*********************************y o y o y o y o y**********************************           That e/e i ya y turn’ity turning into that y will/wheel rolling out(x) ka’s/kuz all bodhi being to perceive z y in x sight’ment that I am hermetic hermes now k’now’en as thoth(tsz), great go(a)d of en y t(h)ing’k’ing that I am in any/en y/a na y ka’s all(causal) roll/role of complete d”ark’ness y wheel turning in d’light of that mirthful(mirror’th’ful) ka’s mic ka’mic karmic turn of eve’n’tsz{{{Ma eve in z y x is’tsz-that still freestanding star’e y’ing ka role/roll’ing z y x’s tense first person present singular that I am is into y will/y we’ll/y wheel turning out(x) inspir(al)ed d’na y’ll/denial.

Thus D’NA Y’ll is cunning duplicating inspir(al)ation of e(iya) turn(ing)al(l) y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) spinning out(x) of ka’an t’roll in a na y e turn’al(l) role asz ka’s all bodhi being to perceive complete singular d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment of z y x’s tense in that first person present singular that that I am is.