
That star’e y/tsz y x’s tense(that 1st person(being be”am’ing) present(now) singular singularity that that I am is) is in any/a na y roll/role es tor’re a’y es still freestanding star’e y (tsz) center centered centrality/cCc of any/a na y complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment now k’urve’ing around now as Thoth (tsz) y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn a round & around in waiting/weight’ing infinite potential w/z y x’et’ing/ x p’sy’t’ing a way of eve(wave) re y star’e(tsz y x’s tense) in(being) forMa’s s  s re y dios/dias ar’king complete circles/roles/rolls of circumstance (now that stance as still freestanding star’e y is as Thoth(tsz)/Hermes Trismegistus/Hermit/Yod/You/Y’sz’dom(us)/Y building building in being I-magus/I-mag(e)ic/I-magination as ka’ing/ka’s ing(causing) y super face’i’ality in z y x plan’e’ing/spreading out(x) any/a na y roll/role forMa’s s  s re y dios playing out(x) pole”ar’i’ty y z x’et’ing y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn on & on & on inspir(al)ing d’na y’ll, that z y x’et’ing mean wile of denial, now(that I am) as thoth(tsz) completely eN-circled/closed/cloaked in that a na y role/roll.  Still freestanding star’e y(tsz y x’s tense) of that any/a na y roll/role, that Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y center centered centrality seer see’ng/scene z y x’et’ing in the first place(being) that way of eve(wave) re y function is merely(mirror-ly) as Thoth(tsz) {{{ Hermes Trismegistus great go(a)d of y’sz dom(us) in(building building being assembly ting) ka’s all(causal) Ka’nsciousness/ ka”(e)n”shin’ness(t(re)ooth”ne’es(se) of art, science/psy”en’ce & letters(forMa’ing) any ting/assembly of thoth(tsz) curiously represented w/mask of a na y ibis or dog as that s.f. stare y(tsz y x’s tense) of z y x’et’ing any m”as”k, any mem or y as ka’s super facial/m”as”k appearance/a pair’ence of memory/me or you as ka’ing y may x plane/spread out(x) any roll/role of that complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of ka’s all(causal) bodhi }}} duplicate’ing that s.f.stare y now k’now’www’ng x’s tense of that first person present(now) singular that I am is now k’now’www’ng as Thoth(tsz) super face”i’al(w/a na y ‘m”as”k’ing y) z ”x” plane”ation(s)/spreading out(x) of any roll/role till for(Ma’ing) a wile, a crafty cunning canning duplicitous duplicate’ing duplicity rolling back up into complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of z””z””””z”ka’s all bodhi, that s.f. stare y now totally g”round(ed)/ ‘wrapped’ infinite potential as now k’now’www’ng thoth(tsz) as too(twa twi two twy twin(e)ing) awaken now k’now’www’ng any t(h)ing’k’ing of eN”d’ing any thoth(tsz) of be(ing)ginning/gain’n’ing w/memory of man’as mind (d’)or y/me or you.

Hermes = Hermit = Yod = You = z y x’s tense = first person present(now) singular that that I am is, was, & in(being) all ways/ways of eve/ma re y ‘sz y will be x’et’ing as that seer see’ng scene y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) appear/a pair in memory/me or you turn’ing into, onto, thru, by, to that mastered master mastering in(being) that still(immortal) freestanding stare y of that Mr. re point of view/you/y that awareness that I am is y’all eve’n(a) in(being) forMa”ation y’ll still stare’ing at this screen.

In other word(s) YOU . . . . . . .YOD . . . . . . . . . .A RE . . . . . . . . . . .THAT . . . . . . . . .HERMES   TRISMEGISTUS . . . . . . . . . . . . .!?!?!?!?!/!?!?!  the Go(a)d of Go(a)ld”en mean & z y x treme ratio out(x)side(ing) in(being) highest(from above/ove ab-father/sire/de sire) degree[<L de down + gre < L gradus grade] & that ain’t all bad.

That is ‘the’ story, the es’tor’a y/still freestanding stare y of any/a na y roll/role to be played out(x) super face’ i’ally(w/any m”as”k . . . . .any mem or y as z y x’s tense’ial ka’s(cause) . . . . . . . . . .{{{we’ll/wheel turn to ‘face up’ / spread out(x) flatten z x’s tense in(being) that a na y roll/role of complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive, the go(a)d to surface/face/mask x’s tense in the awakening, the way of eve(wave) re y k’en(d)ing the es tor’a’y/s.f. stare y in order to unroll it in(being) opposite direction(s)}}} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   forMa’s s  s re y dios circling pi”vot’ing/vow’ing on that Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y that I am aAa seer see’ng scene in(being) a na y Thoth(tsz){{{ Hermit/Hermes / Yod/Iota/that I am that d’or(go(a)ld”en) mean(ordinary/order of mag(ic)’ni’ fic/face”ation) in that way of eve(wave)re y function as mere(mirror) t(h)ing’k’ing out(x) in that sound wave(way of eve)re y x’s tense in first person singular(thus’ly that I am now as ka’ing y k’now’ing being born crying out(x), , , , , , ,that I am now as ka’ing y z x’s tense k’now’ing hungry , , , , , , , ,that I am now k’now’ing, kurve”ing time around me(mem or y) y a’gain(ing) & a’gain(ing) to lo(o)se z x’s tense szion in a na y complete role/roll d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of that sacred covenant w/Go(a)d’ing of such eN urg'(ing) y/a na y t(h)ing/assembly forMa’s s  sz  z z a ke.  Thoth(((tsz/ “”the””(tat hey eiya/that I am) still freestanding star’e y))) y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn inspir(al)’ation of d’na’ing z y x psy’t’ment of now k’now’www’ng thoth(tsz) in(being) that !!!!!! HERMES TRISMEGISTUS !!!!!!! SACRED GO(A)D OF GO(A)DS(ING).