of ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi y we’ll/wheel turn into in falling  a”z z  z    z      zs’leep off that ledge of k(a) ‘now’/ that k’now”ledge of ka’m’plete[< L com thoroughly + plere to fill] thoroughly full awareness of bliss of LOVE SUPREME, the mean, means, & meaning of that y ka man’as mind is appearing/a pair’ing out(x) in(being) y ka’s mic-memory/me or you forMa’ing now, first time, then, the n of a n(a) y time(now) in(being) that first place.

Ka man is common = com(e) m’on, get it.  COM(E) M’ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any(a na y)body & eve’re y body k’now’s/directly experiences that singular ka man ka’s all(causal) bodhi as that ka man g”round for awakening y’all for(Ma’ing) a wile, that duplicitous duplication duplicity z y x’s tense in turning out(x) rolls/roles inspir(al)ing d’na y’ll(denial) y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn now k’now’ing thoth(tsz) into playing them out on Ma’s s  sz  z z re y dios in any circumstantial way of eve(ma)(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) pivoting/pi voting-vowing now k’now’www’ng constant constantly computing in nu'(nun/na/a na y) m’b’ers around that Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y that I am is still freestanding stare y.

 We’ll/wheel turn on & on & on in(being) that singular mean(ordinary) ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) LOVE SUPREME BLISS bodhi ‘unrolling’ periodically in awakening, inspir(al)ing d’na y’ll/denial(by means of that ka’man mean(ing)) to suffer in ignore-ance of being alone(that x treme’ly x tra ordinary singular awareness that that I am is) in that way of eve(wave) re y k’en(d)’ing any t(h)ing’k’ing in any x(out) planing/spreading out(x) that ka man roll/role to play it forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios for(Ma’ing) short or looooooooooonnnnnnnggg w(h)ile, a duplicitous duplicating duplicity(city of dupes).

Thus you now k’now this reality in(being) that mere(mirror) s.f.(still freestanding) stare’ at this screen now.

In days of yore(you/yod (a)re) even the gods had doubts about this.

Com’m’on!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  In reality is there the slightest distance, difference, transformation between that ka’man ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi & memory/me or you/mem-man’as mind or y?

Thus the real d’or/ the go(a)l’d’ of any t(h)ing’k’ing is ascertain’ing that singularity of z y x’s tense in(being) that first person singular that that I am is a’s Mr. re point of view/you/y seer see’ng scene realized bio-cognitively in feeling being alone in that felt feeled/field of view/you/yod/y.

Y you may feel at any time that being alone(singular) as greatest gift of d’or(go(a)ld) en/a na y ratio of y mean(ordinary) & ex’treme/ex’traordinary, relate/resolve in feeling/feel’ding/fielding that in(being) the field of view/you/y seer see’ng scene.

Y that seer see’ng scene is that ka man ka’s all(causal) bodhi experienced by y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn back(re) into any roll/role of that complete d”ark’ness in awakening, in that way of eve(wave) re y k’en(d)’ng that still freestanding stare y is the question, the quest i\/I on, the quest y that I am is.