In that ABBC, alphabeta binary code, a single e’x’ception to that hieroglyphic Hebraic Phonetic source is letter X ‘marks the spot’ in form/ for ma’ing a’n(a) active(time now @ 45 degrees as infinite potential y na/a na y energy/eN’erg’y/urgency of ka’s all(causal) potential of y na n’eve’r(e y) arises or diminishes, inclines ‘overhead’/from above n’or declines toward(word) horizon) ‘intersection’ w/ horizontal & vertical.  Thus ‘+’ @ 45 degrees = x.   X ‘symbolizes activation as though(t) movement(ove m’em or y ‘m’ en’t(ing)) of motionless center centered centrality of that still freestanding star’e Mr. re. point of view/you/y.  In order of alphabetaY leads X as ‘horse leads cart’ to Z/zayin/zion, the y’hill’/wile, that mean wile that cunning[OE cunnung knowledge < cannan to know, be able. Akin to can/k’en, indicates state of potential/to be able is ka’s all(causal) bodhi state of x(out) k’no’w’ng/projecting a ledge of that k’now for foolish ‘falling’ in form/for ma’s s  s   s LOVE SUPREME in(being) a na y t(h)ing’k’ing] act or means of perception & deception of myriad mirage(mirrored mirror’age) universe k’now/k’urving time as though(t) reflecting, deflecting, resisting a singular Ma’s re y dios in complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement/eN-rapture of ‘falling’ from that k’now’ledge, that x-tension of Mr. re point of view/you/y in any way/ray of eve(wave/rave) re y dios in that sacred ‘pi’ arc/pi ar(k) t’ing of Mr. re point of view as k’now’wwww’ng that ark of the covenant, that sacred accord be(ing) tween/twin of mem(man as mind) or y/me or you.  Any a na y brain has x way of(wave) re y function of ‘crossing over’ between(be’ing twin’e) R & L hemispheric modality.  X marks the spot, the definite locale of center centered centrality y where at tension of appearance/a pair’ance as X’s tense sion(pas’s’ive) now zion(active) mean wile Y meets the motionless eye of the storm of any t(h)ing’k formation w(h)orl(d)’ing inspir(al)’ation in that mean(ordinary) y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning in two/twa/to w’ind around in a na y ka’s mic mem(man as mind) or y.   That center centered centrality of X may be naturally ‘x’-pe'(h)r’i’en’ced as y’all ‘see’/witness any information from that center whether subtle/dream bodhi or gross/waking(quaking) bodhi.  That center of y that I am is is ‘holds’ eve’n(a) when in sight of any mirror mirroring that reflection to affect a na y ‘instantaneous’ infinite regression or progression in mere(mirror) k’no’w’www’ing of a na y x’-tensive x’s-tense sion in sight/psy’t always/all waves ‘sur’round’ing at ten’sion of appearance/a pair’ence in k’no’wwwww’ng ka’s all(causal) ka’s(cause) in be’am’ing out/x or k’no’wwww’ng x’s tense zion of k’now’ledge for ‘falling’ in LOVE SUPREME w/other y’s .

Thus X is tense due to any/a na y directing x/’out’ of now ‘falling’ as’now inspir(al)ed by ka’s(k’urve’s) of time/now turning/k’urving around as though(t) w/standing/resisting being alone(singular) still(immortal) freestanding star’e of that Mr. re point of view/you/y.  You/y would be tense as well/we’ll(wheel) turning in too(two) be’ing(s)’tween/twin/twist of singular free standing star’e in(be’ing) k’now(ing) x(out)side(ing) in a na y direction of the play of Ma’s re y dios eN’rapturing/eN-circling in p(i)-ar’t(e) i-cu(bic)’la’r form(for ma’s s  s   s    s     s) p(i)’r pose of constantly computating constant order of magnification/magnet-ification myriad mirage(mirrored mirror’age) of now(time).  Mr. re point of view/you/y now as though(t) in m’y(mem man’as mind (d’)or y) Ma’s s  s   s    re y dios playing in accordance of sound waves(ways of eve) re y x(out)’et’ing in mere(mirror) vibration of p’eh. . . . . . .peh . . . . . .PEH ar’ti’cu’lar opening of the mouth organ of speech x-pressing ka’s all breath breathed breathing.

