In na maste or salutation, na me is sa l(a) (me m or y)’u’/you tation(t(h)at i\/I on\/am)

Na me(narrative memory) is sa (al\/la) me(that mem or y) only as though(t) discrete under spell(ing) of word based na me as though(t) reflected in man’as mind in re-verse.

Sa me is that knower knowledge of na me, that suma or sum thing of eve’re thing, that person \/ thinker(reflector reflecting) as though(t) na me in narrative or re-verse as person-na.

Sa me(ekh), key 14 of ABBC, al(la)phabeta binary code, is foundation of our house\/domus\/B’ng(key 1).  In primary sense of sight(psy’t) seeing\/C’ng\/N’d’ng, sa me = vibration or quivering a’s means in forming or reflecting that amorphous sea of photons as though(t) in re-verse/formation or na me (narrative memory).  Thus what we think of as na me is eve’n(a) in eve’re thing that sa me(sum-a) thing.  What that implies is (re)source of all that seems to limit or define as thought is sa me a’s limitless thinker/knower.

Sa me(ekh)(second letter S na included in Greco-Roman alphabeta) is pictured as Angel[ OE engel < L angelus < Gk. angelos messenger; trans. of Hebrew mal’ak (Y H V H) messenger (of Yah weh) ] seen in re-verse as Devil \/ d’Eve’ll(transience of will(y) to appear to disappear).

Sa(that) el/L/Lamed, key 11 of ABBC as verb=to teach, to instruct & as noun=A goad or sum thing now(ka no’wwwww’ng) y/urge to manifestation of Ka’s mic power.  That goad is that inward(word) drive or thought for capacity; cubic/solid space.

In other word(s) that sa me/suma/sum thing is messenger/knower/knowing/ knowledge of eve’re thing appearing as too(two in duality \/ do’ality \/ a pair’ence of opposites ) disappearing as thought(s) reflected in re-verse or na me(narrative memory).  Yah weh is Yod hey vav hey or Y that I am is.

That it takes the way of(wave) form is due to y/why Eve’re na thing seen or known as in na me is sa me as though(t) vibration of fluctuating motion, undulation(undo'(ng) (e)l ‘ation(aton i\/I (am)), pulsation, alternation reflected in man’as mind in re-verse or na me.

That in re-verse or as though(t) in y man’as mind under spell(ing) of na me is adaptation or actualization of form(al) fitting or suiting sum thing in as though(t) any(a na y) thing.

Thus in that  Y’z’dom(us), the locus of stillness(immortality) B’ng singular singularity we’ll(wheel of fortune & misfortune) as though(t) turn to reflection & deflection as too(two) being(s) in that duality(do-ality) of that that I am & that that I am na eve’n(a) while still(immortal) as k(a)’now’er k(a)’nowwwwww’ng k(a)’nowwwwwww’ledge of that as thought na me alone.

In na maste or salutation, na me is sa l(a) (me m or y)’u’/you tation(t(h)at i\/I on\/am)

Na me(narrative memory) is sa (al\/la) me(that mem or y) only as though(t) discrete under spell(ing) of word based na me as though(t) reflected in man’as mind in re-verse.

Sa me is that knower knowledge of na me, that suma or sum thing of eve’re thing, that person \/ thinker(reflector reflecting) as though(t) na me in narrative or re-verse as person-na.

Sa me(ekh), key 14 of ABBC, al(la)phabeta binary code, is foundation of our house\/domus\/B’ng(key 1).  In primary sense of sight(psy’t) seeing\/C’ng\/N’d’ng, sa me = vibration or quivering a’s means in forming or reflecting that amorphous sea of photons as though(t) in re-verse/formation or na me (narrative memory).  Thus what we think of as na me is eve’n(a) in eve’re thing that sa me(sum-a) thing.  What that implies is (re)source of all that seems to limit or define as thought is sa me a’s limitless thinker/knower.

Sa me(ekh)(second letter S na included in Greco-Roman alphabeta) is pictured as Angel[ OE engel < L angelus < Gk. angelos messenger; trans. of Hebrew mal’ak (Y H V H) messenger (of Yah weh) ] seen in re-verse as Devil \/ d’Eve’ll(transience of will(y) to appear to disappear).

