There is awareness on the inside that precedes that on the outside, before the slaughter of innocence, that remains unsullied by the narrative actuality of all that appears to disappear, all that is born to die.  That is the singular most reason for reason being reason, the ever-lasting truth, justice, Ishaha(Great Lord / Great Word) the Person(Purushaha) being hidden in all creatures, in all creation, THAT that does not appear yet is to be found in all appearance.

Perhaps no creature in all of creation represents the greatest gift of the  European invader to the native people than the horse.  It seems one cannot envision the ideal life of the great plains native hunter warrior w/out this 4-legged beast of burden & freedom.  In that tragic irony of beginning to end, the arrival of the horse in the North Americas signaled just that of a way of life for native peoples.  Thus as a beginning of an end of a way of(wave) of life(of ignore-ance of that, that that I am is) we are herein considering 2 great visions centering on man’as mind as horse & the beginning to end.  One from the North American native, Lakota visionary & healer Nicholas Black Elk (1863 – 1950) & another from pre-history & the ancient rishis of the Indian sub-continent.

In the latter, that creature is the re-presentative in the highest form of sacrifice, the Horse-sacrifice.  Only a king is entitled to make this sacrifice but those of us not so entitled can obtain its result through meditation on it.  The Horse-sacrifice is the greatest of all sacrifices for it enables the performer to identify him/herself w/Brahma/Reality in both its collective & individual aspect.  The collective aspect of Brahma/Reality in manifestation is called Hiranyagarbha, the Golden Egg or Zero-potential & called Atman in the individual.  Thus both re-present the totality of being, the indivisible zero infinite potential for the relative which is in fact re + la\/al -real-tivity a’s though(t) of objectivity.  Actual reality even as apparent relativity ever remains indivisible infinite potential.  That reality totality naturally includes you/yod & me/memory/narrative.  Obviously we are completely surrounded  & permeated by the complete universe.  That apparent separation(why we can feel alone even in a crowd) of you/yod & it is due to that complete non-attachment of you/yod/that I am of, to, from, etc., all that appears before & after the eyes.

The horse, like the camel/gimel enables the individual to ride, to join w/the collective natural world on four legs, embodied as horse or camel.  Thus camel/gimel/letter C-G in ABBC, alphabeta binary code, 3-D pictorial book of wisdom, re-presents the High Priestess, the Prima Materia, that Divine Virgin Mother/matter that is potentially conceivable in Daleth/D, the Empress, the sacred womb/door/do’or-ship to ride out , to appear to disappear in that way of(wave) the classic hero riding off into the sunset, & what is a hero w/out his/her horse?

The result of the Horse-sacrifice is identification w/death/nun/noon a’s noon is the very Prima Materia that enables all appearance to begin with in that way of(wave) being as be-aming.  Although being is completely non-attached from the actual universe – being that devoid of name, form, & action, singular, eternal, pure, illumined, free freed freedom that that that I am is – it appears, apparently, by learned intellectual association, diverse in action, actor, & result, in re-verse of that reality(thus all verse in fact or fiction is re-verse).

Therefore, that any & all who realize that is all there is to it – that all action & result come to pass, no matter length of apparent duration – there is herein set forth that knowledge of reality(Brahmavidya) for the displacement of ignore-ance which is like the removal of the false notion of a snake from a rope.

That knowledge, being that, that I am, is not perceived through the senses or inferred through thought but is revealed by the scriptural authority of essence(anta) of Veda(Knowledge), Vedanta or Upanishad, & direct experience(satori) available to anyone( anyone & everyone already being that, even w/out realizing it, if it were something or someone else that we had to ‘pick-up’, well, most likely none of us would stand a ‘snowball’s chance in hell’ of that realization) who so desires(such is the power of ignore-ance that even after years of thorough instruction by a qualified teacher we may continue to deny it as that is in our very DNA/d’na/denial yet there is no real force inimical to realization beyond our own d’na/denial).  The most thorough & straight forward of these scriptures is Brihadaranyaka Upanishad – the Great(Brihat) Forest(Aranyaka) Upanishad(Upa -near + ni – completely + shad – destroys)thus being near the teacher/teaching/brahmavidya completely destroys or displaces ignore-ance)) {then we are analogous to the burnt newspaper that may still be read but w/slightest whisper turns to dust}.  It is called Great Forest because it was taught in the forest by the rishes, Dravidian(stone-age) forest dwelling sages, predecessors  of the Druid wisdom keepers, who synthesized that knowledge from the Veda Karmakanda(knowledge of cause & effect) that was introduced into their subcontinent by the Aryans(one w/arya (praise) for being respectable, honorable, honest, faithful,& virtuous), the Indo-Europeans who began invading the subcontinent 200 +/-years before Alexander the Macedonian’s invasion.  Thus this scripture is the true Bible(Book/Thesaurus/Treasure) of European ancestry, predating that of the Egyptian-Semetic Bible but offering a wonderful synthesis w/that other Bible of what is in essence, indivisible knowing being that that that I am is.  {That would be akin to actual reality of atomic structure of all matter, no matter what potential period of history we may reference as the more things change, the more they stay the same in essence, never more true than w/that that that I am is even in potential actuality manifest or un-manifest}  Thus we have scriptural authority to express that reality but even more importantly, the fact that, like oil & water, being & narrative never actually mix.  That allows anyone the capacity to directly realize at any time their real nature no matter how confused it may seem w/narrative or how long that confusion may have seemed to be the case.

