& what can be done?  A’s now a’s though(t) two do-ality in key 3 of ABBC, the letter D, Daleth, the Empress, the door.  That virgin High Priestess/Diana now Empress/Venus making womb a’s the ‘door of life’ offers opportunity for do’er ship to be doing, vitalized by key 4, letter H, Hey, the Emperor, the window / wind-door.  That window admits light (knowledge) & air (prana-life-breath).


D is first Hebraic letter in ABBC symbolizing Pharaoh’s headband w/royal ureaus, protector serpent,  in the horizontal stroke & its tail in the down stroke.  One interpretation of word Pharaoh comes from Per-Aa or ‘Great House’.  That ‘Great House’ refers to Beta, the whole wholly place of the Magus, in the beginning, where that divine, that re now(n) in actuality, dwells.  Re; back into & out of which we emerge, turn, & return in actuality, our causal state we experience directly in deep sleep.  Thus this ‘Great House’, the Be + G = beginning place is provided a door / do’or-ship in which we may exit, we may exist or appear to disappear.  Letters morphing out of symbols for that sacred center centered centrality are always in actuality re-ferrential to that.  For all that we know, all that we objectify, accomplish, do, develops from them.  They are literally ‘the city of the gods’.  They give us a place to sit a spell(ing) for better or worse.  From that sacred house we appear to emerge as though(t) being of such a’s that door do’er doing vitalized by that divine breath breathed breathing.  That door doer way of(wave) suggestion suggests motion out, e-motion & motion in, g-motion.  E-motion effects apparent separation while g-motion brings us back in.  The actual Universe is the breath of that Great Lord, expanding out in time, then contracting back in.  Meanwhile continuing ever to be that Great House of that Great Lord in analogous singularity of person-na w(h)orl’in w(h)orl(d)s breathing out /appearing, then breathing back in /disappearing in that indivisible completely complete analogous rhythm from seconds, moments, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millennia.  All in all, it seems we must appear to depart in order to disappear in re-turn.

We must always remember letters live primarily a’s sound, a’s breath breathed breathing.   The word is spoken long before ever written. Writing in a way of(wave) making that seem even more apparent enhancing that apparent schism in actuality between writer & written, between thinker & thought.  Subject, that, I am is now further objectified in a form of pen, ink, & paper for purposes of expression, that seem to move me further in away(ve) from sheer remembering.  There is only a tiny fraction of the voluminous libraries of word that is aimed back, re; to knowledge of being that, that that I am is. Even in that Aryan pre-recorded history, when language was purely phonetic though grammatically highly systemized, it expressed primarily karma-kanda or knowledge of cause & effect actuality w/ only a thread of brahma-vidya, knowledge of that non-actual reality of that I am, running throughout. Apparently, as the Aryans spread into the subcontinent & made contact w/ stone age Dravidian culture & their forest dwelling rishes or enlightened sages, the brahma-vidya thread was synthesized into texts carried forward to the present.  These are Upanisad.  Thus it is said that in days of yore, even the gods had doubts about it, about that, that that I am is.

A/Aleph is soft a’s barely vocalized breath breathing.  By contrast B is belted by putting lips together before expelling breath.  C/G is both guttural w/ tongue pressed to upper palette as in girl & soft dental, lifting teeth, as in genesis .  Now we find that antithesis, that contradiction in sound as we move through the alphabeta, analogous to a life that begins in singular awareness, appearing to grow out into diverse duality(do-ality) before receding back into undifferentiated darkness awareness of un-manifest that that I am is in that causal state of potential actuality.  Appearing out bound we may catch ourself on the re-bound in that dynamic play of happy sad, high low, light shadow way of(wave) seeking to find in loss that permanence in the midst of impermanence.

Subconsciousness is mode of D/Daleth corresponding to that emergence of the idea we develop of who we appear to be.  Thus wisdom & folly are assigned to this mode as the idea may go either way depending on how much of such we realize that invisible nature that that I am is.  In actuality the Per Aa, GREAT HOUSE is subconsciousness.  A’s we are now exiting or existing, this mode favors deductive reasoning, that, leading away from subconsciousness to outward conscious consciousness observation observer & particular consequences of applied action, cause & effect, karma.  Whether action is wise or foolish is determined by our own conclusions  based on our powers of inductive reasoning & just how much effort we take to contemplate our navel.  In other words, we have the power to determine the wisdom or folly of our action but may not make the effort.  Obviously, in the blood & sweat heat of battle there is no time to contemplate our sweet navel.  Sound basis for inductive reasoning comes from practice as time allows & that worm will likely be grabbed by an early bird.  A life of routine passes away quickly & no one but you can determine the wisdom or folly of all that appears to disappear.


