’now in(being) that way of eve(wave) re y functional actuality, realize that, desire, that from that sideris/star”e, naturally/na-tu r(e)ally re-stores or provides means for developing anything.  Y nature is an y y na t(at)u (a)re, d’na re-sponding, re-pledging to realizing, an y y na tu re.  D’na y’ll returning, turning to (Mr.)re, is re’alizing that source, that sublime causal divine (w)hole holy d”arkness of un-manifest infinite potential expecting, seeing out every second of every minute of every hour of every day in being, be-aming now k’now’ing in(being) ways of eve(waves) re y functional actuality of mere(mirror) being being of that, that that I am is.  Magus/Seer + High Priestess/Potential energy/en y urge asz too(two) merge & emerge as Empress/Door/Do-er + Emperor/Wind/Vital Breath breathed breathing to Hierophant/Vau/Vow realizing Lovers/Love Supreme cultivating strength of open hand, open mind to find fortune & justice being in suspense of judgement, overcoming evil(transience) w/good(realized permanence of zero reality that that that I am is), laughing at the foolishness of superficiality, enlightened by right speaking, transformed by drawing deep into why we all(wheel) now k’now’ing turning into one whole wholly seeing, faced w/wholly-holy whole determination we all(wheel) turn to dance the free freed freedom in the universal dance of life. That ain’t all bad.

Theesse = ‘the’  =\/+ esse = B  Magus  +\/=  C/G  High Priestess

c c c G G G a’s gamma\/gomma fif’ th tone ‘n es scale C major or\/ro seven ‘ th  natural en atur al es scale es sca a el A minor ro oman numeral nu a’s 400  a’s gee’s us  about 32 feet per second per second a b’ing out their t ef e e t ta ta ta peh e ra peh e ra sec on da sec se ec on\/in da dhi  peh e ra sec par sec o n’d ing ing ing in\/on g g g gee gee gee whiz ing zing zing zing ‘ ing  i na gee gee I na gee gee geez o o   o       o hay   oh  ay      oh   (k)ay    oh   (k)   ay I en d’ing d’ing d’ing b at a tat or\/ro b es s qu are .

B Magus ‘s key 1 a’s hieroglyph of\/fo a foot from zero\/0\/orez beta bet a b eta building building ‘ s HERMES \/ THeOTHer \/ NEBO \/ MER C UR Y =\/+ her metic science of\/fo el o him u ni vers e el p(h)e er es on\/in I ef I e e dhi’ing  a’s HI RA eM 42 for t too books boo boo es k(now) of\/fo peh esse es po e ken art a’s t ro on\/in my a’s t ro lo g y a r its ma t i cee\/ees see a a’s ees .

B Magus be amma g’eez ef es’se transformer bearing caduceus wand of miracles which survives to this da y as’sy that es’assy em\/me b’e’am’ing o ayin el of\/fo he a el’ing hay hey hay eya el ‘ ing ar\/re t be ‘ amma ‘ ing messenger’ing message em essa gee’s 4 k rysts  sake es sa ke(n) tone to ne A  natural .

C \/ G High Priestess esse key 2 too equilibrating power of\/fo pre-cosmic root ar\/ra oo ta tat tat tat a’s tut tut tut called Chief Feminine Elder CFE a’s prakriti\/predoing that e’ stuff of\/fo stuff a’s prima materia that first matter ‘es first mother\/mouther \/ em out her(e) a’s Virgin Diana a’s Great Hecate Virgin version a’s Go d d ess ‘es  Artemis Maia Maya Bona Dea

CFE a’s g’ee’s ses’ 2 wax & wane a’s a ship a gimel  of\/fo gimme el

of ‘the’ desert(shun) a’s moon em oo en’ding a’s ‘ship of skies” that cold moist person peh er esson  al i\/I t eya a’s memory carried from in ca r nation 2 in carn ation by\/yb subconscious below together she us mi n da blue blew G-sharp en\/in A-flat .

EVE E V E EYA VOW EYA a’s e ya e yod hieroglyph yod\/re ed\/reed\/yod w/feet    2 ef ee t(at\/ta) 2 a ‘stand’ a’s 2 e rect 2 gagagagagagagago o o o oooooooo 4 gee ‘ ssses 2 ‘re side’ 2 inhabit a’s Gar dhi en  a’s ‘who re sides’ a’s x-pression x-pressing idea of movement a’s it\/ti emanates em an\/na a t’s a light 2 duplication\/do-plicity a’s reflection\/deflection a’s truth un truth er re or error re a’s er  a  re  a’s hay er eve means of\/fo adam\/mada ‘s ef all a’s that name”d ‘falls’ in\/ni  object(ion) ob j e ca ta(t) she on\/in ‘ ing at temp eh tat she on\/in.

A’s ess(h)e on t(at) em peh esse eh ta ta ta a’s tut tut tut ? ?  ?   ?    ?     ?