In that our modern Greco-Roman alphabeta concludes w/these letters means their importance corresponds in that ever unbroken circle of life w/ending as beginning.  Thus XYZ is the ABC as seen in the end, the n’d’ng, the noon do’ng, the Prima Materia appearing as though(t) appearance to disappear as though(t) disappearance a’s that X Y Z of A’ten(tion/t(at) I on\/am ka now a’s though(t)) B’ng C’ng.

X is the only letter ‘x’clusive of the original 22 letter ABBC of Hieroglyphic-Hebraic source.  X originates in ancient western Greek alphabets of Chalcis, Boeotia, & Elis later adopted as Roman numeral ten(a ten) & later still as symbol for Christ or the unknown(un-manifest) sacred Kristos, Krish’na, black (w)hole holiness of that awareness that that I am is is in actuality of causal body causality ignore-ance, y’ll D’NA / denial, we all in turn ex(x)perience directly & periodically as un(o)(one)consciousness, deep sleep, that blissful cosmic LOVE SUPREME.

That X precedes Y is a quest(tion/t(at) I on\/am) of Y we need X or ask that ‘?’.  That X Y, ask Y leads to Z, zayin or sword, es word, key 6 in ABBC.  Zee es’ word divides, separates in word a’s though(tsz) objectifying that subject, that I am is is, as though(tsz) name, form, & function.  A key to key 6 is the sense of smell, the most direct contact between the brain & ex(x)ternal elements, molecules of which act as neurotransmitters directly contacting cerebral neurons through nasal ganglia.  Thus a phrase ‘smell out’ or ‘there is something fishy’ indicates approach to truth.  This suggests a working together of subconscious power of creative imagination & self-conscious power of acute discrimination.  Thus that power of duality(do-ality), that sword(es-word) may divide or unite as in duality, twins(twines of d’na) may be hard to tell apart.  That sword, that es word ‘cuts both ways’, may tell of that, of being that, or may lead away, a way, as though(tsz) describing the world of consciousness of that subject that, that I am is is, as though(tsz) appearing objectively. In that is Y we  X/ask Y Z/zayin, Y’z ay in, why’z ay in, wise (that) I am A B’ng C’ng in the first place?

Z, zayin, key 6 of ABBC, the Lovers expresses that divine re as al or el.  That is el of love.  As of(ove) el we are that which goads or guides manifestation, that fest/feast of man’as mind, that sum thing w/in cosmic life power, that inward urge, that in word capacity, karta-karma, actor-action of actuality, apparent do’or-ship of duality(do-ality) of a re’y, that a re’y-alization of that abstract causeless first principal principle a re;y’all that that awareness that I am is is in infinite potential to be, to appear to disappear.  In that LOVE SUPREME, that actuality of sublime sacred Krist / Krish-na, that y’ll d’na-thing ( d’na/denial of now black’g’round k’no no no’wing that) black (w)hole (singular singularity) blackness causal body of infinite potential causality, we all may turn a’s two appear to love, to hate, to join, to separate for whatever purpose may float our boat, our Ka-new be’ng of ka-now’ng w/that vital breath breathed as ro…ro….ro’el’ing in a meaning full sound & fury signifying y’ll d’na thing.

In that ‘élan vital’ there is the Great Sole Soul su’person’ic singing singular singularity as cosmic power full el of(ove) eve’re’y body seeking unobstructed smooth sailing, singing a song, ex(x)-pressing that y as’ex-a’sk(ing) y-why z-zayin, that whize(dom) (that) I am beyond & behind the narrative of child, adult, & old one.  It seems that inward, that in word urge is rising from the un(one)conscious sea see’ng as-ka’ng now to be see’ng eve’n when as though(tsz) appearing to disappear.

At heart of any narrative(na-ra-t(at) I’ve) is narrater, just as at heart of any scene is see’ng seer, wherever, whenever, why ever observer observing observation, asleep, in dream, or waking, is from that center centered centrality of such as that that I am is is.  That, it seems, is unavoidable eve’n when thinking otherwise.

Body mass is 65% oxygen which may be denied in accumulating excess sugars, fats, & proteins.  Eve’n still, the vital force for life is breath breathed breathing which is a sum thing greater than chemical constituents of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, etc..  That sum thing, that awareness that that I am is is offers opportunity ‘a’ to be & a’s though(tsz) a’s too/two be(‘ngs) aware of that.  In other words, if we all turned into one being purely constituted of elemental chemicals, how or why would we all in turn(ing) know that?

Key to X/ask(ing) Y Zayin, being that intersection center centered centrality point of space(less)-time(less), that cross(ing) between(be’ng that twine of d’na) of above-below, of heaven-earth, of macro-microcosm, the ka of now(ing) is that & that cannot be found as it may never be lost, only denied, only y’ll d’na, as d’na-thing is eve’r(e)’y body that sum thing all along.