Part 1 of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is devoted to the meditation on the horse & the fire used in the Horse-scrifice.  This, the highest of all Vedic rites, confers upon the sacrificer the boon of attaining Brahmaloka, the highest heaven.  Though this rite was to be performed only by a king,  we can realize that through a symbolic meditation in which different parts of the horse re-present different parts of the cosmic creation.  Thus in that cosmic actuality analogous to that individual actuality, Brahma/Reality is manifest as first person(purusha), that I am is & thus in reality period, that I am is this I am, as cosmic being or indivisible individual singular singularity whether we realize that or in our d’na/denial of it.  Even the highest heaven Brahmaloka, where one may be conscious of individuality while at the same time realizing identity w/all created creation, is impermanent.  Thus we seek not results from rites & meditations, rather by coming to highest ending, we may fully appreciate & embrace realization of knowledge known knowing that, that I am is, was, & ever will be.

INVOCATION;                                                                                                                                                      .Ohm.  Purnamidaha(that is fullness); Purnamidam(this is fullness); Purna-at(from fullness) Purnamudachate(projects fullness); Purnasya(of fullness) Purnamadaya(merging in fullness) Purnam eva vashishyate(fullness alone remains)—-this projection of that as creation is like mirage in the desert or snake on rope which man’as mind sees as though(t) reality.  That a’s apparent project projecting projection does not effect any change whatsoever in Brahma/Reality a’s illusory snake does not alter the real nature of rope or mirage, real nature of desert.

Meditation on the Horse-sacrifice                                                                                                            .Ohm. “Verily, the head of the sacrificial horse is the dawn, its eye the sun, its vital breath the wind, its mouth the Cosmic fire, & the trunk of the sacrificial horse, the year.  The back is heaven, the belly the intermediate region, the hoof the earth, the sides the four quarters, the limbs the seasons, the joints the months & half months, the feet the days & nights, the bones the stars, the flesh the clouds.  Its half-digested food[in the stomach] is the sand, the blood vessels the rivers, the liver& lungs the mountains, the hair the herbs & trees.  The fore part of the horse is the rising sun, & the hinder part the setting sun, its yawn is lightning, its shaking of the body is thunder, its making water is rain, & its neighing is indeed voice.”

For ancient man’as mind this world is truly subjective & thus whatever may appear objective is ever allegorical to that, that subject that I am.  Thus horse is analogous to universe/world at large.  The dawn, three quarters of an hour before sunrise, as head is most optimum time for contemplating the navel.  The eye is close to the head as sun is to the dawn.  The Cosmic fire like lightning striking the Tower in key 16 of ABBC is power of speech issuing from the mouth.  Back, belly & hoof translate as heaven above, belly between, & earth below, as above, so below.  Limbs, joints, & feet are seasons, months, days, & nights as all connect to time necessary for potential to appear to disappear.  Bones as stars as both appear white & also stardust comprises hardest element of our apparent boney structure.  Flesh & blood as rivers are the blood of the earth fed from & feeding the cloud flesh.  Liver & lungs as that elevated like mountains covered w/the hair of trees & herbs.  The yawning mouth as lightning splitting w/thunder of shaking body.  Though such analogy may seem far-fetched to the modern scientific man’as mind it is no more so than a ‘big-bang’ or an extra-galactic universe rushing into void or non-existence or even man’as mind hurling hurly-gurdy into oblivion from nothing for no reason at all.

The purpose to meditation on the Horse-sacrifice is re-identification w/the cosmic universe as that cosmic person PURUSHAHA being that we deny as d’na. Thus in that meditation we identify parts of our own body as different aspects of Virat,  the cosmic body/state of creation.  In that elevation we find still the limitations of beginning to end, cosmic or comic & thus come to dissatisfaction w/entire world.  This dissatisfaction or disgust is in fact a ‘set-up’ to create value for realizing that true nature of being.  That is why this earth ‘horror show’ is considered the most truly spiritual plane of existence w/its painful birth, awkward growth, geeky adolescence, too short prime time, slow decline, & painful death allowing for ample opportunity to ‘pick-up’ on that true value for realizing the mirage of all potential actuality, even in the subtler heavenly planes.  Such is the paradox of good is bad & bad is good w/regard to realization of being that that that I am is.  For no matter how desperate, unjust, or debilitating your life may appear to be, in the end(beginning & middle as well) you may find it only a potential in an infinite sea of potential potentiality.  The reality of who you/yod is, is that center centered centrality immortal being never affecting nor effected & that is a pretty cool thing to pick-up on.  Worth looking into, as ‘they’ say & who is ‘they’?  Well, for my $$$, one of the really good ones is Adi Shankaracharya.

