To live the Y/why life is to test the hypotheses of ‘Y/why is that I am’ or ‘Y/why is that I am na?’ in a real visceral ‘gut’ way of(wave) y functioning in time(t(at) i\/I me\/em\/am) & body(bodhi-sa t(at) (a’s)twa(two) \/ t(h)at sa me (a’s na me) in mere(mirror) witness/hermetic{{{HERMES}}} still freestanding stare (tsz) y x’s tense witnessing now k’now’ing/a kurve’ing time as though(tsz) reflection reflecting(ka no wwwwwww’ng as though(tsz)(Thoth(t)at)-great go(a)d of y art, science(psy’ence), & letters manifesting as power of idea of y man’as mind is – letters being devanagari -city(domus)/locus/A B’ng C’ng(scene) of the gods/goad(sa)) of that sa me/suma thing’k’ing/a kurve’ing/ occurring(running around against time/now)a’s other(na(t) sa me) under(unda/wave(way of) spell(ing) of na me in a’s k(a)’ng y no wwwwwwww’ng(reflecting as thought \ as though(t) drawing on stream(na) of idea) in infinite potential sea(ing)of y na, rivers(re verse of na me) streaming as though(t) w/eve’re thing, flowing backwards(words), re; to invisibility of being that sea(ng) all along.  In other(na sa me) word(s) asking y(why)  or y na(not) is the question(quest ion \/ i\/I on\/am) of that y(why) life.  In order to find the answer it seems we must realize asking(as k(a)’ng or observing observation) y/why is eve’re d’na/da y function in way of eve(wave) re y reflected as though(t) born(na sci(ence)) or na psy(ence)/psyyyyyyyyy’ng) or brought forth into/in two being(s) appearing(a-pairing) to disappear(dis a’pairing) or too/two B’ng ‘ginning’/gaining to lose in that A- fool ‘ishness a’s tho(ugh)th(e) Do’or way of eve(wave) re y do-ality/duality of opposition, resistance, or ignore-ance of sa me reflected(re; turned back in way of eve(wave) re y function) in as mean’ing/me(m or y) a  na na na na’nnnnn’ng  be(ing)tween\/twin\/twine\/twist of light, heat, or sound\/triple analogy in way of eve(wave) re y in formation, w/way of eve(wave) re y sound, w/way of eve(wave) re y meaning(me-m-or-y a’s ka n’a wwwwww’ng) as na me of hue & cry of y man’as mind is.

Thus the y life is to desist resistance of understanding(under or re; unda/wave(way of) + standing/staring/observing still(immortal)) na as eve’n(a) sa me all while(y’ll) knowing(ka na wwwwww’ng) or knowing(ka no’wwww’ng) ignore-ance/denial of y that I am.  In that ignore-ance is way of eve(wave) re y(fool-ishness to be(ing) gin\/gain to loss) function y in mere(mirror) observer as tho-ugh(th tsz) reflecting seeing in thinking ‘that I am knowing na(not)’.  In that(sa memory) we realize seeing predominates thinking, SEEING PREDOMINATES THINKING.  Seeing is singular singularity of sum thing being before(during & after) all while(y’ll) reflecting as though(t) too(two) duplicating being(s(a)) of sa me as in na me(narrative memory) only.  We see’m(e) as too(two) inhabit body(bodhi/knowing/perception) long before spell(ing) of inward(word) y reflection coalesces & persists into re-verse as re-cognition & assumption of sa me still(immortal) as though(t) na me(mortal notional me(m or y), sub-dominate mode of cognition, thinking that I am in name alone all while(y’ll) continue being predominately sa me(that memory of first person that I am in first place of B’ng that locus now/no’wwwwwww’ng in a sense(essence) speaking per sonically in that sound way(wave)).  In reality predominance of sa me still(immortal) continues as first person that that I am is & we continue to refer & defer to it as eve’n(a) still(immortal) while(y’ll) in all knowing/ka no’wwwwwwwwwww’ng think “that I am thinking or existing otherwise”, whether we realize it or as though(t) d’na/deny it in a’s “that I am in na me(denial of me(m or y)/vow el to remember y that I am) alone”.

Thus y life is visceral way of(wave) y body(bodhi/knowing) bio cognition of waking in that  felt field(feel’ed) of sensory awareness in sa me of eve’re cell realizing y persist(s) eve’n(a) in apparent(a-pair’ent) opposition(of y & y na) eve’n(a) while(y’ll) awake.  In other(na(t) sa me) word(sa) body/bodhi/knowing/perception/cognition is y rather a virtual or actual(for sake/sa ke y of activity) amalgamation of knowing(ka nowwwwwwww’ng) appears(a pairs) as though(t) cellular pho’ne’nnnnna’ng(pho ne/hue & cry of man ‘as ne/na mind expressing inward((word) sound) in way of(wave) y reflection of sa me thing expressed per sonically in na me being vocal or vow el(that vow to remember being sa me eve’n(a) all while(y’ll) appearing/a-pairing in opposition) alone.  In that being alone predominates as knower knowing/ka no’wwwwwwwwwwwwwww’ng knowledge/bodhi/perception sa t(at) (a’s) twa(two) being(s) in all eve’n(a) while(y’ll) appearing(a pair’ng) inward(in word) thought(thoth) being na me in that way of(wwwwwave) y na  or d’na function per sonically.

