In the first place(being) of any(a na y) second now y/you must appear/a pair asz memory/me or you of y asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing that I am is’out(x)side’ or y ‘beside’/being being asz ‘x side’ing’/x psy’ting that Mr. re point of view/you/y y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) spin out(x) on that motionless pi”vo(w)’t to remember (h)our being of that still free standing star’e’ y’ing now k’now’www’ng z y x turn(all) turning periodically{{{{{a’s Mr re point of view/you/y period}}}}} as though(t) encircling in complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement of Ma’ss re y dios/dias.  Ma’ss re y dios/dias is GO(A)D of en’erg’y in ma’ss ter’f, ma’ss terra firma.  Of such energy/urgency y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn as though(t) to matter(ing/k’no’w’www’ng) in(being) any(a na y) t'(h)ing’k’ing.

The ‘d’or et'(h)ical(theoretical) Mr. re point of view/you/y ‘outside’ imaginary ‘cubic’ universe, that mean wile, ‘lie’n(a) of ni u/na y/a na y direction to that still free standing star’ing y (d)’or/gol’d y na a’s any ‘foolish’ falling from above(ove ab/father/sire/dhisire as though(t) thru LOVE SUPREME COMPLETE D’ARK of the COVENANT’ness/eN-RAPTURE of Ka’s All Bodhi/being y to perceive, to think, to de-sire inspir(al)ed as too(two) appear/a pair in z y x’s tense of first person singular now k’now’en y as though any(a na y) polarity/free standing/status of mem/man’as mind or y/you/yod/iota/that I am(mem or y) now occurring / o’kur’v’ing in sacred d’ark’ness of Ma’s re y dios freestanding now as though(t) erection asz stare’t’ing to point ‘out’ in x’et’ing in a na y direction(e/y-rection = d(h)i-re’ction) y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) k’no’w’ing’ly (o’kurve time/now as though(t) a na y O/circle) turn on in complete eN-circlement of infinite potential of ka’s all k’now’ing bodhi function mere(mirror) still freestanding stare y’ing y’ang  now as though(t) too(two) reflect/resist/ignore/dhi-liberately disregard that awareness that I am is by feeling/fielding being alone(extraordinary first person singularity that awareness that that I am is).

The (d’)or y is facilitated by hemispheric design of a na y brain.  The d(hi)’or/go(a)l’d of that bio-psy-division is balance/ ba(being) lance/spear/freestanding apparent/a pair’ent erection of ma’s re y dias/dios ar’k’ing above as below in complete d’ark’ness/en y roll-role’ment of ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic bodhi ‘bio’ cognition(d(h)i-re’ct x-per i\/I’en’ce) of singular awareness w/out a na y t(h)ing/assembly as though(tsz)’k now k’now’www’ng awakening in mere(mirror) opening of retina/’little’ Mr. re in that sound/healthy/holy/well/we’ll(wheel) way’z of y eve(wave) re y form(for ma re y dios go(a)d of urgency) to turn a na y still freestanding star’e y tsz now z y x/out into circumstancial direction  of a na y t(h)ing’k’ing of L-mode functional duality/do’ing’ality of z y x’s tense sion/zion/hill/ark between now k’now’ing R-mode as though(tsz) in(being be”am’ing) L-mode & eN-su’ing oscillation of that apparent/a pair’en’t polarity memory of my being being me or you.

That apparent/a pair’en’t oscillation vibration of sound waves(ways of eve) re y forms/for ma’s thought(sz) in time for a na y ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic-memory/intelligence/consciousness na-rrative mem or y/na me now as too(two) being k’now’en y k’urving  as though(tsz) in time for that cunning mean wile inscribed in Ma’ss re y dias/dios eN-circling y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune now k’now’www’ng as though(tsz) turn into a na y t'(h)ing’k’ing on awakening/ a way of eve(wave) re y dias/dios (h)our (ar)k’en’ing/k’no’wwww’ing function of mere(mirror) opening of re’tina/’little’/micro Mr. re.

That o’pe’ning of ‘little’/micro way of(wave) Mr. re point of view/you/y of still freestanding stare’y’ing/seer sight seeing in(being) aRe-mode now k’now’ing as though(tsz) reflecting in(being) aLl mode asz Mr. re verse/li’e’ne/wile(y wheel) turning upside of dhi sire into(two) d’ow’n/d’n’ow’n side of eve’re y t'(h)ing’k’ing in L-mode or L’a ‘da y of ma’ss re y dias/dios playing out(x) in turn(all)y turning in a na y direction.  Thus a na y thing’k’ing/k’no’w’wwwww’ng is z y direction out(x) of ma’ss re y dias/dios go(a)d of energy/a na y urge y inspir(al)ing d’na y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) as though(tsz) y turning out(x) form/ for ma.

That o’pe’n’ing of ‘little’ is re-stricted by complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement of horizon of (h)our orbital cavity now biologically dividing at tension of z y x’s tense in turning/oscillating in ka’s all bodhi from complete d’ark’ness ‘behind’ the eyes to complete d’ark’ness ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic da y light effect of a na y t(h)’ing’k now k’now’www’ng appearing/a pair’ing see’in w/a na y seer sight seeing at the speed of da y light ways of eve(waves) re y t(h)ing’k’ing out(x) inforMa”sszz’zion.

In that con’fusing oscillation at speed of ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi bio ‘diversity ‘y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) as though(tsz) turn y’all around & back & forth in reverse & upside down y’ll still that center centered centrality of Mr. re point of view/you/y remains still(immortal) freestanding star’e y tsz y x’s tense of that awareness that that I am is seer in all sight see’ng, naturally realized in constant of feeling/fielding bio cognitive field of view/you/y being alone(extraordinary first person present singular) in the first, middle, & last place that awareness that that I am is is.