Eve’re human as being w/that hue & cry of man’as mind may find that greatest treasure, that gift of geist, that unique point of view, re; point of you\/yod\/that awareness that I am is or d’na, deny it as eve’n(a) while constantly expressing it .

Justice is in just as we are, we, a re; (discerning) principal principle point of view, of you, seer seeing as that scene or not as na or d’na(denial or ignore-ance of that point of view, of you), da na-tivity of eve’re thing as though(t) born in a manger.  That manger or box or cube of space-time w/actual actuality dimension of six faces as though(t) extensions of that center centered centrality point of you\/yod\/that awareness that I am is.  Re; that point of you may be denied as d’na w/given na me to create(kriya-te) or stream actual actuality of karta-karma, d’na of actor as though(t) in action.

In re-ality, re, that point of you\/yod streams as though(t) from that man’as mind in front, behind, to the right & left, above, below, & extending all around to infinity.  Thus that cube, that cue, that word sound, that signature signal to action actuality being as eve’n(a) rounded off or balled up by gravity of ignore-ance of Ka’s mic D’na remains an illusion or allusion of that center centered centrality being re; unique point of view, of you seer seeing as though(t) a scene, a na-tivity.

Still(immortal) in that stillness(immortality), we may as though(t) deny that point of you\/yod as eve’n(a) all while still expressing or streaming it, re; that same you\/yod as na me, an alias being alien or appearing to be being other than that complete completion awareness that I am is.  That alienation, that na-tion\/t(at) i\/I on\/am or notion of appearing to disappear as alias alien na me develops under the spell(ing) of alphabeta.  That spell(ing) applies micro-ka’s mic-ally & macro-ka’s mic-ally to human being mean, means, & meaning as though(t) between .  That d’na\/denial of being center centered centrality produces as though(t) extra-terrestrial alias alien nation(s) or notion(s) as well as intra-terrestrial alias alien notion eve’n(a) w/in individual being in that totality whole (w)holly awareness that that I am is.

The only real reality of alien nation, that notion of na me, narrative memory, is immutable being, first person(purusha) that that I am is.  The life, ka’s mic(memory-intelligence-consciousness) is na possessed or possessing being inclusive as eve’re thing eve’n(a) as though(t) na-thing of d’na.

Then the question might be, are we that alone?  Are we that indivisible individual person-purushaha only appearing to disappear as though(t) person-na, that person-purushaha-d’na(denied) as other being named or imaged in imagining in imag(e)-i\/I-nation, that nation or notion of i\/I magic?