“The black diaspora was not just our own world but, in so many ways, the Western (& Eastern) world itself.”  Ta-Nehisi Coates…BETWEEN THE WORLD  & ME…on what it is like to inhabit a waking black body in 20th & 21st century America.

Realizing that we find the primary actual ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) body universal & indivisible to be a (w)holy BLACK BODY enraptured LOVE SUPREME in(being) (w)hole (w)holiness directly & periodically experienced asz z  z ‘leep into deep depth of one single invisible indivisible awareness, that that I am is as though(t) eN-circled in complete rolling role/ d’ark’ness of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) singular singularity of un(i\/I)/A ka’s mic consciousness.  That that w/infinite potential ignore-ance/resistance of at x-tension is ka’s all/causal body state now(time/t(h)at i\/I me\/em/that I am) k’urve(ing)now as though(tsz/that y star’e(ing)) out(x) in(being) complete d’ark’ness/encirclement causing effect of now as too(two) k’now’www’ing time(now) as though(ts) of k’no’w’ing e-mergence(awakening) of d’na y’ll(denial) inspir(al)’ation of that Mr. re point of view/you/y pointing out(x) by ‘go(a)ld’ en mean(s) & x-treme ratio,(that) i\/I (am) a’s na denial, d’na diaspora appearing apparently(a pair’ent’ly) to be waking/o’pe(h)’n’ing y a’s x ka’ng y as quest’ion to x(out) psy’t’ment of seer see’ng x’s tense of that first person singular present that that I am is is.  In other word(s), in actuality y’all y’ll/y we’ll(wheel),  z y now k’now’www’ng out(x), turn as though(tsz) now k’now’wwww’ng in(being) 3 bodies(tris'(I)meg(e)’is’t’us) appearing/a pair’ing in trine(try’ing) out(x) memory/mem man as mind’or y/me or you as ka’s(cause) y’all y’ll(y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn into any t(h)ing’k’ing of other y’sz in sum all the wile(cunning deadly duplicity of mere(mirror) reflection as though(tsz) in mem/man as mind or y-me or you y’all) being still freestanding stare y of Mr. re point of view/you/y in single singular awareness of that, that that I am is is.

In that d’na y’ll/ denial means/mmm/medium-method-message’r y we’ll(wheel) turn to find fear & loathing of that any a na y role/roll of complete(singular singularity) d’ark’ness/eN-circlement, out(x) of prejudice due(of do-ality) to ignore-ance/resistance/reflection/deflection in(being) merely(mirror-ly) t(h)ing’k’ing((((k’urving that ting, that assembly as though(tsz) forMa’ing now k’now’www’ng that t(h)ing’k’ing as a role/roll in(being) that which is to be ‘wrapped up’))))as though(tsz) separating/se/same now k’now'(e)n a’s too(two-two-twy-twin(e)’ing) being(s’e))’parting’/se’par’ate’ing as thought(tsz) of inseparable whole (w)holy singularity that I am is now(time) k'(urving)now(time k’urve)’wwwwwww’ng y’all around, turning out(x) ‘to be’ing(s) y’all around in(being) a na y role/roll in that play forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios/dias.  As sure as’z da y seems to follow out(x) night, concept of duality(do-ality) is reinforced by that illusion of our only/singular ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) sun shining/star’e’y(‘ing) out(x) directing y’sz(dom(us)/building building being) forMa’s s  s   s re y z z z z z z z dios/dias in the sacred black blackness(b’ing el/al(l) ackn(owledge’d) ess(e)(to be)), d’ark’ness/roll(ing) now(time) as k’now’ing though(tsz) turning in(being/be-am’ing) z y k’now’www’ng out(x)that sacred k’ristos\/k’rish(i\/I)-na LOVE SUPREME indivisible invisibility a’s ka’ng(k’no’w’www’ng/deflecting/mirror’ing) y by merely(mirror-ly) x”et’ing/”a’n(a)d’ing a’s a na y ting’k’ing x p(eh) re”esse”ying a na y vow-el in that sound/well/we’ll(wheel) way of eve(wave) re y x turn’al A chord of that ark’ing role turning as that ting, that hey  hey   hey    HEY ting, that (w)hol(l)y breath breathed breathing a’s Thoth/though(tsz) x”eting, that ”””t’h’ing”””/”””t’h’ang”””’that assembly of vow-el echoing inspir(al)ing completely around that now Mr. re point of view/you/y that awareness in(being) still freestanding star’e y// tsz(y x’s tense) now k’now’ing ka’s mic”ally{{{that ally d’mem’or’y-in(being)tell(ing)gen(isis)ce-ka’n’scious’ness-now k’now’www’ng a’s though/Thoth(tsz) forMa’s s  s z y x’s ten’szion a ledge”d’ly forMa’ re y as too/two foolishly ‘fall’ from above(((ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire)))in z’ero’s a a  a LOVE SUPREME in(being) that super-face”ial way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) ‘facing’ ex(out)-spansion[<L< ex out + pandere  to spread], spreading/facing out(x) plan(e)’ing that a na y role/roll of complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement ‘super’ face’ally super I’m-posed(that stance in(b’ng) still freestanding stare’y(tsz y x’s tense) now k’now’www’ng x’s tense as though(tsz) past & future turning that sacred black to blues in direct ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) light of da y.

