In that sacred covenant/agreement/accord/a chord in the or y/mem(man’as mind) or y/you as though(t) X’s tense of first person in the first place move(ove m/man’as mind) as though(t) ark that point/first abstract principal principle Mr. re point of view/you/y now as Mr. re y dios in free standing straight y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn into circumferential actuality on which we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn as though(t) into cosmic/ka’s mic appearance/a pair’ence in alternating currents of mem/mind/me or y/you at speed of ka’s mic da y light of eN y light’eN’ment(ma’s(s) light).  X being that un or non(nun)/a na y known knower in any(a na y) case of you appearing/a pairing to ‘fall’ in to k’no’w y/deny/d’na y singular being as though(t) other y’s.  Thus any/a na y apparent k’no’w’ing y is as though(t) any knower actually could or would divide in too/two ordinary k’no’w’ing y’all y’ll still being alone(extraordinarily singular).  That is the (d)’or y & wile of feeling/field’ing being alone eve’n(a) y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn into sight/psy’t/mind’ing as though(t) other y’s for actual necessity of other you’se than mere(mirror) still(immortal) standing star’ing from above/ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire.  That actual necessity is born of a foolish notion inspir(al)ed in denial/d’na y’ll, that cunning deception of ways of eve(waves) y (ma’s(s)) function of myriad mirage(mirrored mirror’age) reflection as though(t) actually appearing/a pair’ing in memory/mem(mind) or y/me or you.

Thus that sacred covenant of d’ark’ness/enrapture between Mr. re y dios & any circumferential actuality is mired(mirrored) in sacred geometry of center centered centrality Mr. re point of view/you/y appearing/a pair’ing as too(two) d’ark inspir(al)ation of ka’s mic D’NA y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) w(h)orl’d’ing plan et, scheme of being a wile in apparent/a pair’ent plan et ma(eve)’re’y go’ing around.

Just as(justice) mirage(mirror’age) appears/a pairs as too(two) in reflection as thought in a na y man’as mind of singular Mr. re-ality no’w(ing) we’ll(wheel) in same/sa me ‘blink of eye’ y’all y’ll turn(ing)/k’no’wwww’ng/projecting denial(d’na) into realizing/apprehending Mr. re point of view/you/y in always/all ways of eve(ma’s(s) waves) y’all y’ll/y-will/y we’ll(wheel) turn into feeling/fielding that being alone(extraordinarily singular) de/dhi fin’d a’s free standing/status still(immortal) star’ing freed freedom from above as below.  That is FREE FREED F’RE’e’e’e’e’e’e’e’dom(us) at first, in middle, & at last just as(justice) we’ll(wheel) turn & return on that Mr. re point of view/you/y as though(t) y pole/log a’s/log’os b’ar’k’ing as complete d’ark’ness/encirclement/enrapture of y/you suggesting/directing infinite potential to as though(t) appear/a pair in resistance/reflection/division into(two) positive negativity & negation of positive of ‘given’/’free transfer’s too(two) being(s) at tension of seemingly opposing endings/direction of that singular free standing pole(naturally being singular pole these apparent/a pair’ent opposite ends n’d’ing repel when polarity is same/sa me na na me; can n’ever Mr. re point of view/you/y ‘join’ that which can n’eve’r(e) be divided; that may never be face to face; seer never seen; knower never known y’all eve’n(a) y’ll k’no’w’ing for all time.  K’no’w’wwww’ng/denying naturally as though(t) repels/rejects/ignores knower).  K’no’w’www’ng/denying/d’na y’ing naturally & completely repels/rejects/ignores ‘realizing’ k’no’w’er. {It seems we’re that weir, that obstruction as well(wheel turning on & on) as opening in that obstruction/ignore-ance & that may be realized in the first place of feeling/fielding being alone(extraordinarily singular) when na as too(two) being(s) too(two) busy k’no’w’wwww’ng other y’s.} of any thing’k ‘turning’ into here & there creation of resistance for hearing/here’ing formation in sound waves(ways of eve/ma) y y’all speaking/breathing in vocal accordance/a chord’ance of ka’s mic Mr. re y dios y’ll still(immortal) merely(mirror-ly) here’in’no’w/hearing/knowing/projecting ignore-ance as though(t) form/for ‘ma’s(s) sake for crying out loud in hue & cry of any(a na y) man’as mind in reflecting any thing’k.

