constantly computating constant order of pi a’r(k) t’ing cue la’r i’ty cu be of space + k’urve of time-now+k=k’now w/x-ten’sion{a ten sion = a ten hill/he’ll/he y’ll/he y  we’ll(wheel) turning he y turning} or ledge of k’now(k’urved time) to foolishly ‘fall’ off that k’now ledge in(being)ward(word) for’ma’tion/zion{forMa’s s ‘zion’/tion is hori/h’our’s, the only ‘begotten’ s’i’on/time = horizon of k’now in forMa’s s  s s  s  s    s    s LOVE SUPREME a’s though(t) k’nowwwwwwww’ng a way of eve/ma(wave)ma re y function of mere(mirror) be(in) (e)l o’wwwwwww’ing/ appearing/a pairing x/(n)un k’now’n w/ k’now’wwwww’ng out(x) a na y t'(h)’ing’k’ing in(be’ing) that ‘hey’ t’ing(t’h’ing) of p'(i) ar'(k) t’ing/hey’ting of par’t’ing.

Z ending of alphabeta is key 6/six/sex of ABBC, the Lovers now k’now’ing/kurve’ing time in too(two) appearing/a pair’ing as ka’s mic/memory-intelligence-consciousness as es’word to cleave the night/ni gh’z(x) t(hat) in da y light.  The twin twine of z y x’et’ing inspir(al)’ation by y foolishly falling in LOVE SUPREME of ka’s all(causal) bodhi now k’now’wwwwing memory/me or y/you as lovers playing as though(t) a part in ka’s all forMa’s s  s   s re y dios.  Lovers are disposed/posed a part to play the part of sexual reunion & procreation of a third.  The sun overhead in key six symbolizes that x’s tense radiant center centered centrality x’et’ing x’psy’t’m’ent of now k’now’wwww’ing x’s tenszion as though(t) erection of that still freestanding stare y Mr. re point of view/you/y now a k’now’www’ng pole”ar’i’ty of z x’s ten’tse mem/man’as mind or y.

Just as(justice) below the sun in key 6 the ark’ing an’g’el(angle) form’s(for ma’s s  sz z z) by divergence/appearance/a pair’ance of now(time) as though(t) in k’now’www’ng/kurving time in complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement straight from Ma’s s  s   sz  z z re y dios y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn in memory/me or you from ka’man ka’s all(causal) extra’ordinary singular d’ark(ing/m’as’k’ng y) bodhi being to desire as too(two) personify/per’son(‘ic)’ify per-sonically in that sound wave(way of eve) re y function of mere(mirror) here’ing that in echo’ing super-face’ially singular first person Mr. re point of view as now k’now’www’ing forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios ‘disposing’ x(out) side(ing) in re y of eve(rave) re y function of mere(mirror) a’ra’n’ge’m’en’t/order of y/Imag'(e)’nification of I-Maginary I-Magician of I-Mirage(mirror’age) of mere(mirror’ing) z y x’s tense

In that mean(ordinary) ka’s(cause) of mere(mirror) function na/ma re y’s s  sz  z z order follows I-mage’s I-mag(e)’inary I-mag(e)’n’ation of Hermes Tris’megistus(I-mage in triplicity) of 3 directions(length, width, breadth) now k’now’ing/kurve’ing time after time around y’all for a short y’ll/wile, that stare y z x psy’t’m’en’t inward/word forMa’ing sound/healthy/well/we’ll/wheel waves(ways of eve) re y dios ark’ing complete eN-roll’ment of thoth(tsz) by mere(mirror) function in(being) here”ing/hear’ing now k’now’ing a na y reflection/echo as thoth(tsz) of that d’or(go(a)ld) ‘en mean & x-treme ratio/relation in mem or y/man’as mind or y/me or you.

Thus the mean, the medium, method, or agency by which sum en’d’ing is or may be formed(forMa’ed) is y man’as mind, ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive, to think, to desire now k’now’ing/a kurve’ing time out(x) around y, that Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y a’s that thoth(tsz) of z x’et’ing/and’ing/adding to z y x’s tense in(being) a na y t(h)ing’k’ing of that mean/ordinary y man’as mind now k’now’ing x tremity, the utmost or furthest point of view/you/yod/y, the en’d’ing of a na y pole forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios pointing out(x)side(s) as thoth(tsz) of being be(ing)side(s) that singular point of y that I am is forMa’ing an x plane”ation for(Ma’ing) short wile(mere(mirror) cunning duplicitous duplication of that still freestanding stare y) periodically rolling back up in complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment/eN-rapture of that s.f. stare y now cloaked as thoth(tsz) in ka’s all(causal) bodhi .

Z y x’et’ing now as thoth(tsz) k’now’wwww’ng z y x’s tense.  You/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn w/in tension as well/we’ll(wheel) spin out(x) takes of side(ing) w/a na y aspire(al)’ation for climax[<L<Gk. klimax ladder] as too(two) t’wist(ing) that ladder in clime'(ing) on top.

Below the arch(ing) angel/angle of Y apparent/a pair’ent division/split appears/a pairs in key 6 Adam & Eve/Atom & E-wave/Man ‘as mem or Womb’man as mem of u(you/y)’te’r’us/me or y/you.

Adam/Atom, that still freestanding star’e’ y t’ing’ing out(x) na me’ing a na y t(h)ing ((h)’ey’t’ing/assembly of thought for Ma’s s  s   s re y dios d’ark’en’ing total eN’circle’ment of k’now’ing a na y time(now) k’urve’ing into a na y roll/role playing out(x) in mere(mirror) still freestanding star’e’ y t’ing – sta'(p(eh)’ing , z y x ‘in’ & ‘out'(x) of k’now’www’ng z y erection of Ma’s s  s   s re y dios pole”ar’i’ty pi’er’c’ing that veil as though(tsz) in(being/be”am’ing) out(x) side(ing) that Mr. re point of view/you/y in super facing any direction in playing out(x) any role/roll, any part’i’cu(be) ‘liar m”as”k’ing y z x’s tense

Z topped over = N = Z e Y x’et’ing/aN’d’ing of d’or/go(a)ld eN mean & x-treme relation of alphabeta to z as ka’ing/k’now’ing y x’s tense.
