“There is no doubt, the veracious one (in potential apparent functional actuality of that that I am is is), in that (that) bold & final sense, as belief(being lies in that f\/vow to remember that, that that I am is) in science (psy- peh esse y(pussy) – ance, power toward(to word) utter(ing) issues of life issuing a’s though(tsz) forma’sszz way of eve(wave) re y reality, a’s y x ka’ng out(x) y now’n a’s x’eting/duplicating Y that I am) requires, affirms(realizes) therewith a world~~(A-world – zero, z’ero’s, LOVE SUPREME, that tauteth that I am a’s(A’s) though(tsz))~~ different than that (I am) of life, nature(na(d’na) t(at) u (a)re), & history(narrative/na-rating) & insofar as he(a’s that, that that I am is) affirms this (a’s though(t)) other (singular singularity) world, what ? is he not(na), by just this(justice) led to its counterpart – this world (a’s though(tsz) objective objectified) – our world’s negation.”  …after Nietzsche, THE GAY SCIENCE

That y na thing is eve’r(ey) sum thing sum time eve’n(a) a’s d’na y’ll, a’s denial of that. Any turning around now k’no no no’wing it, denying it still it, a being cee’ng in the first place now out of it a’s positive negativity of it. It a being indivisible in’visibility of any individual.

That d’na y’ll, that denial, that ignore-ance, that y intentional disregard of y is potential causal causality, of infinite potential to appear/a pair forma’sszz z a w(h)ile~~~}}}}cunning duplicate duplicating duplicity{{{{~~~ as though(tsz) an y y na thing’k’ing.  Nietzsche was right in left, eL-mode & serves a’s bold example of where denial, da na y il’ism  is bound to lead from way of eve(wave) re y functional dementia to dysfunctional insanity.  !!!!!”’in fairness & deep compassion for Nietzsche as his insanity caused by syphilitic blood poisoning in Franco-Prussian War exposed as volunteer medic or from father infecting mother at conception.  Thus the great man suffered mightily continuing to write in a condition that can only be described as extreme suffering until going completely insane the last 11 years of his life!!!!!””

‘The’ gravity of quantum, of sub-atomic objects in relative objectivity of energy/en y erg/na y\/an y urge to that way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) being of a being, under pressure of appearing a short while the weight, the waiting on inevitable disappearing wondering of ‘how much’ is enough is over whether y we all/y wheel turn to wish to realize, eve’n(a) turning asz any role/roll of that e(iya) turn’ity, that, that that I am is is y y’all or y na y’all y’ll/d'(to perceive) na y’ll/denial.  In other word(s) the gravity/weight/wait is over realizing, apprehending, e-valuating that y asz y na, a na y(any) positive negation of such asz functional way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) ignore-ance/intentional(((w/intent of any function))) disregard of indivisibility of any a na y x individual by(being y) y x’et’ing/anding/duplicating asz thoth(tsz) forma’sszz z  z memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.  That that awareness, of that indivisible sum t(h)ing(assembly of thoth(tsz)), sum time(now) is zero Mr. re y point of view, of you/yod/y that I am, now k’no no  no’w’ing y out(x) asz super imposed super way of eve(wave) re y function merely(mirror’ly) time after time, zee ro ro ro of the go go go(a)d’o’ing where g-motion meets e-motion, a peak a tension compression at tenszion ways of eve(waves) waving ways of eve(waves) aten szion,~~}}}s k’urve activated asz z  z{{{~~y hi’ll(he’ll) in hill(hell), worker in work, karta in karma between space & time means Y & is means for Y.  That that is a beautiful thing in y’all conception of beauty a’s of such quality in any & all quantity or quantum, is a’s subject to as though(t) being object objectified objectification means mean meaning of such, beauty is in that I (am)(a y eye) of the beholder, the seer sight see’ng a’s though(tsz) seen, a’s a(A) scene, the Mr. re’y point of view, of you/y as y X ka’in’g Y that way of(wave) re y function(actuality) is, ‘the’ (d’)or y(theory) of eve’re y thing’k’ing eve’re y time. Y X’ka’ing Y is theory, ‘the’ (d’)or (wa)y of memory//mem man’as mind’or y//me or you appearing/a pairing asz too(twa two twy’s’t) x(out) at tenszion of peak way of eve(wave) re y function of quantum myriad(mirrored) mirage(mirror’age).

