
Eve’n(a) y for a long long wile, plan et earth/ei’ya ar th(at), that cunning  y mirage(mirror’age) deception eve’r(e) continues as any(a na y) ka’s mic thought to reflect appearance/a pair’ance of a na y polarity in that a na y ka’s all(causal) myriad(mirrored) mirage(mirror’age) of a na y thing’k’ing y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) keep turning out eve’re y thought for’m(a’s’s) under ka’s/k’urve’s all(causal) gravity/weight’ing/wait’ing of fool’ish ‘falling’ under spell(ing) of alphabeta toward/to word center of plan et/extraordinary terrestrial/t’er'(Mr.)re’s trial of a na y point of view/you/y in y’all y’ll turning in too(two) k’no’w’wwww’ng/denying that extraordinary singular being y’all eve’n(a) y’ll turning pages in that I am reading this.

Being of such as that for a long long wile of that cunning k’urv’ing ka’s all(causal) y myriad(mirrored) mirage(mirror’age) deception of plan et earth(eiy/y/you ar(e) th(at)) y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) g’round & round k’no’ ‘no’   no’w’ www’ing / denying / d’na y’ing for’sa’k’ing /  only as though(t) relinquishing being still free standing of star’ing in any(a na y) role of the r’ock et(extraordinary t’er(Mr.)re’s trial) under spell(ing) inward(word) as though(t) form/for ma’s(s)(ma eve/ma re y) sake reflecting in that ka’s all(causal) mirage(mirror’age) of complete d’ark’ness that sum(sa me) t(h)ing(t’ing = assembly as though(t) for ma) now as though(t) form/for ma turning into any/a na y thing’k’ing in eve(ma)’re y/ma re y thing’k.

In other word(s) y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn into a na y thoughts of being other y’s ‘be’side'(ing) the Mr. re point of view/you/y in order(of magnification) as too(two) ‘box’/’cube’ in a ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) universe(a ni/na y ‘verse’ of u/y/you).

“In fact the universe{u/you in\/ni/na verse} can be considered a perfectly enclosed box{cube} – there is clearly nothing outside it.”   Martin Bojowald….Whole Story of the Universe

In more other word(s) there is only y no/na or a na y thing’k ‘outside’ or ‘be(ing)side the Mr. re point of view/you.  That a na y thing’k as thought ‘sides’ y Mr. re centrality in metaphoric walls/w’all’s/w/y’alls as though(t) in any/a na y direction y we’ll(wheel) turn to point/ark out in pi covenant as Ms. re y dios in ka’s all(causal) still free standing pole/re y’ar’it’y now inspir(al)ing denial/d’na y’ll of surface appearance/a pair’ance.  Thus sum thing now as though(t) foolishly falling from above through center centered centrality inspir(al)ation of Mr. re point of view/you/y directs a re y in any/a na y direction to ‘take’/ma’k’e sides as too(two) y’s form/for ma’s(s) sa’ke walls/w/all’s(e) a’s too(two) box(b’e’ng o/ay in x/unknown) in universal(you in ni(y)/na(y)/a na y verse of y’all) function in mere(mirror) feeling/fielding being alone(extraordinarily singular) of still(immortal) standing/status free star’ing y’all y’ll as though(t) now turning into a na y thing’k.  Sum thing y that I am thus in ka’s all(causal/all inclusive) body(bo-dhi/being to perceive, to wish, to thing’k, to desire-dhi sire) appears as though(t) y in complete d’ark’ness to reflect y’all y’ll turn(ing) that still standing free staring y/you thru infinite mirage(mirror’age) magnification to wherever you might thing’k in awakening(way of eve(wave) re y ‘k’en(d)’ing) to ka’s mic da y light & mere(mirror) opening of retina/’little’ Mr. re point of view/you/y.

In other ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) word(s) y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn to building(being) eve’r(e) more pow . . . . . .pow . . . . . . . . POW‘er full ‘means’ of that mean wile  in perceiving/k’no’www’ng/denying/D’NA y’ll’ing that ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) universe( & we’ve/we eve been at this for a long long  loooooooooo’ng ‘wile’ & that’s na jo’ke’ni’ol’jo’ ke) the mo’re y we’ll(wheel) turn into expanding ‘ma’s’s eggs’/ma’s(s) complete potential for appearing/a pair’ing as too(two) ‘star’t’ing in a na y t'(h)ing’k’ing .