Adi Shankaracharya, a contemporary to Siddharta Buddha, refuted the influence of Buddhism on the subcontinent by regenerating the classic lineage of oral tradition that transmits that wisdom of realizing being that sum thing( of nothingness) that that I am is, from teacher to student who becomes teacher ad infinitum. {It seems Buddha got all the ‘press’ as most are somewhat familiar w/his name while Shankaracharya is very seldom mentioned outside of India.  This may be for two reasons; 1. Buddhism as ideology spread outside India throughout Asia & 2. Buddhist ideology of sum na-thing(nothingness) enlightenment seems to favor d’na(denial of sum) thing or actuality of action or path as sum-thing to be gained.  In that it may seem to favor the competitive ‘Western’ ethos}.  The classic lineage of oral wisdom tradition was in decline(in the era of Buddha & Shankaracharya) in the sense of no longer prevailing in sacred language as mankind devolved in time, a time of, if not the invention of the wheel, its use for, trade & commerce.  Previously the wheel was considered sacred & thus used only for calendars & prayer wheels.  Naturally the sacred seemingly got lost in the progressive frenzy for wealth & accumulation of goods & property & the wars that resulted to protect & maintain them.  Is this decline all part of a larger plan for such over expansion of human population leading up to the present time as a set-up for the Great Exodus or Re-Awakening as only the human being of all being on the planet falls under the spell(ing) of alphabeta, thus gaining self-awareness & the potential for liberation?  In this thousands years re-development we might consider the Great Lord the Great Word, Yahwe(re; the principal principle as Yahwe/Yodhayvavhay became associated w/Jehovah, Middianite god of volcanoes & thus ‘the angry’ God.  Yahwe/Yod being that abstract principal principle, unlike God, never actually does anything.  Re; that principal principle being abstract & ever free freed freedom remains free of all causality.  All that I am saying is give Yod a chance.  Consider Yodheyvavhey/ You/Yod/ that I am as apparent beginning & all that we are now as the ending & Shankaracharya the great teacher in the middle, personification of Vav, sacred vow repeated 5 times in our Greco-Roman alphabeta.

Shankaracharya’s commentary, the only accepted valid commentary on what is essentially the Great Lord as Word or Upanishad, makes accessible what might otherwise be found obtuse or obscure.  Shankaracharya enters upon detailed discussion of the various Upanishads as well as the views of various philosophical schools(6 distinct dualistic schools existed in India in his day) as to what existed before the manifestation of the phenomenal(actual) universe.  According to nihilists(they been around long before Nietzsche or Buddhism), nothing but a void existed prior to the creation.  At the time both cause & effect were non-existent.  But the logicians (the followers of the Nyaya & Vaiseshika schools) say that though there may have been no effect before creation, the cause cannot have been non-existent at that time, since a lump of clay is perceived to exist before the creation of a pot.  Shankaracharya, on the basis of the scriptural passage; “By death(what Egyptians called ‘the waters’ of nun/noon) all this was covered,” refutes the nihilistic view.  He says, “the words, ‘all this’ cannot signify nothing; for instance, ‘the non-existent son of a barren woman(nothing) cannot be covered w/something'”. That that some(sum) thing is, precludes & predominates any possibility, any potential for probability, for division as other than that sum thing. That that thing is, is where the serpent bites its tail.  Shankaracharya also refutes the view of the logicians & affirms that both cause & effect existed(as all potential effects  are found in that singular infinite potential cause being that in apparent actuality of that sum thing, that causeless totality) in unmanifested formless form, substance w/out mass(impenetrable darkness w/infinite potential for light as that I am sublime experienced directly by everyone in deep sleep) prior to the creation(as prior to waking).  A positive effect of such as the tangible (actual) universe comes into (potential) existence only when there is a cause.  The pot cannot be produced in absence of clay.  The effect too, exists(as potential conception) before it is produced.  Just as a sculptor ‘sees’ or conceives the form in block of stone & then merely removes the obstruction to its manifestation, the universe existed before its creation (as Hiranyagarbha – Golden Egg -cosmic subtle counter-part analogous  to individual subtle body – sukshma sharira or dream body, our luminous counter-point experienced in dream & NDEs(near death experiences)).  In common experience we find people do not strive for things which they know to be non-existent.  In other words we must first have an idea of what it is that we are striving for, just as a potter must have an idea of the pot before he creates it from the clay.  The abstract painter may not have a specific idealized form in mind as he approaches the canvass but his mind is already informed w/ what he perceives or has perceived in his life even on a sublime bio-cognitive way.  It seems man’as mind has a default mode that kicks in when our focus is not actively engaged.  Observe how this mind ‘chatter’ lays down as we return to visual focus & focused activity & how eyes ‘freeze’ in a blank stare as it, focus, slides back into thought or default mode.

We build on a square. That 90 degrees incorporates 9, number of completion w/0, completion w/infinite potential to begin.  Our manufactured world is filled w/squares & rectangles which cannot be found in nature.  Thus nature is the thesis, square antithesis & synthesis a forgery, an artifice synthesized from & in nature that must in time re-turn to original nature/thesis. That circle ever remains unbroken despite all squared concepts to the contrary.  It is as a carpenter that I am finding the framing of a house quite analogous to a cage.  We moderns cage & box ourselves in it seems in order to reinforce the illusion of objectivity which can have no other real purpose than to bring us to a perilous square edge of sanity in order to find desperation for our natural being.  Once again we find that ‘set up’ for valuation of liberation.  Create & reinforce a problem in order to be compelled to find its solution seems to be the real name of the game.  Stone age folks may not have been so ‘dumb’ after all.  They seemed to have avoided the problem by staying off the square yet in time it apparently must arise to box us all in for critical mass e-valuation for liberation. Thus it is critical to realize reality of that singularity can & will never abide for long any actual apparent  difference between cause & effect.  The effect is mere name – word to serve(as horse pulling cart) a practical purpose in the apparent phenomenal world & never ever effects that that that I am being is a’s we are (ka)now knowing knowledge.