Thus y we all/y wheel turn to seer sight seeing.  Beauty, quality of such, is based on e-motional process, a strong surge of feeling (((((fielding that Mr. re point of view))))) marked by impulse toward(to word spell(ing)) or w/outward(word) expression & often accompanied by complex bodily reaction of such as love, hate, or joy.  In that gravity of the way of eve(wave) re y function, of mere(mirror) karma, of eL(LOVE SUPREME) of the right mode(Re-mode), any weight, any waiting is offset by e-motion/way of eve(wave)re y motion.  That is a beautiful sum thing that may na be revealed to the untrained eye, to that I (am) in d’na y’ll, in denial, in ignore-ance, in being dominated by duality, apparent do-ality of(ove) eL(love)-mode.  In that linear mode y we all/y wheel may turn asz too(two) lose sight of reality, of see’ng in favor of looking in a discrete separate manner of thinking y that I am is y’all na, is d’na y’ll, denial of that rather than a’s being that y’all along, eve’n(a) y’ll a’s though(t) in that way of(wave)re y function of mere(mirror) y being x(out) being asz ka’t’ing around.  When we all(wheel) turn to realize that, we all(wheel) may turn to find desire to move beyond the influence of quantum gravity/weight y//y wait in discerning, picking up on a true ba”lance of e-motion & g-motion in(being) continuous way of eve(wave) re y function of sheer peak compressed duplicity, of eL-mode(ove el\/el ove) & Re-mode(way of single Mr. re point of view/you/y, of seer sight see’ng in eve’re thing eve’re time) that singular Re”eL’ity.

Quantum gravity (of) not(na/d’na) y’et a theory, a ‘the’ or y a’s final demonstration of complete consistency is a’s though(t) missing.  So far asz y not(na/d’na t(at)) of any singular supporting observer observing observation is an y x is tsz available to speculative speculation of quantum gravity & only consciously realizing that, that I am eve’n a’s in offsetting{{{positive negativity}}} way of e(ve)/wave-motion will change this status.  In that way is w/ay Mr. re-source of e-motion, quantum gravity as ‘the’ or y may prove to be that y na thing is real reality a’s though(t) in mind of man’as re-minding y or the ‘the'(tauteth hey eiy(a) or hey remember that I am).

That ‘the’ or y is foundation of physics, that set-up of (e)law(el – urge urging, guide guidance guiding a double vow vowing-that sacred promise to remember that, that that I am is) in (mirage(mirror’age) potential) way of eve(wave) re y motion, mattertimespace re; divine virgin mother, & energy(en ergon/work of Great Work Working Worker) under conditions susceptible to precise or clearly determined observer observing observation in actual function y’all y’ll(w(h)ile~~~}}}}cunning daring deadly duplicitous duplicating duplicity{{{{~~~ of D’NA Y’ll(denial/deflection by mere(mirror)reflected reflection asz thoth(tsz) of observer\/seer, that I am).

Though(t) scientist of physics may favor a more prosaic posture for sake of objectivity, e-motion of Y is utterly unavoidable even in the ‘knighted realm’ of Quantum Theory.  In that reality y no or y na an y motion exists between g-motion & e-motion.  That zero Mr. re point of view, of you/yod/y is now & for-eve’er\/re y thing’k’ing a’s sum thing’king  sum time(now) y’all that matter’s eve’n in d’na y’ll, denial of that singular y a’s x ka’ng y now’n.  ‘The’ or y of quantum as though(t) object objectified objectivity remains, being of such quality of infinite infinity potential y(ka) now’n, unavoidable then a’s x(out) ka’ng now y.

An\/na y transformation of time(t(at) i\/i me\/em\/am) a’s in General Relativity The or y is purely intellectual purely intellectual PURELY INTELLECTUAL d’na a’s y an\/na y transformation must happen or eve’n be re-called now.  Y an\/na y mapping of in(being)finite duration between big bang singularity & present, done or re-called now.  Big bang happened at y no/y na\/an y finite point of time(now), or potentially n’eve’r(e y) happened at all.  The ‘Big’, Brahmin,Reality never actually bangs, only appears/a pairs asz too(two) as result of ka’s y’all(causal y) ka’s mic\/memory-intelligence-consciousness kaming backg”round y’all y’ll D’NA(Denied\/Denial or ignore-ance of a y asz y na in/of singular singularity that that Brahmin\/Reality is, was, & a’s eve’r(e) will be.

In that y we all/y wheel may turn asz too(two) attempt to combine temporal way of(wave)re y function(actuality) of mere(mirror) quantum mechanics w/relativistic transformability of matter-space-time of general relativity w/out realizing singularity of awareness that I am is is means perpetuation of fear & loathing in Las Vegas & elsewhere.   There is y na\/an y where to hide, y na\/an y where to run but when discerning that that, (h)our zero, zee ero’s(LOVE SUPREME) point-less Mr. re point of view, of you, of Y that I am, we’ll, being that wheel of fortune, find a(A) re turning y na\/an y, d’na y’ll, back inward, in word, eve’n as though(t) w/outward, w/out word.