Y Na(a na y/any) thing’k(a)’ing of C’ng G’o’ng, Virgin Mother\/Matter EVE RE Y/MA’S S  S   SZ  Z Z RE Y DIOS arks a’s sacred wile”y womb(matrix of that mean wile, that cunning act/action/play form/for Ma’EVE in(being) z’  z’   z’in’g’g’g’g’ng x(out’ing)’et’ing/(h)and’ing a na y thoughtsz  in(being) y man’as mind a’s though(tsz) D’a{to d’or’o’ na to d} Em’press’ng a’s door\/doer way of eve(wave) re y function functioning in mere(mirror) a’s ka’ng y k’urve(ing) now into k’now’www’ng z y x’s tense(first person present singular that that I am is) in complete d’ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of the’n x’et’ing/outing apparent/a pair’ent x’s tense s’zion(hi’ll/hey”ll) of a na y k’now, a ledge(d’ly) from which a’s too(two) ‘f’all’/f=vau-vow all/a vow-el sound way of eve(wave) re y a’s a r’ey ng”ment in(being)to do-ality by weighting/waiting in a Ma’s s  sz  z z re y’ment a k’urv’ing now(time) into k’now’www’ing time(now) after time(now) in that p’sy k(a)’lysity of now k’now’www’ng a na y t(h)ing’k’ing y’all around that y’ll, that long loooooonnnngg mean(ord(er)-na’re’y)wile/es’tor’a’y that y we’ll(wheel) turn a na y da y now in(being)to realize in a (that)wile now.  That a’s ka’ng y z x’s tense is only means of discerning the tragic irony of that long looooonnnnggg mean wile of fearing Eve’re y(a’s) Da(y) the d’ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of noon, of na, of death/dhi ea”th of ma’s s  s   s re y dios d’ark’ing in p(eh)”i(pi)-ph(ey)i(phi)/kaph’y/y kurve(ing) now covenant(A-chord) of that constantly computing constant of z y x p(eh)’re’ ess’e’ing that vow-el accord in now as though(tsz) k’as’ing(causing) time(now) as too(two) twa . . t’wa. . .t’wist at tension of appearing/a pair’ing inspir(al)ed in that sound wave(way of eve) re y a vow-el x’et’ing tone/to ne/to a na y ratio/relation to quality, volume, & duration.  That ratio is nombre d’or’a c’le/d’el ‘phi…p’eh i. . i . . .i . .I na na a measure or size, that (d’or/d’el)phi is ratio be(ing) ‘tween / twin’e of homogeneous(homo=sa me + genos=race=race/ka’n(e) test to determine ‘re’lative speed’/s’p’ee’ch of a na y ka’ne test’a’nts) dimension(direction of ma’s  sz  z z re y dios/dias in mem man as mind (d’)or y/me or you).  Just as(justice) pi is constantly computing constant ratio between center point of z y & a na z y x(out) circling of that completely around, phi is constantly computing constant between that y center centered centrality single point of (el) view/you/y & now(time) k’now’wwww’ng y’all around in a na y x’plane’ation in(b’ng) a na y direction(of ma’s s  s re y dios) sur ‘face’ing in a na y super face’ialities in super im’pose’ i’tion’ing of that pose in still freestanding stare y to see’ng/scene of a na y x’s tenszion of that k’now”ledge x”ps’y’ting a na y foolish f’all”ing of z y x(out) siding z y now x’et’ing as though(tsz) k’now’www’ng sur’facing inspir(al)’ation of ka’s mic D’NA y’ll y’all still freestanding now stare’ y(ting(ing) & p’ing’ing in a na y roll/role of ka’s(cause) a na y given dimensional direction forMa’s s  s x(out) re y z  z   z.