Carried on horse’s back at an open gallop, tearing across the wide plain is certainly one of life’s greatest experiential joys.  Or even at a slow walk, rocking along w/saddle leather creaking from shifting hooves padding earth, breezes playing across strands of mane, reigns tugging in a fist w/whole land & sky filling completely around, above & below, somehow fills all longing.

Hardly more than a single century has passed since life for so many was unimaginable w/out the horse.  They transported people, pulled wagons of goods, harnessed the plow eons before any machine ripped the air.  No animal comes closer to a union w/man, being our very legs & endowed w/a natural capacity to reproduce itself.  Even today we measure the power of our machines against the standard of horse-power.

As soon as you slip into a saddle or throw your legs over horse’s back, you instantly return to that primal primitive state of experiencing earth life at blood, gut, & sinew level that stirs passion where muscle meets bone.  You may or may not talk to your car or truck when entering but you most definitely would be so inclined w/a horse, seeing flash of eyes, hearing that huffing of breath, & feeling the shift of its weight & mass against your body.  In that mammalian sense of traveling the earth as two beings together, man called horse his just brother sister.

So where is that justice now?  Have machines brought us such denial of our own flesh & blood that we no longer need respect those left in the dust?  It seems now the margin w/all those of us on it has grown to the point where it begins to crush the privilege of being in the middle or on the top.  Of such it seems inevitable when the cart is found so often before the horse, when person-na denies being that reality of person(purushaha) of cosmic being.  When seeing is blinded by only looking, when the object of it all becomes denying its own subjective reality, the race is bound to get bottled up w/so many carts in front of horses.  Yet every man as mind has the key, is in fact the key, to turning it around simply in that agonizing way of opening the fist of mind wrapped in numerous subtle cultural layers of belief, superstition, & judgement, the worst being that which we impose on ourself.  There is a way of opening the eye before opening the mouth & letting that horse run in realization of our free freed freedom.

“You have noticed that the truth comes into this world w/two faces.  One is sad w/suffering & the other laughs, but it is the same face, laughing or weeping.  When people are already in despair, maybe the laughing face is better for them & when they are too good & are too sure of being safe, maybe the weeping face is better for them to see.”              Nicholas Black Elk

“I came to live here where I am now between Wounded Knee Creek & Grass Creek.  Others came too & we made these little gray houses of logs that you see, & they are square.  It is a bad way to live as there can be no power in a square…the power of the world always works in circles, & everything tries to be round.  Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle.  The sky is round & I have heard the earth is round like a ball, & so are the stars.  The wind in its greatest power whirls.  Birds make their nests in circles…the sun comes forth & goes down again in a circle.  the moon does the same & both are round.  Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, & always come back to where they were.  The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, & so it is w/everything where power moves.”                Black Elk

There must be purpose into the square, a purpose that inevitably leads to ‘Y’.  In that letter symbol we find that singular  ‘I’ leading up to a ‘split’ into ‘V’ , or to do-ality while also retaining the ‘Vee -vow’ to re-member that very singular ‘I’ singularity on which all that ‘do-ality’ stands or is based.

“I had never told anyone all of it…my vision…& even until now nobody ever heard it all…now for the first time…I have told it to you…I have told what can be told.  It has made me very sad to do this at last, & I have lain awake at night worrying & wondering if I was doing right; for I know I have given away my power when I have given away my vision, & maybe I cannot live very long now.  But I think I have done right to save the vision in this way, even though I may die sooner because I did it; for I know the meaning of the vision is wise & beautiful & good; & you can see that I am only a pitiful old man after all.”  Black Elk

That I am giving the word freely to the world at large goes against many injunctions & in that I am ever reminded of the fate suffered by others who tried to bring the ‘fire'(knowledge) down but that I am finding the word continuing to flow precipitates my faith in the rightness of this activity & the days in any life must be numbered. It is written that even the gods had doubts about it, that knowledge, in days of yore.  Still it is that I am aware of the power of lightning to strike anywhere anytime, even in being that I am as it appears, ‘a pitiful old man after all’.   Wyly

“Of course it was not me who cured…it was the power of the outer world & the visions…made me a (w)hole through which the power could come…if…thought me, myself(as source) then the (w)hole would close up & no power would come through.”  Black Elk

Aries 24 degrees: Blown inward by the wind, the curtains of an open window take the shape of a cornucopia.                                                                                                                                .“The wind(pneuma/spirit) blows through the open mind-window & brings into the house(beta) of personality a promise of more than material potency.  Wind blows from a region of high pressure to one of low pressure.  As the window curtains are blown inward, the individual consciousness, represented by the house is receiving a more concentrated influx of spiritual energies, enabling this consciousness to extend the scope of its awareness & creative expression.             .This message is that inner growth demands not just an open mind but one able to provide a container for a spiritual harvest.  The cornucopian shape of the curtains suggests that the subtler translucent aspect of the mind(curtains) has acquired a plastic quality enabling it to be molded by transpersonal forces.”               Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala

“A long time ago my father told me what his father told him, that there was once a Lakota holy man, called Drinks Water, who dreamed what was to be: & this was long before the coming of the Wasichus(white man).  He dreamed that the four-legged were going back into the earth & that a strange race had woven a spider’s web all around the Lakotas.  And he said; “When this happens you shall live in square gray houses, in a barren land, & beside those square gray houses you shall starve.”  Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking.”   Black Elk

