Y-Knowledge is re-sult(an) of k(a)no‘wwwwww’ng/conceiving y in man’as mind through mere(mirror) see’ng reflecting as though(t) in re-verse(bo-dhi as dhi-bo(do-ality be’ng) as other y’s. Y’s the you’s of that?

Y’s that feeling of being alone?  In that we’ll(wheel being) of fortune & mis-fortune find out y na in the know[OE enawan anyone?] of any(a na y)thing’k.  Thus y’s dom(us) is (realizing) first place of B’ng alone.

Thus we do na in anything’k(a)’ing find being alone as then we are accompanied by thought of y na(any)thing’k(a)’ing/k(a)’no’ing/dhi’na’ing being alone.  Only in feeling(feel’d’ing in that field of view(y/you) being alone we’ll(as though(t) turning in(to) wheel of fortune) find/realize great fortune of y’all y’ll eve’n(a) w/standing(resisting in mis(sed) fortune) staring still(immortal).

That irrepressible feeling of being alone is certain way of(wave) y function as realizing y that I am is being alone(indivisible).  Y you gotta laugh your ‘but’ off in hue & cry of y man’as mind is made of vow’wwwwwwwww’ng to realize that in ascertain’ing y as certain in feeling of being alone.