Devil(d’eve’ll\/y na) may(m(em) or y\/man’as mind or y(ou)) care(c’ng are).

In other word(s), seeing(c’ng) that you are (that) y(why) na devil(d’eve’ll\/da will of eve’re thing), Y'(a)z man grieves na.

Superstition [< OF < L superstitio,  -onis excessive fear of the gods, amazement, dread < superstare < super – over + stare to stand still ] a belief founded on irrational feelings, especially fear.

It seems we fear our own ignore-ance of (under)standing still(stillness being, that immortality).  How, & more importantly why(Y) do you know or gain awareness of a belief or faith in any(a na y)thing?

O, Oh(ey), o(hm(a)), key 15 of ABBC – alphabeta binary code, letter code of 22 Hieroglyphic – Hebraic – Phonetic symbols, basis for Greco-Roman alphabeta, letter O = Ayin or da Devil.  O my(mem or y) word.

“The Ayin is a guttural  sonority(resonance; carrying power) deeper than the Heh (H\/hey-key 4), originating from a deep breath.  This articulation, common to Semetic languages, is naturally found in the language of ancient Egypt in the (hieroglyphic) sign of an extended arm which Egyptologists compare(in a correspondence of sound) to the Hebrew Ayin.  (in form) The (Hebraic) letter Ayin seems to represent the god Ptah kneeling & holding the scepter Uaz, the scepter of the gods, in his hands. (scepter for ceremony of ‘opening the mouth’)                                         .     Ptah is god of creation.  He created heavens & earth by the divine word(opening the mouth)… – eve’re(any-a na y)thing is created through his commands.”         M. &  R. Sabbah

Letter O, key 15, is analogous in form to the open mouth as well as the eye(ball) & signifies the appearance to disappearance of eve(na)’re thing.  As organ of sight(psy’t), eye is primary sense & hence is taken to re-present all sensation & as that eye\/ay\/i\/I am, first person of all being(s) eve’n(a) as though(t) person-na.  Similarly any(a na y) image or idol or object may serve to re-present Devil or d’eve’ll(do’ality of eve-na will), the y-appearance to disappearance of any(a na y)thing as though(t) in formation of formless awareness in(i\/I na) any(a na y) situation [“thou shall have no(na) idols before me(m or y)”…we cannot re-image, re-cognize in re-verse of na me in that time before spell(ing) of alphabeta coalesces unless subject to revelation of over-mind(übermensch) \/Mahamanaha \/ Great mind y-man’as mind is as though(t) of Creator \/ Creation, which may in that w/in & w/out of sight(psy’t) over-ride ignore-ance & in that profound awakening promote desire to realize in that awareness, being]. Connect eye w/ brain(brahmin\/reality of Y man’as mind appears to disappear) & amorphous sea(infinite potential) of photons is neuro-transmitted to be reflected as though(t) in formation of na me(narrative memory).  All(ah \/ Creator \/ Creation), in formation is eve’n(a) in actuality, subject being, as though(t) reflected in sight(psy’t\/y man’as mind is(i\/I psy’t) appearing to disappear a’s in re-verse(up side(Magician a’s though(t) down(Eve) = Eve’ll) of eternal reality.  Thus we put the cart(eve-na(thought \/ human(hue & cry of man’as mind) consciousness) before the horse(thinker \/ will-y-magic-magician) or the seen(scene) before seer or object(that I am na)appearing to disappear before still(immortal \/ changeless) subject(that I am) or any(a na y)thing before y-sum thing.  W/that any’devil-may-care’ approach, we may lose in sight(psy’t) of why(Y) we are & think, in terms of actuality of actor appearing to do sum thing, we are na thing or (dumber than a) d(o’or)’na(b) thing.

Mirth, Y-function of cosmic(ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness) awareness usually provoked by that confusion of cart before horse & incongruity of being ‘out of place'(subject(formless) taken for being as though(t) object(form)).  In other word(s) you gotta laugh long & hard as well as crying too in that hue (man or) & cry of being Y man’as mind thinks to begin w/out knowing(realizing) Y.  O’r(e)wwwwwwwwwww\/N’d’ng(reflecting) as though(t) be(ing)ginning(gaining (to lose) in d’na of do-ality \/ actuality).

That incongruity of man’as mind in thinking(reflecting) as thought to be bound is na(na me), a laughing matter.  But whose laughing & why(Y)?  It seems that bondage or bandage of ignore-ance [similar to Fraunhofer lines of darkness that re-absorb photons of light] of that thinker is as though(t) a(A) shield(check-valve of ignore-ance) to revelation of that awareness of that guard guard’n guardian.  Thus it is only as though(t) in ignore-ance of thinker we are shielded, in that y-way of(wave-y) function of mere(mirror) observer as though(t) reflecting in re-verse of na me, from revelation of Y(Yod \/ Hermit \/ Hermetic \/ Hermitage or “old one” Guard \/ Guard’n \/ Guardian or I-Magician I-Magining I-Magic(spell(ing) of na me)) we are.

Thus we may seem ‘victims of circumstance’, ‘slave to necessity’, or ‘sport of chance’ till we realize free freed freedom of being that mere(mirror) observer reflecting any(a na y)thing & eve(na)’re thing as though(t) bound up in formation of na me(narrative memory\/y na mind[devil-may-care] under over mind of magic magician spell(ing)\/reflecting as thought that I am na thing or any(a na y)thing other than that being.