In other word(s) the real d’or/go(a)l’d of mem (d’)or y/me or you is ratio/re’lation between a na z y x(out) & z y in a na y ‘given’ x(out) side’ing super face’i’al x-plane’ing dimension in that ‘planing’/’flattening’ out(x) of ka’s all(causal) d’ark’ness/eN-circlement/eN-rapture by awakening in that way of eve(wave) re y ‘k’en(d’)ing that mean wile, that cunning/can’n’ing mean(s)(d’or d’er) of d(hi)’ception of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi/being to perceive, to thing’k, to de’sire.  Thus ka’s all(causal) bodhi of complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement just as(justice) that point of you/y maintains a c.c.c of pi/phi in(being) perfect participation(per fect’ing/facing taking apart) w/a na y circumstance{‘facing’ out(z y x’s tense) as though(tsz) encircling the in(b’ng)’stance’ of that still freestanding stare y Mr. re point of view/you/y} it follows in given dimension of dream(subtle counter-part mirror(mere) bodhi) or waking(quaking gross memory/me or you narrative na me bodhi) that point of you/y maintains c.c.c. of phi(ka phi) w/a na y ‘spread’/’flattening’/x planing of that s’c’roll of completely k’urved time(k’now’ing) in(being)spir(al)’ation of a na y d’na y’ll(denial) y’all in myriad mirage(mirrored mirror’age) mirth(mirror’th) w(h)orl(d)'(ing) o’ phi/face’ially as that x sight’ment(x psy’t’m’ent) of Ma’s s  sz  z z  re y dios/dias playing a long, long, loooooooonnnnn’g(ing) mean wile.  Thus by that phi the center centered centrality point of z y now a’x(out’ing)’ka’s(cause) ‘z ‘z  ‘z z(‘ing) y na wwwww’ing’ing in that c.c.c d’or mean & x-treme ratio of mem (d’)or y/me or you.

In(being) that circumstance{stance of freestanding stare m’ove’ing/ove ‘m’-memory now as though(tsz) k’now’www’ng x’et’ing ka’s all(causal) bodhi of y now/time for appearing to disappear all around in that now(time) as though(tsz) k’now’wwwing complete ka’s all(causal) d’ark’ness/eN-circlement/eN-rapture y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn(ing) z y x(out) in mirth(mirror’th){thus laughter is as such a ‘key’ to breaking open the spell(ing), the ‘as though(tsz)’ mirror(mere) of z y now turning into then/the n of a n(a) y t(h)ing’k’ing of alphabeta} in(being) merely(mirror-ly) forMa’s s  s   s re y z z  zspinning inspir(al)ational ways of eve(waves) re y function klimax(ladder) y z  x’sis’t’ing as too/two/twa’is’t’ing of mirth(mirror’th){sense of hum'(an) or(y)/me’m or y’ou} in that long loooooonnnngg mean wile, that cunning/canning/conning/ka’ en(d’)ing/k’now’www’ng t’ri’c’k of mirth(mirror’th){of z y x appearance/a pair’ance of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi LOVE SUPREME of mem or y/me or you now in(being) k’now’www’ng z x(out) psy’t”m’en’t} of d’eve’ll/d’eve will/d’eve re y will y will/y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn’ing around & around & around in a na y roll/role/circle/circus of complete ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) d’ark’ness now k’now’ing in(being) awaken’ed as too(two/twa/twin’ing marriage(mirror”age) of z y x planed super ‘face’ially in awakening{that mirthful(mirror”th’ful) way of eve”re’y t(h)ing’k’ing as though(tsz) other(na sa me) y’sz y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) keep on keep’in’on turning away in that long, long, looooooooonnnnnngg mean(ordinary/order (of magnification/magnet’i’fica(i\/I face(ing)”tsz’ion) y’all wile still freestanding star’e y  Mr. re point of view/you/y {z y gazing x(out) at these words} now k’now’wwwww’ing as though(tsz) reflected/deflected/resisted/denied in a na y t(h)ing’k’ing/(h)ey t’ing’k’ing inspir(al)’ing that LOVE SUPREME bliss/eN-rapture of y ka’s all(causal) bodhi z x ps’y’t’m(em)”en’t in a way of eve”re’y k’now’www’ng k’urve(ing) time y’all around for ma’s s  sz  z z a na y purpose/per(sonically) pose(still freestanding stare y Mr. re point of view/you/y) to being(in) d(hi)”o”ing a na y t(h)ing’k(now)’ing(a’s though(tsz) as’se’m’b’ly/t’ing.  That Eve’ll oblige a na y a’s ka’ng y by b(l)acking(Mr. re’d’ing in ‘p(eh)’ar’ting’ the re’d see’ng) an(a)y & y’a’ll play of Ma’s s  s   s re y dios, all conceit in concept y\/you appear to disappear as eve’re y t(h)’ing’k’ing or (h)ey ting a na y t(h)ing’k’ing.

