& that guard guard’n guardian of Aten, A ten, a singular zero, a’s goal (go’ng al(l)) of science\/psy’ence\/peh esse’nce. That search[ < OF cercher < L circare to go round, explore < circus ring ] of peh esse'(pussy)’nce \/ brahma-yonim, of that source of material(manifest) reality as though(t) possible [ < OF < L possibilis < posse(peh esse / pussy) to be able < potis able + esse to be ] or potential of law’s (el-that urge a’s w-double vow ‘s(esse)—that sacred promise doubled up to realize that, that that I am is) of w(h)orl-d((o)ing) is sum thing a’s though(t) of na thing, as though(t) of d’na(denial of that) thing. Thus understanding that world of potential & apparent actuality, of that un-manifest & manifest 3-ring circus of deep sleep, dream, & waking inferior(transitive) reality is complete completion in realizing the guard guard’n guardian, the permanence in the midst of impermanence, in that center centered centrality, the person(purushaha) of person-na or na, d’na, denying that. Either way(wave), re \/ reality re-mains whether we realize it or na, or d’na, deny it. That is always, in all waves, our free choice & that is sum thing wonderful, to wonder & wander about.
In that Guard’n of Guardian Aten\/Adam\/Atom as though(t) of Eve’re(e-wave’re) thing possible, able to be, Abel to Cain(i\/I can) do, we may find objection to truth of singularity in non or na(d’na\/denial)of subject that I am a’s non(d’na)-subjective truth a’s the only way(L-mode) that counts, that lists, that itemizes, that names that sum thing in a’s though(t) of various ways(waves) appearing all around that guard guard’n guardian. In that objective sense we seem to leave the Guard’n, to fall under the spell(ing) of named id(identity) & information & slay our silent brother Abel to be as though(t) abel\/able now as Cain, i\/I can do & in that do-ality we seem to be attempting temptation, a’s though(t) doing that sum thing a’s evil, a’s though(t) y fel, you/yod/that I am guard guard’n guardian actually fell into transience of objectivity. That is why we have law, a double vow of el, a doubling of that sacred promise of el, ove el\/el ove \/love –LOVE SUPREME, or remembering who we are. Falling in love is in actuality remembering who we really are, that LOVE SUPREME, now as though(t) projected onto & into, in two another.
Physical research of particular reality a’s though(t) of duality(do-ality) of atom(aten) & e-wave(particle physics) has progressed due to acceding dominance to theoretical id(identity). That id has developed in the collective man’as mind a’s an intellectual edifice of quantum mechanics & general relativity. Philosophically, relativity a’s though(t) re-duces existence to only an object or objective of, or in relationship of uncertainty to thinking man’as mind. That Law(s) of Man(u) is double vow of re-mind(ing) us that we are, even in operational & practical actuality, re-ality of that, that that I am is, a singular singularity indivisible individual person(purushaha).
That apparent reduction of man’as mind, being purely intellectual may be ‘liberated’ in that proverbial ‘blink of eye’ in realizing realization in any situation. Our brain(bra(hm)in\/reality) functions in apparent dual(do-ality) L & R modes. R-mode, the predominant visual mode(sacred feminine) continues a’s that eve’n though(t) a’s too(two) appearing to accede dominance to L-mode(male patriarchy). We a’s eve’r(e) still see, then we think. WE SEE, THEN WE THINK. We see in singularity then think as though(t) in duality(do-ality) of subject object a’s name-formed id(identity) under the spell(ing) of alphabeta.
R-mode eve’r(e) re-mains naturally predominant over sub-dominant L-mode eve’n when ‘thinking otherwise’. In fact, any apparent ‘shift’ from R-mode visual seer see’ng subject that I am is, to L-mode thinker thinking, objecting, objectifying, is purely an intellectual exercise that over time we have learned to accept a’s reality. Reality a’s eve’r(e) remains as that artificial id(identity) is still based on/in art/being that I am we continue to refer to as first person, eve’n under the spell(ing) of name form, re; “that I am Joe or Judi Blow”. Time(that I am) is (ka) now at hand wherein we may (r)eject that out-dated precept & see for ourself that that, that I am is real & really reality. The prejudice against R sacred feminine visual singular modality reflected in the ‘cross’ over(left-brain hemisphere controls right side of the body & vice versa) wherein right handed patriarchal male dominance of politics & science, being asked & reassured of its continuing pivotal role, will naturally accede power in that ‘blink of eye’, to singular conscious awareness of that, that that I am is anyway(wave) & always(waves). Pay attention & you may catch the palpable sigh(psy) as the great ka’smic way of(wave) see’ng(realizing) washes over the pale assumed notional id(identity), relieving it of a weight(waiting) it\/id is na\/d’na designed to carry as, “I’d rather be free!”, at any time & of any time as that sum thing that I am is.
In that wholistic all-inclusive singular singularity that that that I am is, we realize a Ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness a\/A ‘leap’ forward, for word has come of our indivisible individuality a’s that 1st person(purushaha), that MAHANTAM VIBHUM ATMANAM, that Great Effulgent Being that we are & cannot but be & that ain’t all bad but pretty dang good. Welcome home.
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