That knew wave(way of) y function is merely(mirrorly) ascertaining death/eve’na in appearance/a pair’ence as too(two) actually doing any(a na y)thing’k’ing is in reality life as we know it, as knowing/ka no’wwwwwww’ng y na/denying y sum thing’k(a)’ing appearing(a pair’ing) as though(t) any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing only to disappear in singular y na(any) thing being y potential causality that I am is as sum thing’k(a)’ing as though(t) y na(any) body/bodhi y na(any) appearing/a pairing in complete singular d’ar’k’ness(d’find/d’s covered by chance/unknown/X/potential as (be(ing))cause of eve’nt(ing/n’d’ing a’s in appearance/a pair’ence of fortune & misfortune)  ar/a’s re; k(a) ness) w/out actually knowing/ka no’wwwwww’ng/see’nnnnnng y(y’ll still(immortal)) in all actuality w/out na me in formation as though(t) w/standing/resisting w/outward(word) formation being merely(mirror-ly) darkness/infinite potential.

Is death(eve’na) life as we know/no/na it?  Another way of(wave) y function in ‘looking at it’ is as that knew wave. In that knew(realized) wave(way of) y function of using sense of sight as analogous to realizing y may be ‘seen’ in degrees of concentration.  In other words, “what one gets out of any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing may be vaguely proportionate to sustained attention given it”.  Thus we may look, peer, glance, gaze, or stare.  Peer implies difficulty in seeing, suggesting a narrowing of the eyes or movement of the head, while glance refers to act of looking briefly or hurriedly or superficially.  To look is merely(mirror-ly) to direct the eyes.  When we direct the eyes we are seeing in re-verse as a verse or tale of na me(narrative memory), a ‘as though(t)’ inward(word) reflection of that y’all y’ll see’ng(re mem’bered) in na me alone.  In that  knowing(ka’no’wwwwwww’ng) wave(way of)) y function we project our reflections as thought(s) of still(immortal) being alone.  Thought(s) of still(immortal) being alone may appear/a pair in opposition of y sa me/sum thing to y na(any) thing’k(a)’ing/knowing/ka’no’wwwwwwww’ng/denying/D'(do’or way of(wave) y) na’innnnng(being denied as though(t) in all do’ality/duality/actuality).  Being that now as though(t) in reflection of knowing/ka’no’wwwwwww’ng/denying appearing/a pairing in opposition to that is purely a mental construct, a con of building/being up of grammatical structure of y(yod/you hey vav hey = tetragrammaton = 4 letter aton = a t(h)at o/ayin n(a) = A that I am na = A that I am na’ing/knowing/k(a)’no’wwwwwww’ng(wave(way of) y function as mere(mirror) see’ng).  That see’ng is analogous to gaze’ng/stare’ng/standing still(immortal) intently, especially w/wide open eyes, a’s in amazement/a’s (a)ton’ishment.  Thus knew way of(wave) y function is understanding([<L unda wave](way of) standing/staring still(immortal)) y a’s eve’n(a) y’ll see’m’ing as too(two) appearing/a pairing to move.

Just as(justice) in eve’re molecule we find atom(s) y as though(t) any(a na y)thing in eve’re thing’k(a)’ing/knowing/ka no’wwwww’ing  is & eve’r(e) remains infinite potential. Eve’re thing’k(a)’ing remains eve’r(e) infinite potential eve’n in finite appearance/a pair’ence as though(t) in opposition to infinity.  A’s thus merely(mirror-ly) potential entire/n’t(at)y’re creation is y’s dom(us)/house/B’ng of triple analogy of in formation, conformation, & de formation/dissolution.  In tri-bodhi/perception/knowing in way of(wave) y function as though(t) w/outward(word)/un-manifest infinite potential for light/form & inward(word) formation as na me now/w/no’ing to appear(a pair) in first place B’ng y now/w/no’ing a’s solid(sole id/y) matter(y mother nature(na t(h)at u (a)re) of eve‘re thing’k(a)’ing causes (as though(t) potential) effect of appearance/a pair’ence as too(two) d’s appearance).