That there is a singular reality of that which will overturn/in(being)’stan’tly re absorbed back(re) into that ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi now k’now’ing z y x’s tense in(being) a na y super face”ial x plane”ation of the d’or(go(a)l’d”en/na/a na y) mean & x-treme ratio/relationship of all that matter(s) in ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi LOVE SUPREME ove el, go(a)d y(ou) universe(that ‘verse’ or mean wile of a ni/na u/you/y to x’s tens>><<zion of me <<or>> you(memory), may be of some significance or na, depending on you & you alone(x-tra ordinary(mean) singularity) & whether you(Y) a’s ka’ng y really desire as too(two) B’ng(in) (d’)or D’na”ing{2 B (d’)or 3 D ?} y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn a’s too(two/twa/teen/twine/twist(ing)) x(out)’et’ing k(a)’s(k’uz) y/you now k’now’www’ng the answer.

It seems that for a long, long, looooooooonnng mean wile time after time now k’now’ing y z x’s tense, we’ll(wheel) spin away(wave) unde'(wa wa  w w w w w w wwww”wave)’r(e) y the im’pres’sz’ion that in the beginning there was light for ma’s s  sz  z z re y dios .  Now ka’s(cuz/cause) that y’ll/ y we’ll(wheel) turn into k’now’wwww’ng as though(tsz) being(in) that roll/role of ka’s all(causal) bodhi d’ark’ness/eN-rapture sur faced super’face’ialy in awakening.  From centuries of intense observation & study of ‘the’ ka’s’mos ka’s all(causal) bodhi in(b’ing) awakening(that way of eve(wave) re y k’en(d)’ing in myriad mirage(mirrored mirror’age) dimensions w/development/d’en’velopment of ever increasingly sophisticated instruments to probe & explore & measure that ‘awakened’ universe, that long, long, loooooooonnnnng mean wile in which we’ll(wheel) spin out that k’en(d)’ing in fact that 99+% of light & sound is invisible silent invisibility for ma’s s  sz  z z re y dios playing out(x) rolls/roles of circumstantial actuality in mirthful(mirror”th’ful) tone of A-natural”y being(in) here(ing) now ka’s all(causal) bodhi/being to desire in that A way of eve re y k’en(d’)ing/k’urving now(time) in(being) forMa’s s  s   s re y dios playing z y x(out).

