that way of eve(wave) re y fun”ny'(a)ction/function in(being) mere(mirror) mirage’ing(mirror’age’ing) that ‘ka”man’as mind’or y asz y x(out) ka’s’ing(causing) y ka’aman memory in(being) ka mic ka’s mic k’armic ka’s all(causal) singular bodhi ~~~((((experienced universe’all’y directly & periodically asz z z ‘leep in(being) that ka’s mic backg”round singular singularity that that I am is))))~~~ being to perceive, to think, to wish, to desire infinite potential y in(being) ignore-ance/intentional disregard’ing z indivisible indivisibility y now asz x is’tsz apparently//a pair’ently out(x) as thinker too thoth(tsz)}}}}}}}great go(a)d of art(being), science/psy’en’ce/sigh”en’ce(breath), & letters/numbers/symbols{{{{{{{{ y’all now k’now’ing x(out) rolls/roles of complete d”ark’ness/eN y-roll’ment turning out(x) asz too(two) appearance/a pair’ance y’all y’ll still(immortal) in(being) that indivisible motionless timeless pi vot(e) center centered centrality/ccc/c’er c’ing c’ng observer observing observation Mr. re point of view/you/y y’all z y x’s tense reference referenced perpetually asz a na y reflected reflection being being thinker thinking that that indivisible that I am is is appearing//a pair’ing out(x) now by k’now’ing(((((k’urving time)))))) around memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you asz thoth(tsz) forma’sszz z  z a w(h)ile.

Ha(y) ha(y)  ha y’all the rolls/roles of e(iya) turn’ity y’ll((((((y will/y we’ll(wheel)))))) y’all the com(ka’a’man)motion, y’all the turning, burning, churning on & on & on in(being) of such a long, long, looooooooonnnnnnnnngggggg w(h)ile}}}}}}}cunning crafty’ing deadly duplicitous duplicate’ing duplicity of mere(mirror) sight/psy’t{{{{{{{ utterly dependent on that completely changeless motionless, invisible indivisible individual birth-less y p(h)i vot(e)/vow p(h)i-voting in(being) that way of eve(wave) re y fun”(ny(a))ction function functioning in mirthful(mirror’th’ful) e”ez y y x’s tense as now k’now’ing out(x) thoth(tsz) at tension a’s y x tension of a ledge’d now k’now’ledge in(being)forMa’sszzion as too(two) ‘drop’ping’ the ‘hook(a)'{{{{{{hey hey hey oo oo  oo>>>egged on<<< ka’man(c’mon)–that k’urve’ing(ka”ph’i’ng) w/single free end’ing to hold up, fasten, (d’)or d”rag that sum t(h)ing(assembly of thoth(tsz) in(being)) asz x’ka’ing y na now}}}}}} out(x) of z y water/w/ater>>>))))))m&p’ater/ma & pa ma’king  ba’b’y{y building\/building y}((((((<<< first mirror(mere) merely(mirror’ly) being being now k’now’en y as thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing y x(out) is’tsz born to death(nun/y an a\/a na y) now k’now’ing a na y t(h)ing’k’ing z y x’s tense asz first per-sonic person present singular as thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing out(x) appearing/a pair’ing in my/memory/me or you.

The joke is jo ma ma & pa pa of eve’re y t(h)ing’k’ing a na y thoth(tsz) of b’ending ka’man’as mind’or y/mem (d’)or y/me or you is ma’k’ing a ”ba”by forMa’ing a w(h)ile, a daring dangerous deadly duplicitous duplication as thoth(tsz) y x is’tsz y’all y’ll that still stillness(immortal immortality) freestanding star’e y tsz y x’s tense in(being) that resisting/ignoring/intentionally disregarding that that that I am is is.