Willie will hey remember will he y remember a wile going growing up in the 50’s  era of early t. v. invasion’s that he y found that space man who was thought a’s 2 b’ing beside that Mr. re point of view/you/y out yonder till the day  earth(eiy’a/y/you ar(e) th(at) stood still in that free standing @ high noon, that space in time where there is any(a na y) time to remember 2 remember any(a na y) one a’s 2′, ‘2 remember any thing’k’ing of being beside that Mr. re point of view/you/y in the first place when only inside became/appeared/a paired w/ or as though(t) x’et’ed now outside(s) 4 4 dimensions(dhi mens = mind to perceive s’ions) a’s length width breadth n’time a’s 4 that ‘ninth hour’ that split second se c o se’ed o ayin n’ding seed potential as though(t) being that awareness that I am n’dinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ‘iiiiiiii n n n n n  ggggggggggggggggggggeeeeezzzzzz us y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn(ing) that space n time when earth(eiya/y/you ar th(at) stood still free standing star’ing @ infinite in fi’ni’t’e/ n’ding zero 0 orez\/d’or eros velocity vee el o city \/ city o el vee \/vow c’ing it y in ‘falling’ from above in ma’s(s) ka’s/ma as ka/mask all(causal) body/bodhi/being to perceive, to think, to desire in LOVE SUPREME of complete d’ark’ness/eNrapture .

Remember that is possible in realizing that mere(mirror) stare/seer now as though(tsz) infinitely repeating/reflecting myriad(mirrored) mirage(mirror’age) in finite terms spoken bi nary 2 a’s abc’s a’s p’s&q’s a’s 2 y x’s tense in a na y appearance/a pair’ance for resistance/ignore-ance of k’no’wwww’ng denial/d’na y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn hidden as though(tsz) w/in word is y we’ll(wheel) turn(ing) that still free standing stare y into looking now as though(tsz) at tension of gravity of opposite eN’d’ings in sight/psy’t of y man’as mind k’no’wwww’ng other y’s.

Y no/na/a na y body w/out now k’no’w’ing as though(tsz) other y’s remembers in feeling/fielding field of view/you/y being alone(extraordinarily singular) in that being bodiless y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) now as that thoughtsz turn around & around throughout bodies for a long long l’oooooooooo’nnnnnn’gggg mean wile y’all y’ll still free standing stare w/ay of eve’re y/ma re y of (k)now’ ing any ting’k in complete d’ark’ness of now awakening as though(tsz) completely encircled in circumstantial actuality function.{y’all of which is in fact mere(mirror) infinite potential of complete d’ark’ness, d’hi ark of the covenant, that accord/a chord between/being tween-twin-twine inspir(al)ation of Mr. re point of view/you/y as too(two) k’now Ms. re y dios ar(e)k’ing in any(a na y) N’circle’ment.

k nowinggggggggggggg  k  nowiiiinnnnnnnnngggg   k    nononooooooo  winnnnnnngggggggggg””””ee’e’e’e’e’e’e’e”e’e’e’e’e’e””’iiiiii”””””yyyyyyyyyya  ‘  ‘ ‘ ‘ ”””””aaaaa being a lie of eve now = being alive now = being ma’s(s)/ms. re y pointing out/ar(e)’k’ing a lie of eve now, of k’no’wwwwww’ng ignore-ance of y that I am now as though(t) all around & beside(s) that Mr. re point of view/you/y.