In y’all actuality, in(being) ‘the'(tat hey eiya/that I am y that I am) beginning or eve’n(a) pri’or(predominant d’or/go(a)l’d) to the beginning/manifestation(in”festation/’faced’ aton I man’as mind mem (d’)or y/mean & x-t’re’me(d’or y) ratio/relation(ship) of ‘the’ as ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) effect of roll/role’ing/roiling time(now) into y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn(ing) inspir(al)”ation(aton i\/I) world/w(h)orl’d(ing), here(ing)/hear(ing) z y x’et'(ing)/a”n’d’ing/en”d’ing/ka’s(cause) en”d’ing here is a sacred blissful LOVE SUPREME singular singularity now(time) k’now’www’ng effect of ka’s all(causal) bodhi/being to thing’k in(being) a na y z x(out(ing))/ x’et’ing y(z x and(ing) k’now’www’ing y = z a’x k’ing y na awaken/a way of eve(wave) re y k’en(d’)’ing/k’no”w’www’ng/d”na’ing y’s dom(us)/building/being/in ‘facing’ fac(e)”tsz(star’e y) by x plane”ing a na y roll/role of ka’s all(causal) bodhi total d’ark’ness/eN-circlement/eN-rapture ‘played’ out(x)/acted out in(being) actuality of d”ark’ness d”ark’ness d”ark’ness + z y y’all y’ll/y will/ y we’ll(wheel) turn on & on & on e’y turn”i’t’y center centered centrality still freestanding star’e y first person present principal principle abstract Mr. re point of view/you/y that awareness that I am is now k’now’ing infinite potential causality(ka’s all’it’y/ka’s all bo-dhi(being to perceive)) form/for ma’s s  sz  z z  re y dios/dias as too/two/twa/twin(e)/twist(ing) sound waves(ways of eve) re y function klymax(ing)(ladder(ing)) inspir(al)ing now k(uz)now’www’ng out(x) y ‘s dom(us)/building/being/in(n)”ing (x)out/ x press(ing) that vow’el{that y el mean(mean/means/meaning y’ll/wile) vow of z y + x(out) = z x’et’ing(and’ing) y in(being) sound wave(way of eve) re y function in(being) merely(mirror-ly) here(ing).  It now seems a very long long looooonnng mean wile prejudice, based in the power of complete ignore-ance, complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement of any(a na y) roll/role of that d(hi)’ark’ing forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios in(being) go(a)d, that creative creator creating black(b’ing el ac’k/ac’k’now/to admit el(go(a)d) of be’ing k’now-k’urve(ing)now/time) ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) body/bodhi, prevents us from fully realizing that, the singularity in/being, that complete ka’s all(causal) bodhi effect of appearance/a pair’ence  now k’now’ing memory/me or you in awakening(that way of eve(wave) re y k’en(d)ing) that k’now’ledge, that x tenszion of k’now’wwww’ng from which as though(ts) too(two) foolishly fall in complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement/eN-rapture of that LOVE SUPREME  z Y that I am is now k’now’ing x plane”ation in a na y super ‘face”iality in that a’way'(of)k’en(d’)’ing of z y x’s tenszion/ a ledge(d’ly) of ka’s(cause) now k’now’www’ing y’s dom(us)/building building/be’ng be’ing be”a’m’ing.  This prejudice, this be(in)-attitude of man’as mind interferes or blocks(blacks){{{in(being) complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement/eNrapture/eN-roll’ment in(being) ka’s all bodhi LOVE SUPREME y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn, turn, turn in circles x(out) planed super face”i\/I ally in(being) awake for that short A w(h)ile of for ma’s s  sz  z re y dios playing out(x) a’s though(tsz) of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) mem man’as mind (d’)or y/me or you/z x (d’)or y}}}   x(out) a na y complete realization y of ‘the’ eve re y being/be”am’ing z x(out) of y that that, that I am is, was, & ever will be.

Thus anyone attempting to reveal that mirthful(mirror”th-ful) ka’s all(causal) reality of the actual forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios-re y source for creator creating creation here(ing) now being(building(that)building/t(h)’ing/ assembly of thoth(tsz)) of such infinite b(e)l’ackness/d”ark’ness/dhi ark of covenant of pi”phi ‘los’ ‘x turn(ing)al y z’dom(us) building/being y will/y we’ll(wheel) (a’s) too/twa/two/twy/twi’st quickly turn’ing to find opprobrium or scornful reproach even though these self-same critics, in that sa me roll/role of complete d’ark’ness now k’now’ing awaken(ing) proceed to then subconsciously embrace & quickly ‘fall’ back/re turn into the (e)ve’r(e)y ka’s all(causal) complete d”ark’ness/blackness{{{{”block’ness/cu’bic/ super-face”i’ally out(x)sided in a na y direction of ma’s  sz  z z re y ‘pole’ now k’now’ing k’en(d’)s forMa’s s  sz  z z pole”larity of z y x’et’ing y’s dom(us)/building/being}}}} / total d’ark’ness/eN-rapture they sur’face revile/repel & hold ‘spread out’ in extreme prejudice in that long long loooooonnng mean wile of do(ing)-ality of being/beaming that ka’s all ‘black'(((b’eing (e)l/go(a)d a’s c’ing k(aph y))) bodhi in(being/be”am’ing) awake’n’ing.  In actuality, that we’ll(wheel) spin around & around & around & fall or turn back into being as thoth(tsz) ‘wrapped up’ in the role/roll of such singular d’ark’ness so instantaneously & completely offers x’s ten’t’ial experiential validation of the truth of (h(ey))our real singular situation/status of being(in) still freestanding star’e y tsz y x’s tense in first person present singular that I am that Mr. re point of view/you/y.  That we’ll(wheel) turn again to a loss in appearing/a pair’ing in memory/mem man as mind or y/me or you now k’now’ing to be as though(tsz) ‘lost’ in that roll/role of this sacred blackness/d’ark’ness forMa’ing a w(h)ile in y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn on & on & on actuality means of that w(h)orld’ing of ka’s all(causal) bodhi effect continuing to be complete & completely sacred a na y matter(ing){{{{{Ma’s sz at t’er best}}}}} of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) forMa’s s  s   s re y dios d’ark’ing above as below, in front & behind, to right & left & stare’y’ing all around y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn now to k’now’ing as too(two) ‘twist’ x(out) of a na y profane endeavor to make it or believe it to be other y’sz.