X is letter-ly ‘out’ side the r’ing of ancient hieroglyphic-hebraic-phonetic keys in ABBC.  Thus being that single ‘x’-ception letter X stands ‘oooooooooouuuuuuttt w/out number predominately in visual form(for ma’s s) X X  X   X    X     X ‘m’arks the s’p(eh)’o’t’ & thus Tav/tau t’ilts over at 45 degrees a’s ‘+'(tau) = x in(being) a ‘twist’ of that ‘un’known, that ‘un x’et’ed/anded/a na d’ed out in a na y direction.  That direction is revealed by x’s position in modern Greco-Roman alphabeta binary code.  Y always(waves) ‘leads’ X thus XYZ is ZYX(Z is N k’no’ck’e’d over).  Thus we’ll(wheel) turn to keys 6-Z/zain/zayin/z’ion + key 9 Y/yod/you/iota = 6 9 a mirror image re y t'(h)ing a p’i”ing, a constantly computating constant y willing/we’ll’ing(wheel’ing) around of total eN-rapture inspir(al)ed by X-turn(ing)’al(l) ka’s all(causal) y’all y’ll/y we’ll(wheel) turn be(in be’ing)t’we’en/twine/twin/twist of de’sti’n’y & a na y point of view/you/y now x’et’ing in rays of eve(raves) re y function in mere(mirror) k’no’wwwwww’ng y’s dom(us)(building/being).  Y’et X’et’ing ‘marks the spot’ the ‘cross over’ from above to below or a na y direction of that center centered centrality m’ark, that ark of ‘m’/mem/man’as mind (d’)or y time(now) k’urving into k’now” wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww’ng a na y t(h)’ing’k in complete ka’s all bodhi d’ark’ness/eN-rapture.  Now  Z is Y X is tense et’al.  Z is N’ow k’no’c’ke’d over in(being) too(two) ka’s(cause) ‘z z  z   Z‘ooooowwwww’ng now at 45(for to fi’ve) degree charge/slide from above to below.  From Mr. re point of view/you/y now as too(two) appearing/a pair’ing in foolishly ‘falling’ in LOVE SUPREME a’gain to lose in eve/ma re y dios ar’k’ing from above weighting to fall in a’g’re’e-m’ent of x to y ‘z up or go down particular/p(eh) ar t’ i’ cu(be’ing) el’ar ways of eve(waves) re y k’now as though(t) k’urving time into sides in a na y potential ka’s all(causal) direction of X by ‘point’ing’ out Y in a na y t(h)ing’k’ing of Z/eN’d’ing.

X’s tense because(in ka’s) Y a N keeps ‘fall’ing’ over & over & over in Z z za za  z z  z   z    z ‘ing total d’ark’ness/eN(eZ’y)-rapture of ka’s all bodhi into awakening a’s’word to cut the ‘night’ b’y will’ing/we’ll’ing(wheel’ing) a round into ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic da y light.

ABBC also functions as audio code of sound/healthy/ well/we’ll(wheel) turning out(x) in ways/rays of eve(waves/raves)Ma’s s  s   s re y dios arc’ing here’ing/hear’ing k’no’w’ing various sounds for x’ample’tu’de; (ks) as in axle, box, next; (gz), as in executive, exert; (ksh) as in noxious; (gzh) as in luxurious; and initially always (z) as in xenophobe, xylophone, Xanthippe.

Last but na least X symbolizes k’ristos, that sacred d’ark’ness that awareness that I am is is k’now/k’urving time as though(t) that unknown /un/n’un/na/no’wwwwwww waves out/x k’now’n(past (x)tense (zion), now as though(t) ‘beside(ing)’ the point of view/you/y in a na y sur’face’ing direction in y’all y’ll/y will/ y we’ll(wheel) turn out/x into cu’ e, that action, word, or sound to be as cu’be of space/s’peh a/e c(h)e/spe’ech in that sound/healthy/well(wheel) way of eve(wave) ma’s s  s   s re y dios complete ar’king from above to below.   X’s tense sion/zion of a na y appearance/a pair’ance eN’d’ng in star’t’ing out(x) & (e)s’ta’p’ing(p’ing  P’ING      P P P P P P P’innnnnng where word is sound & sound is word) by now & the’n by ka’s all(causal) k’no’wwwww’ng that vacillation in sound waves, in well/we’ll(wheel) turning way/rays of eve(wave/raves)ma’s s  s   s re y dios b’en’d’ing ar’k’ing from above as below form/for ma x y(y always ‘leads’ x) urgency now as y too(two) X’i’st, to that y’ll still freestanding star’e x/’out’/’e’x now as ka’ing y/k’no’wwwww’ng y/d’na’ing y inspir(al)ation.

In other word(s) that mean means & meaning of x’s tense b(in) ka’s(cause) y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn(ing) into y’all b(in(g)) ka’s all k’no’wwwwww’ing x x x x x x x x x x x’s from Te’x’s y’all led b’y a na y point of view/you/y in that way of eve(wave) re y function in mere(mirror) seeing/star’ing out(x) k’now/k’urving time in a na y direction of that superficial/super ‘face’tial play actuality of Ma’s re y dios circling in a na y direction of various rolls/roles y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) in ka’s all bodhi of complete d’ark’ness, total eN-rature turn totally around to k’now sur(above y’all) ‘face’ a na y point of view/you/y.

Thus it seems above all we’ll(wheel) turn as though(t) to(two) ‘face’ the fact that I am is is still freestanding star’e Mr. re point of view/you/y.