Once upon a time, we feared sailing off the edge of our familiar known world, the flat earth.  Now we consider traveling to the edge of the universe.  Will we then conceivably find & fall off that edge?  Do we think there is or we have enough time to find out?  If the universe curves like our planet & we move in a continuous ‘straight’ course we must inevitably return to the back of our own head, just as Christopher Columbus, had he completely circumnavigated the globe would have returned to the very place from which he embarked.  He might have then saved himself a great deal of time & $$$ by merely taking a step back.  It is of such spirit that I am proposing a journey to the edge of space-time, if the universe is flat or a journey to the b(l)ack of our own head should our universe prove to be curved. Curved by having enough G’ee’s us being included.

Columbus took off for the new world w/three ships.  For our journey there consider here three states of consciousness.  For a journey across the vast stretches of space-time that I am finding in our cosmos, we all must turn into one state-ship w/out either & that is the universal causal body-state of un(o)(one)consciousness, the Ananda-maya Kosha, the bliss sheath of deep sleep being asz z  z’leep black into one indivisible invisibility of any individual un(o)consciousness.  Being still that indivisible in’visibility actuality, we all(wheel) do not have to turn into ‘falling asleep-fall asz z  z’leep”, into one uno-consciousness though that is always an option & certainly a model of awareness necessary for our journey.  In a sense now we all in turning around k’now’ing it are putting on this sheath like a pair of sunglasses to see the world at large indivisible in’visibility of any individual through the singular lens of a being c’eeing still in that indivisible in’visibility awareness, that that I am is is.  On falling as’z  z  z’leep from that (ka)now(ing) (ka)now(ledge) that we all turn to black still w/intent as t’wo twis’ting now around k’now’in’g’ee’s us by weight waiting in formation begin spinning out of where we all(wheel) turn in word out of that black’g’round & around & around playing supersonic rolls or roles of complete d”ark’ness.  Thus beginning h’our journey by ending as though’tsz intent projecting appearing to disappearing. Y’all for sake of a being still in the first place now time appearing in a wily while by g’ee’s us going on this journey. A gee’s us journey w/weight of waiting to ending of time beginning ending being indivisible in though’tsz as’word slicing being open into one now k’now’ing any beginning by them in word endings. Them. The m or y memory. Bi polarity offering any potential electrical synapse signaling that journey must begin across two endings. Between must be twin. Silently supersonically along for the ride. The playing out of any role or roll or k’urve of complete d”ark’ness.

K, Kaph, key 10(A ten) in ABBC, 3-D alphabeta binary code, means primarily ‘a curve’ pictured as the Wheel(we all) of Fortune.  K/ka/kaph is a letter w/a double pronunciation & thus is written in 2 forms from 2 hieroglyphs.  One of these hieroglyphs of kaph is the ‘shepard’s crook’, the scepter Kheka of Pharaoh which w/the flail as seen on the golden lid of Tutakhenamun’s sarcophagus, re-presents the two kingdoms of upper & lower Egypt as well as the two astrological ages of Taurus the bull & Aries the ram.  The New Kingdom Pharaohs of the Age of Aries became known as the ‘shepherd kings’ which were morphed by biblical scribes in captivity in Babylon, a thousand years later, into the Mesopotamian shepherds of Abraham & Issac.  The scribes did this to placate their captors who hated & reviled all things Egyptian.  As so often happens, history was rewritten by or for the sake of the victorious.  Kaph also takes the hieroglyph of 2 arms stretched toward heaven w/a-ten fingers.  In their cursive hebraic form, like all Hebrew letters, both have an upward pointing sweep resembling the uraeus, the sacred asp of the pharaoh.  The crook appears as pharaoh’s headband w/elongated tail & upward sweeping arms are turned on their side re-presenting a possessive pronoun in second person singular; re thy name, thy light, thy son. Th’e y.

As key 10(A ten) in ABBC, the Wheel of Fortune takes the western face of the 3-D house of cards, the place of sunset symbolizing the completion of the day, the closing of the circle, as the open hand now closed in grabbing opportunity for land & wealth, success,& accomplishment.  “Westward the course of empire takes its way”.  In the western ethos, a person’s success is measured in material wealth, symbolized by opportunity as the Wheel of Fortune.  In the East, a man’s wealth is reckoned more in terms of understanding the laws of mental causality symbolized by key 3, the Empress, the sacred womb or door to perception, the do’or to do’er-ship.

Wheel or we’ll carries the idea of things coming around & going around connected w/fortune, fate, chance, destiny, necessity, & probability.  Thus rotation of circumstance may seem random & accidental but in actuality brings being in g’ee’s us the weight of waiting & takes being  in turning out in ee’s motion away from us, if not in being what we think we want, still in being exactly what we need.  As a wheel(we all) turns on a motionless center, it would seem that what we all in turning need most is to realize that, that center centered centrality of a being in the first place still  that pi’vot constant constantly computing(ccc} point of view, of you, of y(a y intent of appearing disappearing still a being in the first place , that awareness that, that I am is is.  When you/yod realize that then you/yod realize y’all passing & periodical circumferential activity is design designed designing as the Great Work to’ward in word valuing ‘finding’/realizing that, still pi’vot point of view, of you, of y the re-al in the re-la-tive, re; the black in the back’, the source of all actual causality.  All that, being n’eve’r eve’r(sacred womb/door/do’or-ship) other than that, that I am reading this right now.

Thus the journey ends eve’na at an edge, where it begins, in the beginning, middle, & end of time/t(hat) i(I) me\/em/that I am reading this or ignoring it.