Word tradition is a doublet of treason.  A doublet, linguistically, is one of a pair of words derived from same(sa me) original but entering language from different routes.  It seems the knowledge(that a’s ‘the’ or t-tauteth + h-hey + e-eiy(a) \/ taughteth a’s ‘Hey y iota \/ i\/I o\/ayin ta\/tat or ‘Hey Y that I am?’ or ‘Hey that I am (is) Y‘ or quest for y/why that I am may be found in questioning y/why that I am) as doctrine, custom, or practice, etc., transmitted from generation to generation may be treason or breach or betrayal of that sacred vau/vow, repeated 5 times in Greco-Roman alphabeta (letters f, u, v, w, & y) to remember ‘Y/Why that I am’ is the knower of all known(the or y, belief, or faith) & is to be known(realized) as sum/suma/sa me thing of eve’re thing or any(a na y) thing.  Or in other word(s) Y is (ka) no/na  wwwwwwww’ng  as though(t) reflector of sum thing/sa me thing y circumscribed in a word a’s though(t) concept of eve’re thing.

Is status quo of relativity treason?  Is that theoretical knowing(ka no(na) wwwww’ng) belief in relativity(belief in finite y \/ in y N’nnnnn’d’ng) a breach of understanding absolute(0) singular still stillness((immortal immortality)/standing/ stare’ing w/outward(word) still)) circumstance or factor of all around being that I am is?  Is reality circumstance of understanding([< L unda wave + stare stand] as though(t) stare’ng (in) wave(way of) being circumscribed all around by reflection inward(word) a’s though(t) of y na(eve’re) thing that I am knowing/ka no(na)wwwwwwwwwww’ng in that way of(wave) y appearing to disappear in y function of na tural(t(at) u r al(l)) action?

Then the question may be why(Y).

When the world at large came to accept the scientific atomic model over many centuries we came to realize it for all creation of time & place(space).  In other word(s) that model applies to the ancient world even though that world seems ignorant of it whether it was b.c. Egypt or Greece or China & future world of many(man y) ages yet to be.  That scientific model applies to all people, man, woman, child, great or small, king or cripple, buddhas or badasses.  In that realized pre-existing & post existing scientific model where eve’re thing must be provable or na provable mode of knowing we find unity, a sum thing unity, of knower knowwwwwwwwwing as though(t) reflecting in circumspection of circumstance, that is not(na) happeninnnnnnnng or occurinnnnnnnnng of such as is realized.  That realization in knowing(ka no wwwwwwwwww’g) sum thing or any(a na y) thing instantly ‘fills’ all awareness of world or universe at small or large w/y that I am is.  In that same or sa me(that memory) way of(wave) y function a’s we are or a’s we do, realization of singularity being that I am ‘fills’ awareness eve’n(a) in d’na or denial of that, just a’s (justice) knowledge of science(or any(a na y)thing) will or na.  Thus the only barrier to picking up on that model was, is, & always will be ignore[< L ignorare to have no/na knowledge < in– not(na) + gno– stem of gnoscere to know]-ance of & in it.  It seems eve’n(a) ignore-ance is y na knowwwwwwwwww’ng all around all along infinite time-space potential.  After all, to ignore is to disregard intentionally.  Is y that intent?  Is ignore-ance merely(mirror-ly) knowing y in re verse, knowwwwwww’ng y in na me(narrative mem or y) only?

A’s universe expands is it moving back; re; into its y potential to be ginning or gaining to lose in the first place & first time?  Is that first to last forever?

Y/why na pick up on that, that awareness that I am is just as(justice) we picked up on scientific model & let it ‘fill’ as though(t) the void(a-voidance or ignore-ance) of that?  Let it being that all along just as(justice) Stardust Revolution ‘fills’ the atomic emptiness of space w/realization in fullness of organic being of genus analogous to chemical molecular based human being, ring w/in you in first person of that I am reading or writing this. Cosmic(ka’s mic).  W/that realization in hue & cry(HEY) of man’as mind or mahaman’as ka’s mic mind \/ great mind \/ over mind(übermensch) y\/you\/yod that I am we approach a philosophical phase shift a’s eve’n(a) more profound than that of Copernicus & Darwin.  Stardust Revolution as though(t) closes the gap between man’as mind & mahaman’as cosmic(ka’s mic) man’as mind being y that I am or D’NA \/ d’na(denial) of y that I am na as though(t) reflected circumstantially in re-verse in Na me of Creator \/ Creation inward(word) of duality(do-ality) & w/outward(word) of un-manifest singularity y infinite potential that I am is a’s Na body(bodhi) of blissful whole all y’ll still n’dddddddddddd’ng in wave(way of) b’eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’ng  in sa me absorbing sacred blackness of infinite causality(Love Supreme) being na(eve) fool-isin appearing(a-pairing) now/na wwwwwwwwww & then as too(two) disappearing.  That as though(t) circumstantial reflection seems to duplicate that in na me only in a duplicitous way of(wave) y illusion & delusion of actual division w/out now(na wwwww’ng/ka no’wwwwww’ng) y.  That seer see’ng as though(t) scene as too(two) actually acting thus promotes a pair(ence) of opposites as life & death just as(justice) turning planet creating light & shadow promotes a pair(ence) of day & night eve’n(a) in singular sun shining.  In same(sa me) way of(wave) y function singular brain(bra(hm)in\/reality) in hemispheric formation promotes a pair(ent) division of right & left cognitive modes of being sa me & being na me as thought reflecting singular sum(sa me) thing in eve(na me)’re thing, me(m or y) being common denominator(da name in at(om) or (e-wave)).

We are as though(t) separate from mahaman’as cosmic (over) mind in name only.

A’s always it is up to you(Y you are) & you being alone as though(t) reflected & deflected circumstantially in re-verse of that uni-verse as any(a na y) name \/ na me \/ narrative memory.

Remember scientific(psy-entific) model is theory, speculative plan, or scheme existing as though(t) reflected circumstantially in re-verse of Y(yod/you knowing/ka no’wwwwwww’g ignore-ance as power of infinite potential) in mahaman’as cosmic over mind.   Y/you as conjectural or speculative point of view(you) of that sum thing in way of(wave) y function is mere(mirror) observer as though(t) circumstantial reflection arranged & systematized in form of hypotheses & general laws of great cosmic mind \/ over mind \/ übermensch of Creator \/ Creation actuality subject to verification as y(why) that I am in that sacred vau \/ vow to remember sa me eve’n(a) in na me now(ka’no’wwwwwww’ng).

That is liberation in realizing still(immortal) nature of y k’nowwwwwwwww’ng now while living & acting as though(t) y na(any) thing goes on all knowing/ka’no’wwwwwww’ng around.