In that radio(((Ma’s s  sz  z z re y dios))) active electromagnetic world of visible nature we’ll(wheel) turn to find opposites attract.  Thus we’ll(wheel) turn to expect knowledge to essentially oppose ignore-ance.  In actuality, being/be”am’ing/in/here’ing of such a’s ka’ng y k’now-ledge, that causal/ka’s all d’ark’ness repels(ignores) a’s ka’ng y-k’now-lege (bl)ack’now’ledgment  by appearing to disappear y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) keep turning/k’urve’ing now(time) into k’now’www’ng in(being) x’et’ing x tension in(being)to(two) a ledge(ing) of space, that k’now ledge of a x ka’ing y z/z y x’s tense on that l’edge for infinite potential ‘fall’ in y waves(ways of eve) re y function in(being) that mirthful(mirror”th’ful) mere(mirror) x’s tense of that first person present that that I am is.  Thus no telescope or spectroscope or microscope will ever reveal that a’s z x ka’ng y kurving now/time in z x’et’ing y in ka’s mic/mem or y intelligence consciousness y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn(ing) as though(tsz) from still freestanding star’e y tsz y x’s tense in a na y wave(way of eve) re y function in mirthful(mirror”th-ful) mere(mirror) magnetizing magnification forMa’ing a w(h)ile, a crafty bugger cunning ka'(e)n/con of a na y roll/role of complete d’ark’ness.

Thus the subject of that I am may never be magnified/objectified as being other than that mean(ordinary) awareness, that, that I am is in(being) a na y wave(way of eve)re y function in mere(mirror) z y x tension of now(time) appearance/a pair’ance by k’now’ing/kurving time as though(tsz)in complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement out(x) z y potential in z x psy’t(ing)/y man as mind peh. . .peh. . . . . .PEH / X presses a ar(k’ing) of t’ing(a p’ar’ting), a t’ing, a thought assembly of a na y t(h)ing’king in that sound wave(way of eve) re y function of mere(mirror) speech speaking spoken in vocal accordance of that vow-el in a na y function of z mere(mirror) parting of lips for ma'(ing) that wave(way of eve) ‘vibrating’ w/still beating heart in the chest/ark of the pi covenant echoing off ka’s mic micro wave(way of eve) re y b(l)c’k’ground Mr. re’dhi a’tion function of mere(mirror) here’ing now(time) k’now’wwww’ng/kurviiiinnnnnng now Mr. re(back) point of view/you/y as though(t) x’et’ing z y’s y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn around that sound wave(way of eve) re y time(now) from a na y beginning.