For once in a dream, as that I am stepping out into the night & saw the people filling the (northern Cali Mendocino Forest) creek valley.  They sat & stood shoulder to shoulder in every direction that I am turning my gaze & my heart was filled w/gladness & awe at their presence.  From that time on that I am walking the great forest vacant of people never feeling alone.  The eye that sees must be washed w/the blood of the heart.  As that I am watching my own children living on that creek, playing, laughing, splashing in her waters only to be swept away in time of adulthood.  Realizing oh so many others & for thousands of years have sat in the same place & watched theirs do the same, fills my world w/immense sadness & joy of being in that great sister brotherhood of man of that I am which is that illumined rapturous singular glory.  Being aware-full awareness that that I am is, is that sustaining sustenance which tempers desperate loneliness & alienation found  in denial of sole.  That is singularity of universal sister-brotherhood underlying all great spiritual visions & teachings, all branches of the Tree of Knowledge being man’as mind, heart, & soul.  In that, we may realize all apparent differences serve a purely functional value.  Realizing that I am imagining that even in hot & cold actuality of infinite potential is all that matters.

“Behold him, the being w/four legs!  I looked & saw a bay horse standing there.  “Behold me!” he said, “My life history you shall see.”….”where the sun goes down….Behold them!  Their history you shall know.”….there were 12 black horses yonder all abreast w/necklaces of bison hoofs….their manes were lightning & there was thunder in their nostrils”                                                                                                   “Behold!” …the north….there were 12 white horses all abreast.  Their manes were flowing like a blizzard wind & from their noses came a roaring & all about them white geese soared & circled.”                                                                                                        “Behold!” …..the east…12 sorrel horses w/necklaces of elk’s teeth…w/eyes that glimmered like the day-break star & manes of morning light”                                           “behold!”….the south….12 buckskins all abreast w/horns upon their heads & manes that grew like trees & grasses.”  ….Great Vision of Black Elk

When considered as that, that I am, 3-D space develops from that center centered centrality in 4 directions at 90 degree slices of the 360 degree circumferential pie as well as above & below forming an imaginary cube of space-time.  Thus the 4 directions would have 4 faces w/4 vertical edges joined to upper & lower faces w/8 horizontal edges, 4 above as 4 below.  Naturally faces & edges are imaginary as from perspective of being that center centered centrality that I am there must be only potential infinity in any & all potential direction or dimension depending on potential time involved.  For the sake of actuality we recognize movement & direction which in reality of that center centered centrality being that I am must be illusion of time it takes to appear to go anywhere.  Of such is that paradox of relativity born in potential space-time.  So just how big is this phenomenal apparent world?  It seems to be as large or small as we’ll conceive, that wheel as we’ll, for whatever purpose, whatever potential may be grasped, comprehended, or held.  Of & on that wheel, we’ll seem to keep turning till we reach the riddle of the sphinx, unfolding which we may realize that sum thing that that, that I am is.  Till we reach that sure shore we may turn again & again in that way of(wave) Hermanubis, that Hermit w/head of Jackal, Anubis red(read) w/desire of intellectuality.

“”See how your horses come dancing!”…suddenly…dancing horses…changed into animals of every kind & into all the fowls that are…these fled back into the 4 quarters of the world from whence the horses came & vanished…a heaped up cloud…changed into a teepee…a rainbow was the open door of it…Through the door I saw six old men sitting in a row… they looked older than men can ever be – old like hills & stars”            Great Vision of Black Elk

Realizing that being mere(mirror) being a’s that truly subjective reality creates allegory wherever we might observe that to be objective, to appear to disappear in time of name & form.  In that the great mystery(Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y), that sum thing appearing a’s d’na y’ll(denial), a’s that being merely(mirror’ly) being denied y now k’no no no’wing x(out)/an y y na naturally cannot be known, understood or explained(x planed/flattened out(x) asz any an y y na roll/role of complete ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive).  How far does mirage(mirror’age) desert stretch in time & space?

“I knew that these were not old men, but the Powers of the World…Power of the West…North…East…South…Sky…Earth…they shall take you to the high & lonely center of the earth”           Great Vision of Black Elk

In that Great Effulgent Being, MAHANTAM VIBHUM ATMANAM , that center centered centrality observer observing observation that I am finding another vision of the horrific world tearing great beasts of sea & land to shreds of stardust to stardust in tusked jaws a’s child to girl to woman to crone breaking broken on that wheel, that we’ll of karma like a hurricane in an eye-lash blinking. . . .one of many(ma’sszz an y) visions of that that had Wyly

“And the oldest of the old men, the Grandfathers spoke w/a kind voice …”Come right in & do not fear”…now there was a wooden cup in his hand & it was full of water & the water was the sky…he got up very tall & started running toward where the sun goes down & suddenly he was a black horse.”  Black Elk

R, re\/er, ra\/ar, ri\/ir, ro\/or, Resh, key 19 ABBC, the Sun, head & face of man’as mind in which are gathered all the distinctly human powers.  In that we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) ‘face’ the world w/any mere(mirror) an y y na tail/tale ‘released’ by mere(mirror) ‘opening mouth’ in sound ways of eve(waves) re y function of super sonic super imposition by(being y) ‘facing the muse”ic'(that i\/I am seer/stare sight seeing).  We all(wheel) turn asz too(two) project, guide, manage, control the re-action to y’all that appears//a pairs y to be w/out(x), denied as being that  I am.  On the Cube of Space key 19 is the southern face, on the right when the cube is viewed from the West, referring to the right hemisphere of the brain & the power of reason for being reason, re as on(aton/a ten), symbolized by sun, center centered centrality.

