
Y A void to begin w/the/tat hey eiya, that vow-el’o’id ?

Vow-el O is key 15 of ABBC, the D’ev(e)’ll or ay’in = e’ye & found’ation.  Vow-el O ‘signifies’/p(eh)’r sonic ‘fies(face) ex’ternal(turning of that wheel(we’ll/y will) super-face’ial appearance/a pair’ence of a na y t(h)ing/(h)ey ‘ting(thought assembly) x-plane’ation of the roll/role of now k’now’n complete d’ark’ness w/out(x) x ps’y”t”me’nt of ka’s all bodhi as ka’s mic/mem man’as min’d’or y’in that sound wave(way of eve) re y form/for ma’s s  s   s re y dios function of mere(mirror) mirth(mirror’eth) in reflecting as though(t) being(in) a na y x-plane’ing of k’now’www’ing/kurve tim m m m m m m mm’ng by ‘spreading out(x)’ the complete ka’s all d’ark’ness roll/role being(in) actual play of awakening.  In that O key eye sight = a’y p(eh peh  peh p)sy”t  = y peh means ”the’ mouth as organ of speech/sp’aa’c(h)e’ is means for ma’s k’now’ing out(x) sound waves(ways of eve) re y function y’all y’ll/y will/ y we’ll(wheel) turn(ing) out(x)’et’ing now k’now’ing x’s tense s”z’ion in(being/be”am’ing) vow-el v’ox’ing voicing in vibrant vibration of vocal accord(s) of that sacred vow-el ar”k’ing of p’eh”i covenant.

Thus d’eve’ll/d’eve will is Ma’s s  s   s re y dios re y d(hi)’a’ting out(x)’et’ing a’s though(t) tings of p’ings of that sound ways of eve(waves) re y now k’now’www’ng then/the ‘n’ of a na y e’n’d’ing kurving time around in a es’k’roll of complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement only to expand, to spread out in(being) awaken’ing, a way of eve(wave) re y k’en’n’n’n’n’n’ing/k’now’wwwwww’ng  y’all in a na y roll/role of time now k’now’ing out(x) side(ing) for ma’k’ing super-‘im’posed’ face’ial sides in a na y direction x(out) of Ma’s s  s   s re y dios w(h)orl'(d)’ing inspir(al)’ing X X  X   X,s tenszions as a ledge’d’ly now k’now’www’ing to fall into speech of vow-el O ‘ve”re.

Thus awakening is a way of eve(wave) re y ‘sur’facing’/’flattening’/’spreading’ x(out(ing)) out the sc'(es c’ing) roll of complete d’ark’ness/eN-circlement of a na y t(h)ing’k’ing.  A na y hey ting(h’ey as though(t) ting/assembly) is as that thought assembly form(ing)/for ma/ for ma’s s  s   s re y dios now k’now’wwwing as though(ts) projections y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn on still freestanding star’e of Mr. re point of view/you/y that I am feeling/fielding being & d(hi)’y’ing alone(extraordinarily singular).

That still freestanding star’e of Mr. re point of view/you/y is now star’t’ing by(be’ing/be’am’ing y) x’et’ing in(being) d’or, that go(a)l’d’en mean(s)(ing’ing) ratio relation of phi, that d’or/go(a)ld be(ing)’tween twin’e(ing) inspir(al)ation of that Mr. re point of view/you/y now(time)as though(t) of mem/man’as mind or y x’et’ing ka’s all(causal) sa me bodhi being(in) k’now’www’ing(time k’urv’ing) y to perceive in ways of eve(waves) re y d’or me’an(s)(mem’or’y).

Thus a na y time(now) y’all y’ll/y will/ y we’ll(wheel) turn now into k’now’www’ng then/the ‘en’d’ing of a na y story/ es tora y/ es ka roll-role y of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) d’ark’ness w/weighting-waiting of now k’now’www’ng going around in complete circles.  The incongruity of a na y still freestanding stare Mr. re point of view now as though(t) in(being) mem man as mind (d’)or y/me (d’)or you as too(two) appearing/a pair’ing in(being) singular awareness of now is that that may be understood/realized in mere mirth(mirror’th) of social merriment(ma’s s  s   s re y m’ent).  That x-psy’t’m’ent of now k’now’www’ng y’s dom(us)/ building/being(in) a na y mean wile/ y’ll/ y will/ y we’ll(wheel) keep turning w/out waiting/weighting in denial/d’na y’ll still freestanding stare Mr. re point of view/you/y is y y’all gotta laugh.  That mirth(mirror’th) is now(time) for k’now’www’ng a na y t(h)ing’k’ing as though(t) reflecting that still freestanding stare in a na y x’et’ing order of magnification for ma’s s  s   s re y’all ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) universe.