D’ ar k(a)’ness begins w/key 3 of ABBC, letter D/Daleth/Da(y) let h(er) in Da(y) light(Eve’Na(potential) light as D’find by(b’ing y) in merely(mirror-ly) opening eyes a’s do’er/do’or way of(wave) y function of see’ng in psy’t as though(t) in actual doing(karta as though(t) karma).  D/Daleth/da y light makes womb for potential do’or way of any(a na y) life.

Luminous Intelligence is mode(l) of consciousness of Da(y) light’n’ing/ emanating(eiya/y me(m or y) na’t’ing(knowing/ka no’wwwwww’ng/D’n(a)’ing)) from darkness in sound way of(wave) y function of merely(mirror-ly) as though(t) reflecting/resisting y per sonically of that awareness that I am is.  Y the’sis[< L sistere causal of stare stand] of infinite potential causality must appear/a pair as antithesis in a pair’ence a’s opposites y notion/na m(e)otion/na motion in idea(as though(t)) of do’or way of(wave) y ingress’ng & egress’ng a’s e-motion & g-motion.  That da(y) N light’en’ing suggests transmission, d’fusion, d’semination, separation in sum thing’k(a)’ing of do’or(do’er) in sound way of(wave) y be’ng/be am’ing  as means/medium of leaving the house((B’ng)/as though(t) per sonically existing to exit thru that sound do’or way/way of(wave) y d’na’ng inward(word) & w/outward(word).

Ascertaining y as certain is direct experience thru right see’ng justice/just as that  knowledge is being that in knew wave(way of) y function.  In that knew way of seeing past tense taught(learned) strain of y confusing knower/seer/observer of y w/that observed knowing/ka no’wwwwwww’ng/d’na’ng in way of(wave) y function as mere(mirror) seer as though(t) reflecting/resisting singular being in mental appearance/a pair’ence under spell(ing) of alphabeta as too(two) actually causing effect as any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing y’ll still being eve’re thing’k’ing/ka no’wwwww’ng/ignoring indivisibility of that individual that that I am is.

In other word(s) the knew wave(way of) y’all seeing/realizing is in that feeling of being alone the immortality of being alone.

Key to that knew/ka new wave is shin’ing a’s key 20/two 0/to realizing 0 gravity in psy’t of complete way of(wave) y seeing inward(word) as/A’s letters of ABBC/alphabeta binary letter code.  ABBC is visual code appealing to right hemisphere of old or visual right brain in wholistic manner w/outward(word) way of(wave) y na na appearing/a pair’ing a’s in psy’t(y(that I am) p’st) in man’as mind w/out knowing/ka no’wwwww’ng/denying that).

Letter Sh/Shin/she’en a’s that ‘shining’/she’e e  e   e na’ing suggests the (w)hole(l)y spirit or life breath(ka) breathed as sound way of(wave) y ka’no’wwwww’ng/d’na’ing as ‘too’th/two’th’ tearing down/es’chewing any(a na y) limitation of in formation as teeth break up food.  Thus shin’n’ing re-presents power of y na biting its own tail in complete understanding([< L unda wave + staring standing] or wave(way of) y standing still(immortal) in center centered centrality of any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing as though(t) of circumstantial activity.

Perpetual Intelligence is mode(l) of Ka’s mic consciousness attributed to key 20 as that which ‘stretches’ before & beyond normal limits of common(ka man’as mind) na me awareness.  That is eternal y’all y’ll still(immortal) in any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ng/ka no’wwwwww’ng as though(t) being in na me only.

Shining/She e  e   e     e en’ing implies sum necessary connection to eve‘re thing’k(a)’ing in that eve‘r(e)lasting of y that I am is in sight(psy’t) in knowing/ka no’wwww’ng any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing.

Key 20 is key 2 0/A awareness of y eve(High Priestess/key 2)re; thing’k(a)’ing/knowing/ka no’wwwwwwwww’ng/she e  e   e    e’n(a)’ing is.

In other word(s) cosmic(ka’s mic) me(m or y)/eve/ she e  e   e    e’n’ing re-presents culmination/nation/notion of [< L culmen top, highest point] re; back 2 y that I am is.  Following that, that awareness that I am is is status or standing still(immortal) wholly obliterated[< L ob against + littera letter] /liberated from  any(a na y) literal spell(ing) of na me.