there are as though(t) two birds who are well related, so well related that as too being eve’r(e) where associated w/same names & cause of manifestation. That is Yod(that I am) & the individual soul w/its limited knowledge conditioned as thought which holds tendencies & impressions in the subtle(dream) body created by ignore-ance, desire, & action(karma).

Of these two who appear to hug that tree like birds, the one(individual soul), seer/knower of the tree, the felt field, clinging as though(t) to the subtle body as way of(wave) Y-function limiting auxiliary, appears to eat & enjoy fruits of action consisting of happiness & misery.  Appearing as though(t) too(two) be(ing) able(Abel) & other, that Yod who is by nature eternal, pure, wise, free, omniscient, & omnipresent may as though(t) appear to disappear as totality of eve’re d’na thing, that being non attached does not actually taste or enjoy fruits of action

A’s re; Yod, merely by its presence as that hermetic hermit, eternal witness is director of both enjoyer & enjoyed.  Yod/you, as though(t) other, merely sees seer scene, w/out enjoying or judging; for that directorship consists of mere(mirror) observer observing observation.

In that same tree, that same garden or field(felt feeled feeling) of ignore-ance, desire, & action, the individual(indivisible) soul remains as though(t) sunk or stuck in world due to near complete notional identification w/the body.  This notion carries the idea of that, that I am as ‘that I am the daughter or son of such a one or grand-daughter or grandson of that one; that I am fat; that I am having qualities or that I am devoid of qualities; that I am happy; that I am sad; that I am as though(t) thinking that apart from na me(narrative memory), that person-na, there is no other; & so as though(t), that subtle notion of that I am person-na appears to take birth, dies, & gets united w/ or separated from friends or relatives.  In all that appearing to disappear we may feel impotent w/despondency as ‘that I am good for nothing’; it all, friends, family, spouse, all appear to disappear no matter what.  In all that I am smitten w/grief, being as though(t) worried by all the troubles of the mind ignoring that fact that that I am is non-attached free freed freedom.

(Ka)Now that individual(indivisible)soul as though(t) subtle notion of being other than immortal & non-attached may constantly appear to undergo degradation of being born amongst ghosts, beasts, & man as mind until finding or discerning being that center centered centrality, never effected by or affecting to be other than that awareness that that I am is.

Yada -when being still in that same (Ka) now in which that I am seems as though(t) to suffer degradations of repeated births, growth, decay, & death, we may realize in that seer see’ng scene, Is’am, that word Lord as Yod, that awareness being that, that I am is, 

Tada – then, realizing that glory, that splendor of the mahimanam – great mind\/man’as seen as entire universe, that individual(indivisible) soul finds or as though(t) reaches the end of desire & liberation from appearing to disappear or drown in that sea of sorrow.