Or Na.

Life is so short & indeterminable why waste it ignoring & endlessly distracting ourself from realizing that immortal immortality, that very awareness, that that I am is ???  It seems we do not need to die to find that.  In fact in death the opportunity diminishes rather instantaneously as we pass back into undifferentiated infinite potential consciousness which being causal in nature must perpetuate narrative in seemingly endless cycles of apparent birth, suffering, & death eve’n if only as though(t) impressions in that subtle body actual actuality counterpart to gross waking physical body of desire, action, & ignore-ance.

It’s as though we have the winning ticket to the richest lottery on the planet but keep ourselves too(as though(t) two) busy being busy to cash it in, eve’n though we ‘carry’ it w/us eve’re moment of our lives!!!.

You gotta ask why.

Or d’na/deny it.

We are on the threshold of an epic philosophical phase shift joining heaven & earth, microcosm & macrocosm w/ man as mind as though(ts) in that center centered centrality.  It seems we all hold the key.  The key being desire, desire to loosen that hold on that ‘wrap’ of  a narrative life scene, seen or thought of as person-na or na me.  Na me = narrative memory, a mental index built on learned names to apparent form.  In fact we do not actually see narrative forms but rather photons, sub-atomic particles as quanta of electromagnetic energy including light.  In the neurotransmission of such quanta, our brain w/learned na mes develops thought forms rationally indexed & associated as memory to be recalled as necessity requires.  All of this mental activity associated in maintaining facade of narrative person-na as though(t) built w/na me requires 90+% of our precious energy yet reality of all that continues to center on being that I am & that awareness, mere(mirror) observer observing observation, must eve’n(a) appearing a’s though(t) eve’r(e)thing remain formless formlessness non-attached & free freedom.  Association w/narrative is purely intellectual.  Thus our free being may be discerned as that awareness that that I am is, being that all along.  Though we develop a narrative notional id or Id/identification for sake of necessity, we continue to refer & defer to that first person, that I am as though(t) na appearing in eve’re action & thought eve’re time from first breath to last, eve’n(a) in that I am reading or writing this.  Photons must remain only potential, essentially w/out name or form or eve’n(a) function.

What is function of eve(na) ?  That High Priestess Eve is anthropomorphic form given to that primary causal un-manifest potential material materiality of such in which all form appears to disappear symbolized in ABBC letter code as C/G morphing to D as door\/do’er way of(wave) potential duality(do-ality) as though(t) emerging from virgin womb.  Actuality is in that Eve’ll(Eve will), transitory way of(wave) function functioning as though(t) eve’re thing appearing to disappear as d’na thing.  Re; Y is that way of(wave) function or Why is that way of(wave) function?  In that we may find question Y(why) is means & meaning of answer.

W/out questioning Y(why), we likely must remain as though(t) man’as mind wrapped up in the spell(ing) of na me, narrative memory.  Yet it seems we may let loose of our end(ing) of such wrap to find(realize) free being only as though(t) d’na(denied) hidden w/in.

At core of epic philosophical phase shift called Stardust Revolution is breaking of cosmic molecular barrier w/discovery of astrochemicals beginning w/H2O(3 atoms) & Ammonia(4 atoms) hidden in cosmic clouds of stardust out there in interstellar space.  Where once cosmos appeared as empty inorganic atomic primal-scape, it is now quickly evolving in our scientific point of view(of you\/yod) as organic molecular fullness filled w/the building blocks of an overall generic structure or SUM BODY analogous to that chemical & molecular carbon based HUMAN KIND!!!

In other words scientist is discovering or rediscovering that Purusha or Person, that I am, eve’n(a) as though(t) person-na, hailed in pre-historic scripture Upanishad as that cosmic(Ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness) being of that awareness that that I am is, that MAHANTAM VIBHUM ATMANAM, great effulgent being.

A’s ka’ng Y(realizing that I am is mere(mirror)observer observing observation) as (ka) new way of seeing is reward for those willing to let loose their hold on narrative wrap & apprehend our cosmic(ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness) identity.

This (as ka’ng Y) new way of seeing w/stardust eyes reveals that ‘dusty’ missing link suggesting a prebiotic universal chemistry life.  From complex carbon molecules interstellar space abounds w/building blocks of life.

Seeing as that cosmic seer, we find water one of three most abundant molecules in the universe after molecular hydrogen & near tie w/carbon monoxide.

Astronomers now find water almost eve’re (eve = d’na =primary material source of all water in universe) where they look.  Ka’s mos water is in form of very cold gas or ice yet may be found raining or snowing around new born stars as well as dying ones & swirling in vast torrents on violent shores of super massive black holes(SMBH’s), & icing over dust grains in cold dark clouds that are stellar nurseries.  Water water eve’re where.  Frozen into moon size ice balls around Saturn & Jupiter & eve’n(a) vaporized on surface of sun.

Launch of ISO-infrared space observatory in 1995 enabled discernment of the extent of water in the cosmic sea.  Astronomers found in Orion nebula star forming region, 100,000 larger than earth-sun district, the production of enough water to fill earth’s oceans 60 times per day!!! Which equals 21,000 earth’s oceans per year for thousands of years!!!  The largest & oldest gaseous ocean found in the cosmic sea spans hundreds of light years equaling 140 trillion times water in earth’s oceans.  Eve’n(a) our very own Jupiter’s moons, ie. Ganymede contains 36 times the water of earth’s oceans in solid ice.

It seems EVE is na, appearing to disappear in & as though(t) eve’re thing including that very organ of vision that facilitates seeing to begin with.  There, eve’n(a) in na thing eve’n(a) denial(d’na) of that sum thing, we may find being that, that awareness, that I am is.

Or d’na, continues our denial, our ignore-ance of all that that that I am is.  Good luck w/that.  You may need it or na, depending on you(yod) & you(yod) alone.

What one gets out of that eve’re thing may be vaguely proportionate to the sustained attention one accords it.