
Referring to the archetype of letter A in Hieroglyphic form, we may find revelation of 3,000+ year old secret hidden in Y(why) we see, Y(why) we know \/ ka no w \/ ka na wwwww’ng to begin as though(t) two be(ing)ginnnnnn’ng or be(ing) gaining(to lose) or be(ing) going to appear to disappear or to be(ing) existing to exit in that way of(wave) y function(specific, na-tural, or proper action) as mere(mirror) observer shin’ning in as though(t) reflecting inward(in word) toward(to word) & eve’n(a) w/outward(w/out word) \/ (sa me \/ sum-a me(m or y) a’s though(t) in na me(narrative memory) only.

The Hieroglyph or prototype for A consists of 3 elements + fourth figurative symbol re; circle w/central point/dot a/da ta expressing as though(t) of abstract principal principle of singular sum-a(sa me) thing.

A’s 3 elements; reed/y + half loaf/t + wavy line/n((o)www’ng)/way of y na(infinite potential) = A a’s ytn \/ atn \/ aten or y t(h)at na.  T(h)at (is) y na or Y (is) na t(h)at or Y (is) t(h)at na?

In other word(s) A archetype of y man’as mind is, is a(t)ten-tion\/aten that I am a’s the or y of any(a na y)thing as though(t) eve’re thing.

Y/you/yod is/are/a re; that I am.  Y/you/yod is/are/a re; that I am y na’w/no’wwww’ng (potential)na.  Thus in actuality of duality(do-ality) y that I am meets the criterion of science in being able to be negated, eve’n(a) if only a’s though(t), in a positive negative(na gate way of being a’s though(t) na) way of(wave) y function as mere(mirror) knowing/k(a) no\/na’wwwwwww’ng /reflecting/ deflecting/resisting/denying y that I am now(na wwwwwww’ng(as though(t) streaming) na a’s potential w/intent, as too(two) being(s) in opposition/disregard of y that I am.  Thus all knowing in that way of(wave) y function is mere(mirror) k(a) na wwwwwwww’ng in as though(t) reflecting reflection in circumstance of y that I am na(t)(A thing a’s though(t) thing’k(a)’ing that I am circled/surrounded by any(a na y)thing eve’n(a) all while(y’ll) standing/staring still) .  In a’s ka’ing y, a’s knowing/ka na’wwwww’ng y we are a’s though(t) streaming na(t) me, na(t) me, na(t) me(m or y).  Y knowing na is as though(t) na knowing y or putting cart(karta/actor) before horse(karma/action).  Y imagining na is in appearance(a pair-ence) na imagining y.

A’s cosmic(ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness) energy y pervades all life a’s breath(b’ing re at h(ey)) in fiery or scintillating intelligence in a’s ka’ing y or ka’nowwwww’ng y that I am appearing to disappear in that actuality(potential causality) of y na or y a’s though(t) (ka) na’wwwww’ng/reflecting/streaming any(a na y)thing or sa me(that  me m(em) or y)/su me/suma) thing a’s though(t) eve’re thing.  A’s k(a)’ng y is sa me (a’s) k(a) no’wwwwwwww’ng y.  The question y is the(t-tauteth h-hey(you) e-eiya/energy iota(ayin ta(t) i\/I \/ I t(h)at ay in) y) y quest i\/I on\/am.  Scintillating intelligence is that a’s [< L scintilla spark]  sparking or inherent directing of consciousness in y na function of circumstantial actuality eve’n(a) as any(a na y) thing appearing/a pair’ing as too(two) being(s) eve’n(a) though(t) merely reflecting in re verse in way of(wave) y literally being under spell(ing) of na me.

Thus any(a na y) information in reality is awareness that I am as though(t) standing/staring still at center centered centrality now(ka no wwwwww’ng/re-flecting(N light n’ing [N light is infinite potential light]) I-magic I-magination of I-magician into potential appearance/a-pair’ence as too(two) disappearance(dis a-pair’ence) of indivisible sa me as (ka) no’wwwwww’ng na me under spell(ing) of alphabeta.