Analyzing D code, we find the key to De-nial.  The very form of letter D reveals the hieroglyph of the half loaf now in vertical right facing position.  That half loaf is one of 4 symbols comprising the hieroglyph for A/Aten wherein it appears on the horizontal facing up & representing letter T/tav/tau/tat/that a’s that in that I am.  Pushed up to a vertical right facing position we see it turn Aten to Aden or A-den(ial) or Adon/Lord.  Etymology of word lord = [OE hlaford, hlaf-weard, lit. bread keeper < hlaf loaf + weard keeper, ward].  This root meaning is analogous to that half or hemisphere, facing right equivalent to right brain hemisphere, the ‘old’ brain key to hermetic science / hermit knower knowledge, that guard guard’n guardian that that that I am is.  Right brain is our door(do’er) way into realizing that being that in seeing seer, the one who sees.  Once we realize that, we are home free ever in the Great House that that I am is in all actuality of appearing to disappear.

Wisdom of the Hermit keeper shines out, emits, e-mots w/perfect deduction leading a-way(ve) to apparent actuality of separation for reason, re a’s on(e), of cause & effect.  Thus the power of deduction & observation seems unlikely to re-verse course as the very power of exiting, of existing, precludes that return, that turn to re, to observe observation of subconsciousness w/in.  In that way of(wave) of exiting the Great House of the Lord, our very own subconsciousness, we appear a’s though(t) separate from realizing being that wisdom, that I am a’s desire now moves out in cause-effect way(ve)s.  Still desire remains the key in all that I am seeing / realizing or not.

That I am fortunate in having had a near death experience, in that time before the coalescence of the spell(ing) of alphabeta, means wherein Lord reveals that to be in actuality nun a’s though(t) other than in all that may appear to disappear.  Thus desire for denial is tempered to be in time to lead back, to re-turn now to realizing just who that I am is.  Now that I am feeling that way of (wave) returning to that guard guard’n guardian it seems the time is right to open the door inward (in word) & re-enter all.

What again is the obstacle to that return?


Paranchi khani vyatrnat svayambhuhu

Tasmat parak pashyati na antaratman

Kaschit dhiraha ; pratyagatatmanam aikshat

Avrttachakshuhu amrtatvam icchan

Paranchi khani – the out-going senses vyatrnat- he afflicted svayambhuhu- the Great Lord – who (bhu) exists ever, & (svayam, by Himself) on His own right, not subject to anything else; (since He afflicted them) tasmat-therefore; the perceiver(that same indivisible now individual) pashyati -sees, perceives; parak -the outer — sounds, etc., as external things; na antaratman – not that inner being; that I am.  Though(t) of such is the nature of man ‘a’s mind, yet a’s reversing the current a’s though(t) kaschit dhiraha -some rare fool being of such that I am sees/realizes pratyagatmanam – the indwelling that, that that I am is.  How?

That I am reality aikshat -being that seen (in this case by being knocked down & run over by ’51 Chevy panel truck & delivered by that Great Lord Being none other than the very nature of that, that that I am is) & having avrttchakshuhu -eyes(attention) averted to the indwelling being.  Why?  Icchan desiring amrtatwam immortality of that in realizing that changeless nature of that I am.  In other words, it seems that I am being put in harms way to be rescued, s’cued to re, to that re-turn enabled by the Great Lord of the Great House which is a’s though(t) of being nun a’s other waving good by & by in that actuality of appearing to disappear vitalized by that Great Lord Emperor, a’s life breath breathed breathing.  

D’na thing ventured in that twist of fate is d’na thing gained gaining a-gain & a-gain, a’s g a in, the Prima Materia of the Great House.

H, Heh (hay)- key 4 ; the Emperor a’s window / wind-do’or permits outlook, survey, control, etc..  Key being transparency.  Sight -seeing is function attributed to H. Seeing is pre-judgement transparency in realizing being that free freed freedom that that that I am is.  True watchfulness is found in seeing w/out the interference of judicial looking.  In that open mind you may find a greater response-ability than in one clouded by preconceived notions of what is correct or incorrect.

Constituting Intelligence is the name given in Hebrew wisdom as it is said to “constitute creation in the darkness of the (subconscious) world”  H/Heh/Hey is pronounced by breathing from the depth of the throat & thus (is) means (of) breath breathed.  “It is with Heh that the heavens & the earth were created”, the breath of that Great Lord analogous to that breath we require to create / kriyate / act as karta(actor) in karma(action).  The Hebraic form of Heh is graphically identical to hieroglyphic sign for Great Lord.  Thus we find in Heh that profound analogy between the individual & that indivisible invisible Great Lord in actuality of that, that that I am is in principle re; non-actual Yod Heh Vav Heh. Yod is that before Go d’o’ing.  Yod/you, unlike God, never actually does anything.  Yod/you, that I am, is all-seeing, non-doing.  Being that, keeps you/yod out of trouble of  ever actually being actuality in/of samsara(sorrow).  That analogy carries over, as value 5 of Heh, in the 5 books of the Torah (Old Testament), the 5 chapters of “The Great Harris Papyrus”, the 5 names of the New Kingdom Amarna pharaohs & the 5 appendages of human being.  H / Heh, a’s all the letters of alphabeta, are, a re, a divine sign, a sacred indication of desire a’s though(t) being that in actuality, that that, which may never be actualized, whether we realize it or not.  Thus every letter in every sign, billboard, screen, text, page, no matter its content, ever re-mains a sign of that, that wholly divine that, that that I am is, whether Hieroglyphic, Hebraic, Arabic, Greco-Roman, Chinese, Cyrillic, Sanskrit, etc., etc.  Thus the Great Lord Word is served up everywhere in that wholly sacred divine breath breathed a’s sound sounding out.  In that, that, whatever we constitute it to mean, determines the wisdom or folly of our actions, it seems that book is not written so much as being of such writing. 