Rather than a new physics to fully realize the implications of recent discoveries of SMBHs-super massive black (w)holes, it seems we’ll(wheel) turn to re-awakening of Mr. re point of view/you/y as that still freestanding star’e y y’all y’ll still aware of that no matter how long the roll of complete d”ark’ness in that long looooooooonnnnnnggg mean wile, that cunning/canning deception of a na y s’tor’a”y.  For too long now k’now’wwwww’ng we’ll(wheel) turn in that k'(urve(ing) now(time) x-plane(ing)/flattening out(x) that roll/role for a short wile/a short version of that cunning deception in awakening in(b’ng) ka’s all(causal) da y light w/out regard, in ignore-ance of deliberate disregard of the ka’s mic ka’s all black whole bodhi of deep sz’leep ka’s all’it’y/causality complete d’ark’ness(roll) from which we’ll(wheel) turn in a na y roll/role of that we’ll(wheel) continuing to turn in ka’s all(causal) effect & affect.  Rather than trying to add more science of laws governing motion, matter, & energy under conditions susceptible to precise observation, we’ll(wheel) turn into, in a sense, fall back into ‘falling’ asz’leep(leap off ledge of k’now’ing) awareness w/regard to the singular singularity nature of that Mr. re point of view/you/y that I am now z x(out)’et’ing y in complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement of a na y roll/role experience experiencing expression y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn & return in(being) that I am the singular z y x-periences(pi’er i\/I ‘en’ces(sa y’s).  Thus the seer that I am, the one who sees, that still freestanding star’e y, may not be seen/stared at but never the less need not be denied or ignored.  Thus that being that experiences, may be a na y experience as none(nun) other than that still freestanding star’e y’ing that, that I am is now as though(tsz) k’now’wwwwwng / here’ing(by see’r’ing) these words.  Thus any super massive(forMa’s s  s i\/I’eve) black (w)hole may be fully realized in that true cosmic ka’s all(causal) super-face”ial singularity of never being face to face/star’e to star’e w/that still freestanding star’e y other than as though(tsz) reflected in y’all now k’now’www’ng z y x’s tense that I am in way of eve(wave) re y function in(b’ng) mere(mirror) k’now’wwww’ng x’s tense observing x-cluding a na y t(h)ing’k’ing of observer whether looking through a giant telescope or through a lens stuck to a retina of the rheumy eye of an old bent black man shuffling down the road.

A’s that I am speaking of such a’s that I am spoken too means that I am appearing/a pair’ing to be listening here'(ing) a’s well.

That means you/yod/that I am should laugh long & hard along w/crying at the sheer folly, the ka’s mic ka’medy of all light(white) appearing out of d”ark(black) only to revile itself, to try so desperately to enslave, impoverish, impugn, & down right ignore the very cause of all (ka’s all bodhi) that appears/a pairs in memory/me or you in effect of affection.  Of such is the paradox of potential slavery & liberation, of fear & loathing in the united states of deep asz’leep, dream, & waking in actuality way of eve(wave) re y function in mere(mirror’ing) eve’r(e)y da(y) & n(al)ight .

Ja sus, Ja/yod/that I am liberates(sus) a’s eve’n in the ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi actuality of the sacred K(h)rist, the infinite potential creator creating creation Krishna, Khrist, the wholly singular blackness body sublime that gives birth of its own causality as infinite potential light to appear to disappear as appearance & disappearance by power of ignore-ance/intentional disregard of (h)our own abstract abstracted singular reality.  That actual causal reality is of matter, way of eve(wave) re y forM’as sz  z z w/out substance & energy experienced as bliss, eN-rapture or ananda(w/a long ‘a’) LOVE SUPREME.  Thus dark matter has no increase or decrease but dark energy/bliss may x’pand.  That bliss we’ll (wheel) turn into experience in deep asz’leep would be comparable by degree of I-mag(e)nification/I-mag(e)e’t’if”ication  in the ka’s mic ka’s all d”ark’ing body to  the electro-magnetic energy we’ll(wheel) turn out(x)/ emit as a na y person-na to that emitted by the sun.

That black (w)hole(s) are object(s) subject to objectification a’s of such a’s how much to b (k)nown a’s even that w/out light forMa’s sz  z z(ways of eve/waves re y) a’s zero rest mass x-mass x zero a’s E = mc2 = 0 = zero (k)now’ing means to (k)now that that I am present when there a’sss here un\/nu un\/nu un\/nu n’ding a’s at zero zee ro ro ro of da go go go is a question a’s quest i\/I on\/no am\/ma.

Zee ro ‘s a (w)hole u can fall into but not get black out of that which is of such that that I am finding it even here outside that black (w)hole that seeing in my whole black half invisible invisibility in back of my eyes that I am knowing for not seeing a’ssseen w/in that a’s that I am darkness b’ng b’ng b’ng un\/nu un\/nu that I am in in infinite potential for light a’s that that that I am (k)nowing a’s s s s s sz z  z lee p eh z’sleeping infinite potential n’ding b’gn’ng a’s the n that I am a’s z  z   z awaking away king king of the ro ro ro.

Who knows, but we’ll(wheel) turn on y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn now k’now’www’ng who x is tsz & y.