Collecting or Collective Intelligence mode of consciousness which unites all the various modes that appear before, combining & synthesizing them in a ka-new form allowing for ever ka-new realization of that person(purushaha) in actuality of person-na in d’na y’ll(denial).  Thus it is a regenerative mode as that I am is is now k’now’ing//k’urving time out(x) around y potential generative of re.  Thus we all(wheel) only need turn around asz too(two) in(being) realizing one singular that to ‘pick up’ on enlightenment. Just as 19(1+9) = a 10(aten/that I am), we all(wheel) need only turn asz too(two) ‘add on'(include) that sum thing wherever & whenever we all(wheel) in turning find ourselves as though(t) looking for some(sum) thing.

Key 19 pictures a sun w/a human face.  It re-presents the reality that the seemingly material forces of nature are modes of conscious energy essentially human, of the hue of man’as mind being that cosmic person(purushaha) w/actual potential.  The rays of the sun are alternately wavy & salient, re-presenting vibration & radiation.  Below the sun are 4 sunflowers re-presenting the four ‘worlds of Ka-ba-la’ or IHVH/Yodheyvavhey.  Yod being that indivisible singular principal principle, that, that that I am is in apparent actuality may be ignored or denied to create potential for creative creativity creation on 3 planes, states, or bodies(hey-vav-hey).  Out of that infinite potential dark causal body subtle ideas or patterns form as a subtle luminous dream body to actualize in sensory perception as determined by objectification in name, form, & function as that now gross or material cosmic body, the visible universe analogous to individual man’as mind as though(t) being separate separated separation through the life-power of prana or breath breathed breathing.  There is shown in key 19 a fifth sunflower still in bud.  The four open sunflowers turn to 2 little children shown in the foreground, hinting that all of creation turns to man’as being self aware mind for its final development, its final realization.  The fifth flower, the fifth dimension turns to the sun, demonstrating its utter dependence on that universal being, MAHANTAM VIBHUM ATMANAM, that Great Effulgent Being, Purushaha, that that that I am is even when appearing as though(t) of other being(s).  Even still, no matter what stage of evolution anyone may appear to be in, that I am is this I am reading or writing here & now, whether realizing that or denying that I am.  As anyone might say that “I am not that.  I am Joe Blow, husband of Judi Blow, etc., etc., etc.”

“Then…Grandfather of the North arose w/an herb of power…”Take this & hurry” I took & held it toward the black horse yonder.  He fattened & was happy & came prancing…again & was the first Grandfather sitting there.  The second Grandfather of the North spoke again: “Take courage younger brother.  On earth a nation you shall make live, for yours shall be the power of the white giant’s wing, the cleansing wind.”  …when he turned toward me it was a white goose wheeling….horses in the West were thunders….horses in the North were geese.”           Great Vision of Black Elk

That Fifth Kingdom, that Fifth Dimension of a “ka-new creature” as far beyond humanity as average human being is beyond animals re-presents now an inspiration & aspiration for realizing that, that that I am is.  There is no distance between, no hierarchy above & below, & no impediment beyond our own d’na, that simple twist of fate built on 4 amino acids, 4 states of that which is in actuality 3 as though(t) ignoring that singular indivisible indivisibility being that I am is all along & thus one may appear a’s too(two) being(s) of infinite potential to be able.  Abel dying to be able to appear to disappear.  In reality that apparent division, of father(Ab-el) & son(Bn/be’ng), of Divine Wisdom & Cosmic Person(re & al) analogous to Ka-nowledge of being that & ignore-ance as person-na as d’na(denial) of being that, is purely intellectual.  The individual is the indivisible for now & forever, whether you realize it or d’na(deny) it.

“Now….third Grandfather, he of where the sun shines continually, spoke.  “Take courage younger brother, for across the earth they shall take you!” …he pointed …where the daybreak star was shining & beneath the star 2 men were flying.  “From there you shall have power, from them who have awakened all the beings of the earth w/roots & legs & wings.”…then he pointed to a man who was bright red all over…color of good & plenty…red man lay down…rolled & changed into a bison…galloped toward the sorrel horses of the East, & they too turned to bison fat & many.”       Great Vision of Black Elk

Word may appear to evolve & devolve as describing various types of sensory experience as though(t) now conceived, yet no matter word content it remains utterly dependent on being seen or heard.  That is where rubber meets road, knuckle meets flesh, snake bites tail.  After all is said & written, just who sees & hears?  Whose that who sees & hears regardless or regarding of word spoken or written?  Thus who is that? is that who sees, who hears now word as though(t) of a ‘new tongue’ in being intelligible for realizing that, that that I am is.

