
In that ka’s mic Mr. re y dios still of free standing(status) Mr. re point of view/you/y now as though(t) po’l’ar Mr. re y in a na y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning on center center centrality ar’k’ing y’all y’ll ‘en’d’ing’/ ar(e)’k’ing in apparent/a pair’ent circumferential actuality.  Go(a)d of that circumscription/restriction/limitation naturally to realize reality of being that standing/status of still free star’ing sum thing now as though(t) from above(ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire) foolishly falling into w(h)orl'(d)’ing inspir(al)ation as that thought of Mr. re center centered centrality point of view/you/y ‘as ma‘s(s) eve‘re thing’k below.

In other word(s) acceding predominant point of view/you/y in visual R-mode to subdominant no’tional thinking as though(t) ‘beside’ that point of you, as though(t) ‘left’ out in L-mode y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn into apparent/a pair’ent way of eve(wave) re y in a na y function in mere(mirror) thing’k’ing.

In more other words we’ll(wheel) star’t out in of standing/status being alone(singular) still free star’e’ing to eN’d, to k’no’w’d(do’ality) as though(t) reflecting/resisting/ignoring singularity now in denial/d’na y’ll/y wheel curving/ka’s’ing/k’sing/ka’sing in complete d’ark’ness inspir(al)ation in effect of turning around in sight/psy’t of ka’s mic y man’as mind is.

Thus in y complete d’ark’ness of the ka’s mic covenant we’ll(wheel) return/turn on the center centered centrality Mr. re point of view/you/y/yod/that I am to find/discern/discover/apprehend/realize h’our of Mr. re’ality of still standing(status) free star’ing a’s eve’n(a) in that way of eve’ry (wave re’y) function in ka’s all(causal) man’as mind now as though(t) mere(mirror) staring to reflect/project now k’no’w’ ledge for free foolish ‘falling’ in LOVE SUPREME from above to ma’s’s gravity/weight’ing/waiting in time for turning/k’urving now/k’no’www’ng into time for galactic/gala act’s/festival of appearance/a pair’ance in ka’s mic/memory-intelligence-consciousness of that ‘space’ man’as mind y’all y’ll eve’r(e) turning forward(word) & backward(word) as too(two) y na na longer resist’ing still free star’ing Mr. re point of view/you/y.