In the be(B’ng) ginning/gaining of existence, that tence/tension of y X(unknown/na known as y na/any known/na k(a) o’wwwwwwwwww’n) is acting as though(t) function’ing y in mere(mirror) see’ng/perception/bo-dhi as reflecting/resisting(y as though unknown x) w/standing(staring/star’ing) y’ll still(immortal)/ignoring y immortality is, y’all as eve’n(a) appearing(a pair’ing) as opposites as any(a na y)thing’k(a)’or thing”k(a)’ing y’all y’ll continuing B’ng y you(yod/that I am) are.

Thus y/b ginning/gaining existence is mere(mirror) perception in re-verse or play of Mr. re. as Ms. re in apparent/a pair’ent (A)tension of opposition of me(m or y) & you w/standing (be’ng) still(immortal).