
In that ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi now in mem or y/me or you we’ll(wheel) turn now into k’urve’ing around in complete d’ark’ness/eN-rapture ignore-ance rolls/roles of singular x plane’ing any going around in super- facial circumferential actuality.  That super ‘face’ i\/I al i\/I t’y,  that y ‘over’ x turn(ing) al(l) {y/x = phi = golden/d’or section/mean/ratio/number where y/x = ( y + x) / y d’or phi squared – phi – 1 = 0 d’or constantly computing constant of sacred geometry – we’ll(wheel) turn to see’ng then t(h)ing’k’ing} appearance/a pair’ance in total eN-rapture of complete dhi-vo(w’el)’tion inward(word) toward(word) formation continues as y that still freestanding star’e is a’head of a na y direction of x(out) casting  roles/rolls of complete d’ark’ness in that ka’s all(causal) ‘play’ of Ma’s s  s   sz z  z   z re y dios.

A na y X ‘plane’ing a’s sur(above) f’ac’e’ing ways of eve(waves) re y function of myriad mirage(mirrored mirror’age) from above of mere(mirror) dhi sire for now/time to reflect(ing) as though(t) k’now k’no’w’www’ng/turning time into any(a na y) t(h)ing/(h)ey ting/repulsion-attraction of appearance/a pair’ance in(being) mem/man as mind or y/me or you/memory.

Thus to x plane that still freestanding stare of that Mr. re point of view/you/y y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn now in to k’now’www’ing a na y direction of x(out) ‘cit’ing/side(ing)/facing a na y appearance/a pair’ance in mere(mirror) y/x function of y na/a na y way of eve(wave) ma re y dios in pi ar'(k) ti'(ng) cu'(be)’liar cubic form/for ma’s s ka’s all(kurves all) bodhi by x-plane’ation of k’now(time k’urve) by flattening an x’s tension of that k’now ledge for as though(t) foolish ‘fall’ of that still freestanding stare y’ll y’all y we’ll(wheel) turn in x(out)’ps’y’ting ways of eve(waves) re y k’now’w’wwwww’ng z y x planing/sur’facing complete roll/role of d’ark’ness on awakening / a way of eve(wave) re y k’en'(d)’ing —(d’)or ‘putting’ y’our ‘face’ on that ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi —‘taking’ sides in a na y ‘direction’ of y/x’s tense z z  z    z’i’on that y hill/y’ll/y we’ll(wheel) turn into particular super-facial ‘cu’be’ of space in a na y roll/role of time as a m’ark’ing sign X(out)’et’ing in a na y x-plane’ing that center centered centrality of still freestanding star’e of Mr. re point of view/you/y a’s now k’now’ing z z z z y’s of x’s tenszion, that a ledge’d k’now’wwwww’ng ‘fall’s of Ma’s s  s   s re y dios playing a na y form/for Ma. x.