What is na gate-tion(negation)?

Why(Y) is na gate-tion(t(at) i\/I on\/am).  Why(Y) is na gate-tion(t(at) i\/I on\/am)?

That is y that awareness that I am is.   That is y that awareness that I am na.  That is y na awareness that I am.

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What is nature(na t(at) u (a)re) of d’na?

Which specific thing is nature of d’na?  That thing you\/yod are or that thing you\/yod are d’na?  Eve’re thing or da(that) na thing(d’na or denial of eve’re thing) = re; a na y thing.  Eve, virgin mother matter + Y that I am = re; da womb(potential) or way of(wave) y function to appear to disappear as X ka’ing Y Zayin (y’z(dom) ay\/I in\/am.  Re; da womb(potential) way of(wave) y function or da door\/do’er way of(wave) y duality\/do ality = d’na as though(t) that do-all way of(wave) y a’s too(two) function in that reverse reflected in na twist of fate.

Way of y(wave-y) d’na = y d’na gate(tion) = re’moveable barrier y that as though(t) closes & opens passage to realization of & in y that awareness that that I am is.