That is sacred covenant of complete d’ark ness or sacred geometry of Mr. re y dios in turning any ark into complete circle[<L circus] of infinite potential of sum/same/sa me thing no’w as though(t) will/we’ll/wheel to turn into any(a na y) & eve’re thing’k in ka’s mic/memory-intelligence-consciousness.  That re-lationship/covenant remains constant ‘pi in the sky(‘(e)s k(a) y)’ na matter how grand or grainy the arch/ark/arc analogous of singular cosmic/ka’s mic man’as mind as though(t) too(two) person-na-phi(anything’k) y’all y’ll(y will is y’all in being that will/we’ll/wheel/plan et turning into light of da y) in that still(immortal) man’as mind.  That covenant extends to ka phi the golden mean, means & meaning of complete d’ark’ness of any(a na y) point(s) in line of Mr. re y.  That mean & extreme ratio is ‘worth’y’ of 1.618, ‘nombre d’ or’/golden number & proportion that brings it into existence is ‘golden section’.  The innate reality of geometry demonstrates the predominance of seeing/drawing over thinking/calculating.  [Numbers, letters, & symbols derive from sacred geometry, na vice versa]  Geometry returns as we’ll(wheel), as though(t) ‘turning’/’pi’vot’ing’ on our(o’h u/you (a)r(e)) center centered centrality of Mr. re (d’or/gol’d) of y as too(two) appearing/a pairing in at tension of opposition/reflection/resistance actuality(play of ka’r’ta as though(t) ka’r’ma(eve’re thing’k)/action & result of action/ka’s effect{effect of that sacred ‘Mr. re’y’ ‘ar’k’ing covenant/agreement/accord/a chord, ‘vibrating’/’quivering’ in that  sound way of(wave) y function in mere(mirror) hearing/(be’ng) here’in’g in formation of waves(ways of eve) y in sight/ps’y’t(sole/soul man’as y mind is) of any(a na y)thing’k as though(t) for’m(a)/eve.

In other word(s) d’ark’ness, the ‘ness/essence of d’ark of the covenant is Mr. re y’s in line w/straight away turning complete circle[<L circus] in on our/we’ll(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) point & we’ll(wheel of ka’r’ma) pivot all along.  That is the covenant/agreement/accord/a chord that may never be broken only spok’en as though(t) radiating rods(& co’nes) supporting a rim/circumference of that wheel(we’ll/wi’ll) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune in turn resounding in that way of eve(wave) y you are a’s re/Mr. re y as though(t) in formed in turning/curving/kaph’ing formation of sound waves(ways of eve) of y/a na y hearing/here’in’g in as too(two) being at tension of resistance of ignore-ance/k’no‘www’ing/ projecting as though(t) infinite potential in first place(be’ing) now-w/no thing’k’ing as other y’s until awakening in cosmic sun above(ove ab/ father/dhi sire, da y light visibility/viz. namely Pa Pa  pow’er of po  po   potis esse/able(Abel/A bel videre/A great see’ng)to be ‘k’no’w’n as nun, (as though(t)) other/na sa me than that awareness that I am.

Thus any(a na y)thing’k remains that in finite potential(potential for ‘dhi fi’ni’t’ing/eN’d’ing/k’no’w’ing/reflecting) of complete d’ark’ness of the covenant be’tween(be’ing tween/twine/twin) of way of eve(wave) y & Mr. re y /S & Z a’s eve’n(a) free-standing still(immortal) y’all y’ll appearing/a pair’ing as too(two) being actual actuality of being at tension of resistance in ignore-ance of that extraordinary singular i\/I t(at) y/you, that I am awareness in being you/y’all.

Thus ABBC is binary code of letter sound way of eve(wave) y moving in waves y’all as though(t) forming in ka’s mic sight/psy’t in any(a na y) man’as mind inward(word) form/ for ma-eve’re thing’k in alternating current at speed of eN light’eN’ment, periodically reversing direction from above/ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire to flow ‘fool’ish’ly as though(t) below w/each complete cycle(ps’y’c’le)/d’ark’ness/enrapture being of such a’s that free standing awareness that I am & eve’r(e) will/we’ll/wheel turn on.