Pho’n(a)e = Peh/pe’e, key 16 in ABBC, 3D code-book symbol in hieroglyphic-Hebraic form, the mouth as organ of speech or expression of relatively unimpeded breath as though/thoth ka(vital life force)’ng y(a’s ka’no’wwwng y).  Peh is scribed as rectangle, a parallelogram, a gram-ma or letter that parallels in sound way of(wave) y we ‘pu’ff’ breath as vox/vocal-ity or express word w/sound of vital force, breath breathed.  Prior to written alphabeta language formed in sound waves(ways of) y we spoke(breathed) & remembered as sa me(that memory).  W/writing came formation of thought w/out sound thinking of y or y na.  Eve’n(a) still(immortal) we only see letters to think inward(word).  W/writing came inward(word) reflection/duplication/duplicity/division(apparent/a-pair’ent opposition of thinker/breather to thought/breath(ka) now/no’wwwwww’ng in(mind)formation).  Eve’n(a) schism in formation inward(word) of y man’as mind appearing(a pairing) now(ka no’wwwww’ng)as letter symbolic formation a’s y na y persists all while(y’ll) being sa me only associated as though(t) that formation is actually knowing/ka now’wwwwwwwwww’ng in my(y mem/mind or y) na me alone.

Peh is peh esse(being) that sound way of(wave) y being issued(a’s breath breathed breathing){b’re sound of re expressed in p’opp’p’p’p’p’ng b’re-ath by forcing closed lips to p’p’p’p’p’p’p’p’p’p’ar’t in exhalation} in a p(eh)s(esse)y/psy/sci-entific(nnnnnna’ tific wwwww’a y) wave(sound way of) being active/actual in sight/psy’t.  The echo is that sound way of(wave) y speech(esse peh ech(o)’ng)/breath breathed as sound reflection reflecting reinforces the notion or na-motion of y in apparent(a pair’ent) opposition of e-motion to g-motion(eg(g)/0 complete infinite potential for apparent/a-pair’ent change w/in opposition of re-sistence[re sistere/causal form of stare/stand].  Thus rule of law  of conduct(conductivity/motion) is y(we) function as specific, na-tural, or proper action(ka’r’ma(ma’m or y)) of actor(ka’r’ta(t)) merely(mirror-ly) reflecting in that sound or visual(viz./na-me-ly power (of) u’al/y’all) way of(wave) y being in apparent(a pair’ent) opposition(a pair’ent change of position from B’ng to N’d’ing B’ng as/A’s though(t) too(two) each other.  That mere(mirror) power of y we appear(a pair) to be(B) or Na b’ng/be aming y na(any) ginning(as though(t) gaining only to lose) in the first place(B’ng) of first person(Y’ll) now(ka no’www’ng) surfaces(above face) e’s emanation(power from above = a’s above so/sa below) of B’ng y beaming/be am’ing (that) I(am)-magician (that)I(am)-magining (that)I(am)-magic in na me of eve’re body/bodhi/ perception perceived as thought(Thoth-go(a)d of science, art(being), & letter(sa)) in cosmic(ka’s mic/memory-intelligence-consciousness) man’as maha(great)man’as mind(übermensch/overmind).   Y realizing none(na na) other than that, that I am is, is sound life of a(A)’s ka’ng/ka no’wwwww’ng y for the time being(B’ng Y) or passing in that echo y ecce homo(behold (y) man’as mind(is)).

Active or Exciting Intelligence is mode of consciousness attributed to Peh esse in that psy’nnnnnn’ng of y e nnnnnnnnna ‘tifically in that way of(wave) y wwwwwww’e as though(t) appear(a’ pair) to begin in that first(A) person(pe(h) (a)r son[ < OF son < L sonus sound ] in the first place(B’ng).  That first place or domus is y B’e’ng informed as though(t) in appearance(a pair’ence(C’ng)) gin’ning/gaining to lose in that sound way of(wave) y knowing/ka no’wwwww’ng intervening space in time in way of obstruction inward(word) reflection as though(t) any(a na y)thing under(e)/unda(way of/wave) re; consideration or thoroughly star’ing(merely(mirror-ly) I-magician/observer observing/ I-magin’ing a’s sum thing per son ically.

Thus y being y first person A pe(h) ar’s on consideration in that sound way of(wave) B’ing or be am’ing y in way of(wave) y function as mere(mirror) staring/standing still(immortal) being as though(t) reflecting or obstructing that sa me thing as any(a na y)thing or eve’re thing in knowing/ka no’wwwwwwwww’ng y or y na’wwwwwwwww’ng peh e’r sonic’ally found in the sound first place A’s B’ng/B’am’ing C’ng y that I am in a’s ka’ng y is knowing/ka no’wwwwww’ng y.  Thus that obstacle is that which as stands/stares still(immortal) in way of(wave) y function as mere(mirror) observer.

Enlightenment or N’light’n’ment(Ena light is causality[< L sistare /stare’ing still]w/ in-finite y potential light) is y sum thing singular appears(a pairs) a’s any(a na y)thing in man’as mind radiating/reflecting/obstructing y as though(t) y knowing/ka no’wwwwwwww’ng/flashing ignore-ance of y na.  That brilliance of singular A singularity y as though(t) inward(word) forming/ a pairing or appearing in foolishness of A’s B’ng ginning/gaining to lose in C’ng(perceiving) na a’s sound way of(wave) y pe(h) (a)r(e) son(ically) appearing to disappear as sound in the first place(B’ng that locus) as any(a na y)thing else(el sa) reflected as thought in re-verse as y b’ng na me only.