~~~~~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo0oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~ForMa’ing a w(h)ile, a cunning duplicitous duplicate’ing duplicity of z y x turn(ally) appearing/a pair’ing in memory/me or you posed against/reflect’ing back(re) as too/twa two twy twine’ing/twisting now k’now’ing/w(h)orl”d’ing/k’urve’ing time after time after time around as thoth(tsz) in any roiling roll’ing/d”ark’en’ing of complete ka’s all(causal) d”ark’ness.

Y’all that ka motion, the gravity of weighting (h)our turn on the rim of that y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) serves to dhi solve that apparent/a pair’ent opposition in a w(h)ile/duplicate’ing duplicity by(being y/you) discernment of an(a)y’z y x’s tense & y we’ll(wheel) turning periodically(on that period point of view/you/y) b(l)ack’ing into now k’now’ing complete d”ark’ness, that d”(hi) to perceive ark’ness of e(iya) turn’i’ty in that turning y we’ll as s  sz  z z’leep off that a ledge’d k’now w/out(x) z realizing y.