“…now…fourth Grandfather spoke…he of the South…”Younger brother, w/the powers of the four quarters you shall walk, a relative.  Behold the living center of a nation I shall give you, and w/it many you shall save.”  …I saw …he…holding a bright red stick…alive…it sprouted at the top…sent forth branches…leaves came out…in the leaves birds began to sing…beneath…circled villages of people & every living thing w/roots,legs, & wings….”It shall stand in the center of the nations circle, a cane to walk with & a peoples heart; & by your powers you shall make it blossom.”….”Behold the earth!”…in the center bloomed the holy stick that was a tree & where it stood there crossed two roads, a red one & a black…south the red road goes…road of good…black road goes…west…to east…fearful road of troubles & of war…Then he rose very tall & started running toward the south & was an elk, & as he stood among the buckskins yonder, they too were elks.”    Great Vision of Black Elk

Key 19, the southern face on the Cube of Space, pictures two naked children beneath a sun w/human countenance.  The two children, male & female, stand holding hands in the foreground, w/their backs turned to a 5 course stone wall topped w/6 sunflowers.  The 5-course stone wall re-presents the 5 senses & conveys human adaptation to natural conditions & the whole chain of ideas of which human, that hue of man’as mind, is capable, particularly that of speech.  Thus the ‘wall’ of speech, that encloses or metaphorically & literally ‘spell(ing)-binds’ consciousness, is a manifestation of ‘stone’ or hebraic word ‘ABN’/Ehben, perfect ‘union’/singularity of Divine Wisdom/Father/Ab(Alphabeta) + One being be’ng Ben-Son.  Person-na is eve’r eve’n still indivisible Person(Purushaha) center centered centrality at the heart of all man’as mind being that, that that I am is.

The 2 children of key 19 are not quite adolescent indicating re-generation as a stage, a see’ng/scene as though(t) yet never revealing(being) full unfoldment, never revealing that seer, the one who sees.  Thus see’ng w/their backs to the wall of language symbolizes repudiation of word as ever being that (non) actual realization that that I am is.  The finger pointing to the moon never is the (non) actual actuality of moon.  The children re-present consciousness + subconsciousness.  They are shown dancing in a fairy ring suggesting perfect union(singularity) in rhythmic synchronicity of two apparent diverse modes of human, that hue of man’as mind as person-na.  Each has one foot planted firmly in the central circle just as we are ever that center centered centrality even when actually swinging around w/one hand repudiating, denying & the other open to receive.

“Now the fifth Grandfather spoke…oldest of them all…Spirit of the Sky…”My boy, I have sent for you & you have come.  My power you shall see!”  He stretched his arms & turned into an eagle hovering.  “Behold, all the wings of the air shall come to you, & they & the winds & the stars shall be like relatives.  You shall go across the earth w/my power.”       Great Vision of Black Elk

It is said “a little child shall lead them”  In those prophetic words we may find that key to wisdom being awareness before the ‘falling’ under the spell(ing) of conceptual alphabeta.  As in falling asleep to appreciate that singular singularity of consciousness that that that I am is, we need not return to childhood so much as re-consider the permanence of being that which allows memory to begin with.  If we were inherently changing moment to moment, any long term memory would likely be impossible.  That is why meditation immediately after awakening may be most effective wherein we find(realize) that continuity of continuous singularity of observer observing observation that allows man’as mind to track & index impressions over a long period of time. It also allows conceptual layers to seemingly wrap our free being into a notional id/identity which instantly re-dissolves in re-turn, that turn to re; to sleep un(one)consciousness.  Meditating on awakening allows us to ‘catch’ ourself before these mental layers re-congeal. This is also the purpose of a mantra, word of sacred Lord/sacred Word, repeated to break up that thought chain along w/keeping eyes wide open to prevent focus from ‘sliding’ back into narrative mind.  Thus the ‘child’, our pre- conceptual being ‘leads’, pre-dominates, as it naturally will, ever being that all along.

“Now sixth Grandfather was about to speak….Spirit of the Earth…I saw he was very old…as men are old…hair long & white…face…all wrinkles…eyes…deep & dim…it seemed I knew him somehow…as I stared, he slowly changed, for he was growing backwards into youth, & when he had become a boy, I knew that he was myself w/all the years that would be mine at last.  “My boy, have courage for my power shall be yours, & you shall need it, for your nation on the earth shall have great troubles. Come.”….He rose…through the rainbow door…I followed…riding on the bay horse who had…led me to that place”  Black Elk

“Verily, the sun who shines yonder is the Horse sacrifice.  His body is the year.”           Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (Bri. Up)  [I. ii. 7]

The ancient way of(wave) seeing the world at large is as subjective & therefore ever allegorical to that being that that that I am is.  In other words, there is no one else here & ka now than that.  Sun, moon, planets, stars live in that being, as that being.  If we try to see the world at large as wholly objective by ignoring or denying that I am, we only fool ourself for a time, for even in that objective conception, that, that I am ever remains center centered centrality observer observing observation w/apparent power to ignore that being so as to potentially conceive conception in time to write a paper, publish a book, & cash a check, all in the artificial name of a notional identity of such as that appearing in time for dinner only to disappear in time for a funeral, nun(death) of which has any effect whatsoever on being that that that I am is.  Doesn’t mean we can’t try but it may help to ask why we are doing all that in the first place.  Why?

“….His (Sun) body is the year.”  The year is called the sun’s body because it is made by the sun.

“This earthly fire is the arka (sacrificial fire) whose limbs are these worlds.  So these two, fire & sun are the arka & the Horse-sacrifice.  These two, again become the same god (go(ing as) d(o-ality)), Death (Nun/noon/Prima Materia).  He who knows this conquers further death; death becomes his being; & he becomes (realizes) one (singularity) w/these deities.”   Bri Up [I. ii. 7]

There was before (potential space-time) one deity (singularity) who later(in potential space-time) differentiated(as though(t) through potential power of ignore-ance/denial/d’na) in 3 ways(3 states or bodies or models of potential actuality – deep sleep/causal + dream/subtle + waking/gross).  After ceremony of Horse-sacrifice is over, he again becomes one deity, Death (Nun/Noon, undifferentiated causal Prima Materia, dark matter/energy potential in that consciousness awareness that that that I am is).  Analogous to that same way we, after the daily ceremony of sacrifice is over, become one deity, that singular singularity being that I am is all along.  That is to say, he who knows / realizes that I am is Death, is that singularity of being attainable through horse & fire.  Thus the sacrificer should meditate on fire as Hiranyagarbha, golden egg / zero-full fullness of infinite potential before manifestation of namarupa / name & form.  The universe existed as that Golden Zero just as bracelet, prior to its casting as well as during & after, exists as gold.

