
“Why is it what it is? & Why is it at all?”….M. Bojowald, A Whole Story of the Universe

It, the w(h)orl'(d) at large & small must include anyone ‘k’no’w’ing’ enough to eve’n(a) be pre’sent as too(two) as’k(e) y that question.  Realizing that anyone, that a na y one, that extraordinary singular individual/indivisible y’all y’ll still stillness(immortal immortality) of free standing(status) is now as though(t) too(two) ‘shift’ in question to answer.  Thus Y, that Mr. re point of view/you/y, is what it is & Y, that Mr. re point of view/you/y is it at all/et al.  The whole story comes from, sustains, & returns in that Mr. re point of view/you/y in that way/w/ay/re’y of eve(wave) re y function as though(t) in mere(mirror) reflection.

Thus we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune continue to turn, to ‘shift’ from R mode to L mode at tension of apparent/a pair’ent resistance/ignore-ance of predominant sight/star’ing of that still free standing.  Y’et all the wile, all the scheming, all the ka’s mic k’no’w’ing is merely(mirror-ly) ignoring merely(mirror-ly) IGNORING/INTENTIONALLY  DISREGARDING predominant eternal ‘in’sight of still free star’ing first person that I am is now as though(t) being y from above(ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire) foolishly falling in LOVE SUPREME, inspir(al)ed by individual centrality point of view in X-tension of apparent/a pair’ent resistance, that X’s tense of X ‘et’ing(X and’ing/a nd’ing = unknown ending) in all ways of eve(waves) re y{apparent/a pair’ent ‘fluctuation’ of ‘straight’ re y dios of complete d’ark’ness/en’rapture/en-a na y circle’ment of ka’s all bodhi gravity/weighting/time waiting to begin eN’ Dhi’ing (d’ark = dhi to perceive +ark curve/\ark chest, box, cube = cube of universe a’s 4-D allegorical pictorial audio representation of ka’s mic u/you/y ni/na verse, of any verse/thought version of y in that way of eve(wave) re y thing’k’ing) in a na y man’as mind}

Mean wile that y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) in ka’s mic plan et y, a long long wile/y el(el = ka’s mic urgency or prompt of being at tension of a na y thing’k – sum thing now as though(t) a na y thing’k), keep turning around in ka’s mic awareness as above so below, in front, behind, to right & left & as though(t) projecting all around as too(two) mere(mirror) infinity reflecting that reflection of Mr. re point of view/you/y/yod/that I am still free star’ing/directing w/out ruling, scaling, magnifying, shrinking, aging, disturbing or breaking bad.

Just as(justice) y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn around in that reflection instantaneously{consider how long it takes a mirror(mere) reflection to appear/a pair in sight, in psy’t, in y man’as mind; w/another mirror to reflect that reflection we’ll(wheel) turn into infinity w/out moving a muscle in mere sight, mirror sight of Mr. re tina reflecting as though(t) upside down & in reverse of reality in mere(mirror) brain(L hemisphere now as though(t) reflecting R hemisphere) reflecting reflection of sight out in ‘left field’/L mode now as though(t) k’no’w’ing appearance/a pair’ence ‘beside’ the point of view/you/y.  Now, in k’no’w’ing as though(t) we’ll(wheel) turn that around into any thing’k’ing projecting now/k’no’wwww’ing our question/quest t(at) i\/I on(am) in wandering/wondering in that way of eve(wave) re y/ma re y  function of mere(mirror) sight/psy’t in y man’as mind is & cannot but be that still free standing(status) of star’ing w/out word t’ing or star’t’ing any/a na y t'(h)ing’k’ing .