
Ka’s y’all ‘m’/mem’or’ize body/bo dhi/being to perceive in finite potential(able to be ‘finit’ing’/ en’d’ing/(k)no’wwww’ng) we’ll(wheel) turn in that k’no’wwwwww’ng/projecting on a ka’ph/curve in sound ways of eve(waves) y as though(t) moving{what & in what is moving? thought that I am or wave(way of eve that I am na/a na y) awareness?} in formation of any(a na y)thing’k appearing/a pair’ing as too(two) going around.  Thus appearing/a pair’ing on that curve we’ll(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) come around to here/hear the echo, the beat/be'(ing)at, the reflection of mere(mirror) noise/’no’i’se/nous[< Gk. nous, noos mind].  Thus hearing/here’ing is beat’ing/be’ng at’t’ing or see’ng/be’am’ing k’no’wwwww’ng/reflection/deflection/resistence of singular reality in appearing/a pair’ing as too(two) being(s) at tension of ‘striking’ resemblance to any(a na y) (word) ‘type’ of thing’k’ing(a’s sort of class; category; kind as’word to as though(t) ‘cleave’ singular awareness into appearence/a pair’ence of being at tension between k’no’w’er & k’no’w’wwww’ng).

That ka’ph, that curve means & is means of inevitable returning of, in, for, by, etc. of point of Mr. re y dios in circumscribing w/any thing’k’ing curving in sound way of(wave) y in forming ‘here’ing’/being here in those waves(ways of eve) in sight/p’sy’t.  A’s eve’n(a) in actuality y’all turning is Mr.re y dios as though(t) turning into any(a na y)thing’k by mere(mirror) thing’k’ing in that indivisible awareness that that I am is.  Thus any thing’k is origin/d’or(g’ol’d) of any(a na y) ‘g’in’n’ing/be’am’ing ‘g’/weight/wait/way of t'(hat) of being/be’am’ing form/for ma(eve’re thing’k) in that sound way of(wave) y x pressing breath/b’ng Mr. re at h(ey)/at tension of h’ere/h’ear drum/mem brane(mem or/d’or(g’old) y)/ brain/bra(hm)in/reality.  Thus hearing in actuality being at tension sufficient to rebound/resound in mere(mirror) function of any w/standinding/resisting star’e’ing still(immortal) be’am’ing star’ting/star thing inspir(al)ation of appearing/a pairing as too(two) becoming/b’com’ing as though(t) hue & cry of man’as womb or ga(i)n of d’eve’l’op’m’ent/’op’ m’ent of d’eve’ll(eve will/eve we’ll(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) appear as in [< MF optimus < Med. L optics < Gk. optikos optos seen < stem op- as in opsomai I shall see] that as ‘I shall see’.

That ka’s/curves/ar’ks of any thing’k’ing of going forward(word) in always(waves) y function of Mr. re y’dios brings that around to complete d’ark’ness/encirclement y’all y’ll standing still as center centered centrality.  That being ka’s of you a’s any(a na y) center now as though(t) moving to inspir(als)e appearing/a pair’ing beside the point(being as though(t) ‘side’/’face’ of point of Mr. re y).