
. . . . . . . . . .to find . . . . . .as’certain . . . . . . detect .. .. . . .un’earth .. . . . .forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios to play out(x) a na y y na roll/role y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn on & on & on now around to realizing y’all in that still freestanding star’e y Mr. re point of view/you/yod/Hermes/Thoth(tsz) that ”Master of Masters” the ‘ancient mode’rn’, that seer of the ‘old brain’ visual mode predominant awareness of that first person now first time in(b’ng) that first place of center centered centrality y that that I am is, is y was, & y will/we’ll(wheel) turn out(x) to be .

Thus it is as thoth(tsz)(hermes) we’ll(wheel) turn in(being/be”am’ing) out(x) a na y y na mere(mirror) roll/role of complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment in that way of eve/ma re y dios playing that inward(word) urge”eN y/eN’urge’y & capacity to wait/weight’ing forMa’ing a na y long, long, loooooooooonnnnnnnngggg mean(ordinary) wile, that cunning duplicitous duplicating myriad mirage(mirrored mirror’age) eN”d’ing an y y na roll/role in opposite/op pose’ing endings of ma’s s  sz  z z z re y dios pole”ar’ity in order as too(twa two twy) spread/flatten out/x plane that roll/role for a short wile, a short duplication/twin’e of fa(ce’ing)te/destiny of de star’e y.

For the first time now that star’e y k’at is out(x) of the bag eve’n(a) if still super face”i’ally w/ ignore-ance in k’now’ing a na y thoth(tsz) in(being) other y’s . . . .z     z       z       busy, busy, BUSY being busy keeping that roll/role x planed, spread, & flattened out(x) in awakening thoth(tsz) for(ma”ing) a wile, a cunning duplicitous(there is you & only you you YOU!!!!!!!) deadly duplication inward(word) thoth(tsz) forMa’ing in that mere(mirror) wave(way of eve/ma) re y function now k’now’ing reflecting any t(h)ing’k’ing out(x)/kurving time as thoth(tsz) into complete memory/me or you d”ark’ness-en’roll’ment around that singular point of view/you/y.

Y’all thoth(tsz) now are k’now’www’ng that point of view/you/yod/y is that still(immortal) freestanding stare y of Hermes Trismegistus.

That sacred go(a)d(eLoekhem-you’r(e) Go(a)d)-key 11 ABBC) inward(word) y ”urge” eN(a eN/na y)/energy & capacity for(Ma) being(in)/be”am’ing direction, the dhi e’rection of Thoth(tsz) in(being/be’am’ing) Hermetic Hermes He’y re y mes still freestanding stare y now k’now’en”d(ing) in that awakening to displace ignore-ance/intentional disregard of that s.f. stare by dis(desire) covering it, taking away of eve re y other(na sa me) a na y t(h)ing’k in that d’or(go(a)ld”en mean(ing) & x treme Mr. re”la’tion/el’i\/I aton go(a)l’d eN”d’ing of ka’s mic-memory/me or you-intelligence-ka’n’sciousness of that ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi being building building in I-magus I-mag(e)’ic I-mag(e)’in’ing thoth(tsz) forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios/dias/ pole z y x’s tense of first personically in(being) that sound wave(way of eve) re y function of mere(mirror) here’ing/b’ng her’e/he’a’ring a na y echo in that ka’s mic micro wave(way of eve) re y back(re)’g”round w/gravity of waiting/weighting forMa(ing) a long, long, looooooooooonnnnnnnggggg mean w(h)ile.