Sa(that) el/L/Lamed, key 11 of ABBC as verb=to teach, to instruct & as noun=A goad or sum thing now(ka no’wwwww’ng) y/urge to manifestation of Ka’s mic power.  That goad is that inward(word) drive or thought for capacity; cubic/solid space.

In other word(s) that sa me/suma/sum thing is messenger/knower/knowing/ knowledge of eve’re thing appearing as too(two in duality \/ do’ality \/ a pair’ence of opposites ) disappearing as thought(s) reflected in re-verse or na me(narrative memory).  Yah weh is Yod hey vav hey or Y that I am is.

That it takes the way of(wave) form is due to y/why Eve’re na thing seen or known as in na me is sa me as though(t) vibration of fluctuating motion, undulation(undo'(ng) (e)l ‘ation(aton i\/I (am)), pulsation, alternation reflected in man’as mind in re-verse or na me.

That in re-verse or as though(t) in y man’as mind under spell(ing) of na me is adaptation or actualization of form(al) fitting or suiting sum thing in as though(t) any(a na y) thing.

Thus in that  Y’z’dom(us), the locus of stillness(immortality) B’ng singular singularity we’ll(wheel of fortune & misfortune) as though(t) turn to reflection & deflection as too(two) being(s) in that duality(do-ality) of that that I am & that that I am na eve’n(a) while still(immortal) as k(a)’now’er k(a)’nowwwwww’ng k(a)’nowwwwwww’ledge of that as thought na me alone.

In na maste or salutation, na me is sa l(a) (me m or y)’u’/you tation(t(h)at i\/I on\/am)

Na me(narrative memory) is sa (al\/la) me(that mem or y) only as though(t) discrete under spell(ing) of word based na me as though(t) reflected in man’as mind in re-verse.

Sa me is that knower knowledge of na me, that suma or sum thing of eve’re thing, that person \/ thinker(reflector reflecting) as though(t) na me in narrative or re-verse as person-na.

Sa me(ekh), key 14 of ABBC, al(la)phabeta binary code, is foundation of our house\/domus\/B’ng(key 1).  In primary sense of sight(psy’t) seeing\/C’ng\/N’d’ng, sa me = vibration or quivering a’s means in forming or reflecting that amorphous sea of photons as though(t) in re-verse/formation or na me (narrative memory).  Thus what we think of as na me is eve’n(a) in eve’re thing that sa me(sum-a) thing.  What that implies is (re)source of all that seems to limit or define as thought is sa me a’s limitless thinker/knower.

Sa me(ekh)(second letter S na included in Greco-Roman alphabeta) is pictured as Angel[ OE engel < L angelus < Gk. angelos messenger; trans. of Hebrew mal’ak (Y H V H) messenger (of Yah weh) ] seen in re-verse as Devil \/ d’Eve’ll(transience of will(y) to appear to disappear).

Sa(that) el/L/Lamed, key 11 of ABBC as verb=to teach, to instruct & as noun=A goad or sum thing now(ka no’wwwww’ng) y/urge to manifestation of Ka’s mic power.  That goad is that inward(word) drive or thought for capacity; cubic/solid space.

In other word(s) that sa me/suma/sum thing is messenger/knower/knowing/ knowledge of eve’re thing appearing as too(two in duality \/ do’ality \/ a pair’ence of opposites ) disappearing as thought(s) reflected in re-verse or na me(narrative memory).  Yah weh is Yod hey vav hey or Y that I am is.

That it takes the way of(wave) form is due to y/why Eve’re na thing seen or known as in na me is sa me as though(t) vibration of fluctuating motion, undulation(undo'(ng) (e)l ‘ation(aton i\/I (am)), pulsation, alternation reflected in man’as mind in re-verse or na me.

That in re-verse or as though(t) in y man’as mind under spell(ing) of na me is adaptation or actualization of form(al) fitting or suiting sum thing in as though(t) any(a na y) thing.

Thus in that  Y’z’dom(us), the locus of stillness(immortality) B’ng singular singularity we’ll(wheel of fortune & misfortune) as though(t) turn to reflection & deflection as too(two) being(s) in that duality(do-ality) of that that I am & that that I am na eve’n(a) while still(immortal) as k(a)’now’er k(a)’nowwwwww’ng k(a)’nowwwwwww’ledge of that as thought na me alone.