“…bay horse stopped…faced the black horses of the west…voice said; “They have given you the cup of water to make green the living day & also the bow & arrow to destroy.” …bay neighed…12 black horses came & stood behind me four abreast. …bay faced the sorrels of the east…I saw they had morning stars upon their foreheads…very bright…voice said; “They have given you the sacred pipe & power that is peace, & the good red day.” …bay neighed…12 sorrels stood behind me, four abreast.  …now…buckskins of the south…voice said; “They have given you the sacred stick & your nation’s hoop & the yellow day; & in the center of the hoop you shall set the stick & make it grow into a shielding tree, & bloom.” …bay neighed …12 buckskins came…stood behind me, four abreast…riders on all the horses…behind me…voice said; “Now you shall walk the black road w/these & as you walk, all the nations that have roots or legs or wings shall fear you.”         Great Vision of Black Elk

In the Great Mythos, the Cosmic Mithya, the Grand D’NA /Denial of the Universe, the verse of Uni / Singularity of that, that that I am is, there are 2 classes of Prajapati’s (World Sole Soul) sons: gods(devas) & demons(asuras).  Naturally gods are few & demons many.  They struggle for mastery & demons, being many, too often seem to win.  Thus the gods thought “let us overcome at the (horse)sacrifice by means of Udgitha, by identifying w/the chanter(seer)”

By word ‘sons’ is meant organs of speech, hearing, etc.,  They signify both gods & demons.

“When the organs think & act according to scriptural injunctions to gain spiritual ends, they are called gods.  But these very organs become demons when their actions & thoughts are guided only by sense perception & inference & are directed to secular ends.”     Shankaracharya

Naturally organs are inclined toward sense objects rather than that reality behind the eyes & ears which is elucidated in scripture.  The inclination to realize that comes only after the demons have had their day, after we have completely exhausted & wasted ourselves in the sensual life.  We are fortunate in military/techno modern world of drugs, sex, & rock ‘n roll to have had ample opportunity to ‘get wasted’ & thus come to that true value for realizing that.  In that now we have golden opportunity to win the wor(l)d of reality as we seem to have nearly exhausted need for pleasure while still living.  The cost of achieving this is near annihilation & the demons always seem to win yet here we are still.  When the demons win & unrighteousness prevails, the result is man’as mind’s degradation into assuming bodies as low as the motionless ones of trees & stones.  That so many have attained the human body may mean true liberation is at hand, the open hand of Y/Yod / you / that I am is no longer denied as that simple twist of fate & necessity.  Certainly there is no real barrier other than that.

In the beginning(middle & end) is the WORD that that that I am is was & always will be eve’n though appearing to object-ify to that singularity as in d’na(denial)  w/out, actually appearing to divide w/in the individual indivisiblity yet never in reality accomplishing that.  Recognizing that we attain, being that we already are, that sole World Soul.

“When the gods triumph, there is a preponderance of virtue, & the result is man’as mind’s upward evolution, [that great leap to the stars in a stardust revolution] he can even attain the status of Prajapati – World Soul.” Shankaracharya

“I started riding…east down the fearful road…behind…came…horsebacks four abreast…the blacks, the whites, the sorrels, & the buckskins…far away above the fearful road…daybreak star…rising very dim. …below me…earth was silent in a sick green light…hills look up afraid…grasses on the hills…animals…everywhere…were…cries of frightened birds & sounds of fleeing wings…when I looked behind…12 black horses reared & plunged & thundered…their manes & tails…whirling hail…their nostrils snorting lightning…I looked…again I saw…slant hail falling & long sharp rain…trees bowed low…hills were dim.”       Great Vision of Black Elk

Horse-sacrifice w/meditation for attainment or discernment of Death / Nun / Noon, that infinite darkness potential of causal body, continues.

“They(offspring of Prajapati, the sons/suns) said to organ of speech “Chant[Udghita-part of Same-Veda chanted at Horse-sacrifice] for us.”                     “So be it,” said speech for whatever enjoyment common to all comes from organ of speech…fine utterance [of the word] it (Prajapati / World Soul) utilized for (realization of) itself”

Organ of speech or spoken word refers to that as deity / spirit / breath breathed breathing which controls & regulates that organ, in effect identifying w/it.  The organ of speech is inert w/out guidance or animation by the breath, the vital life force, prana, sum thing of oxygen etc., the spirit of noon, that d’na of Atman being that eve’r nonattached witness / seer.

It, that d’na, that denial, that ignore-ance “prompts one to speak, even against one’s wishes, what is inelegant, dreadful, false, & so on.  That it (ignore-ance as cause) still persists in the vocal organs of people, who have all descended from (that) Prajapati(World Soul) is inferred from the effect of improper speaking” Shankaracharya

In that I am saying give you/yod a chance.