A na y light appears out of y as though(t) Mr. re of complete darkness, dhi ‘ark’ness, dhi/ as too(two) d’o’ing in d’o’ality(‘o’-ality = appearance/a pair’ence of a na y thing’k)/to perceive/desire a Mr.re of d’arc’ing in spiral waves(ways of) y na/a na y thing’k(a)’ing/curve’ing in time for space.

In other word(s) y’all complete light comes out of complete whole d’ark’ness, dhi timeless ‘ka’ph-curve’ of space/(e)s’p(eh) a c e’ng(light comes out of ka’s mic ‘mouth’/or’ifice sp(eh) k(a)’ng ab(father) ove in sound way of(wave) y a c’ng y’all round in whorl’d of/in complete k’no’wwww’ng ignore-ance.  In that complete d’ark’ness, that complete kaph/curve b’en’ding into a na y be’ginning/gaining in way of(wave) y turning back into its own Mr. re. of re-source as means & goal in light or d’ark of da y.

Majority of light is invisible as gamma, X-rays, ultraviolet {visible @ wavelengths (A) 7600 to 3800} infrared, micro waves, & radio waves.  Waves ‘travel’ b’ending(b’ing as though(t)) way of(wave) y KaN’ KaN   KaN     Ka’N’d’ing/k’n’urv’ing/d(hi)’ark’n’ding in a way of(wave)y re-turning in, of, for, by, to the re-source of a na y thing’k(a)’ng/k’n’urv’ing back, re; turning a na y way of(wave)y sa me thing appears/a pairs as too(two) ‘d’o a na y thing’k as thought in na me alone.

Thus d’ark’ness of y na/a na y thing’k(a)’ing ‘brings’/’turns’ as we’ll/wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune ‘go’ into awakening, a way of(wave) k’en’ing/k’no‘wwwww’ng/d’na’y’ing, by mere(mirror) retina(‘little’ Mr. re) opening (in a na y breath breathed breathing/hovering ‘suspended’ as that I am over ‘waters of nun’ in complete d’ark’ness) to reflect as though(t) in formation in sight/psy’t(y(a na y) man’as mind/mem(m(e) or y(ou) is) in re-verse & upside/above(ove ab/father/sire/p’si’re/soul-sole re/singular Mr. re as appearing/a pair’ing) down/d’own(ing) under spell(ing) of A B’ng C’ng as though(t) other y’s.

Complete total d’ark’ness, N’circle’ment of fullness of invisible potential light, symbolized by Mr. re as complete spiral circle(d’ark) w/a na y point in center centered centrality pointing to emergence & submergence of appearing to disappear in a na y thing’k as though(t) of center centered centrality of y be’ng in a wakening(a way of(wave) y k’en’ing/kno’wwww’ng) in that singular awareness of b’ng still(immortal) y’all y’ll mere(mirror) breath breathed breathing in reflection & dhi-flection of be’ng/ b'(B = I-Magician I-Magining I-magination/I-magic in ‘ation\/aton i\/I) en’ing(knowing) alone.  Knowing alone is realization(w/out k(a)’no‘www’g/denying y) of immortal nature of a na y thing’k.