the she’er bliss of complete ignore-ance/intentional disregard in(being) that still freestanding stare(tsz y x)’eting y’ z z  z   z    z ove l el LOVE SUPREME ove l/el go(a)d of awaken’ing, that way of eve(ma’s s) re y k’now’wwww’ng kurve(ing) time in spir(al)ation of ignore-ance/bliss ove  ‘‘the” /tauteth ””’h””ey’i’i’i’i’a a a a a ”””” x man un’k’nown mem/min’d’or(go(a)l’d)man’as mind (d’)or y ”s<>z x’ plane”ation of k’urve’phi mean(ordinary) & x-treme(x-tra ordinary) ratio/relation ship/assembly/t(h)ing of memory/me (d’)or y(ou) for ma’s s  s   s re y dios now as too/two/twa/twin”st inspir(al)ing y’s><z’dom(us) building building assembly t(h)ing’kurve(ing) now y’all y’ll y will/ywe’ll(wheel) turning y into a na y t(h)ing’k’ing for ma’s s  s   s re y dios playing out(x) rolls/roles of complete d’ark’ness/eN-rapture ka’s all(causal) bodhi now k’now’wwwing as though(t) w/out(x) super ‘face’ i”al’i’ty & gravity(wait(ing) for a c”all.