The word is t / tau(t)   h / hey  e / eyi .  Thus seeing/sight + breath/breathed constitute defining consciousness.  Mental activity de-pends on A/Aten/Adon//Adam a’s that namer of names to define limits, to circumscribe action, to particularize consciousness in order to form a more perfect union of seer seeing seen/scene.  Thus society (a so psy-ety) is formed or constituted by supreme A-thor-I-ty.  Re-cognizing that will, goes a long way in keeping peace in the valley.  Each individual realizing their indivisible invisibility re-stores sanity, whole wholly wholeness in well being & in all that we’ll be okay dokay.

H – Emperor is Great Lord in actuality of non-actual Purushaha or Person analogous to actuality of person-na .  H / Heh is attributed to Aries, first sign of the zodiac & therefore symbol of the head & face.  Aries is associated w/the planet Mars, signifying force, strength, courage, & martial action.  Thus it is correlated to iron, steel, surgery, chemistry, & military affairs.  Sun, being head of the system, is exalted in Aries & thus it represents rulership & authority & stands for Ego.

Psychologically, Great Lord is Super-Ego of Purushaha / Person analogous to ego of person-na.  That ego of person-na develops that Id, that Id., from that unconscious (causal state) wherein that identity, that idea of that I am is un-manifest a’s existence in potential actuality.  Person-na a’s narrative develops w/ apparent contact w/external world & builds a notional Id(identity) protected / projected by ego being that I am all along.  Thus we pick up on an artificial Id/Id. based on reality of that purushaha / person, that that I am is all along.  Ego acts to seemingly protect as d’na, a twist of fate, a denial of that reality in order to constitute a person-na w(h)orl(d)ing by writing/expressing a person-na constitution for subconscious re-sponse-ability.  D’na is that nun, drawing on the reservoir, the womb of Empress Daleth to project through the door do’orship of such a’s being, be-aming that I am,in actuality of now appearing to disappear.  Realizing that, we realize the singularity of Super Ego of that Person to ego of person-na.  Not consciously realizing that, ego of person-na may seem to need to waste time in a way of(wave) protecting that artificial Id/Id. from the Super Ego.  May be why we come to worship that Great Lord, mistaking d’na, that twist of fate, a’s a real division between Person & person-na,  between subject & object, between man’as/mind & buddhi/buddha/knower/seer, between that I am & that I am na.

Observing how we busy ourselves in so many way(ve)s of the privilege of militant techno-class w/ machine time & labor saving being busy.  It seems now we must use that saved time in various distractions to pursue & perpetuate our d’na denial.  We might ask ourselves just how much we need techno-military appliance to find relative degrees of happiness, a happiness that truly comes from our healthy interaction w/other human beings.  Still, at the end of the day, when all others fall away, will we find happiness or contentment in our relative relativity solitude before appearing to disappear back into un(one)consciousness?  If we spend that precious saved-time denying, ignoring, & distracting ourselves from realizing that, our silent partner, how do we expect to be able(Abel), to recognize/realize that being, that I am?  We may find that twist of d’na, that conceptual conceiving man’as mind of relative relativity continues stirring long after all others, even all light, has departed.  It seems now, in that still relative relativity darkness, we may find the true alien alienated alienation as we appear to be.  Still, in that phase of loneliness, we may find that phrase, that I am, a natural mantra, a key to breaking the concept chain that we have bound ourselves up in & make some free space between thoughts.  Someone told that they found no self there, only nothing.  That, it seems, is nothing enlightenment which may be a valid surrender of that artificial Id, yet my experience shows nothing to be in reality, another subtle form of d’na thing that resurfaces as denial in actions in the light of day that I am observing in that person-na during waking moments.  That d’na mind is not open, free, & freely engaging but still ever more bound by pre-conception w/an all too quick indulgence in irritation & judgement.  That I am finding this to degrees in my own person-na teaches me day to day on unraveling that subtle crafty bugger, that twist of fate, that d’na thing.  Degrees of that denial, that ignore-ance, express in analogous degrees of arrogance in that action-speaking way of(wave) telling a real story.  In realizing that, that that I am is, we may find a magnitude that diminishes any & all concept of being bound in the narrow parameters of narrative mind.  Humble pie tastes best when eaten in the Great House, the Great Mind, the resurrection of all consuming LOVE SUPREME.

Both science & philosophy have accurate definition as their basis.  That that definition is always relevant to the one who defines is analogous to object world being utterly relative & dependent to the one who sees that.  The Great Lord, the Super Ego, is ever synonymous w/seer ego that I am.  All things considered, you may realize it is more of an ego-trip to deny that than to embrace it.