
Getting out (x) of confinement of a na y roll/role in(be”ing) ka’s all bodhi being to perceive, to think, to desire is e z y as’z a x ka’ing y x is tsz x’eting/and’ing/duplicating asz a na y mere(mirror) thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing of now k’now’ing forma’ing a long, long, loooooooooonnnnnngggg or short w(h)ile in en y e turn’ity is utterly, in y’all ways of eve(waves) re y fun”ction/fun”ny'(a)ction of mere(mirror) mirthful(mirror’th’ful) duplicity, dependent on realizing that contact point of view/you/yod/y is field of view/you/y fielding/feel’ding being being alone(indivisible) asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king reflecting reflection asz thatz y that I am appearing/a pair’ing in duplicitous duplicating memory in e turn’ity asz x turn(ing) all y’ll w/out now k’now’ing z y point of view/you/y period periodically pi voting a na y roll/role for(ma) the first time(((asz’ep tep y/ z y step on stare y way of (h)eve’n(a)))) to the last in the first place(being).

Thus getting out is in merely(mirror’ly) ‘looking back’ discerning discernment  that I am is center centered centering(ccc’ng) eve re y turn of any roll/role y’all y’ll still that motionless formless changeless pi vot pi’vot’ing point of view/you/y stare y’ing out(x) in any direction of y’all appearing/a pair’ing/duplicating for(ma) a mean(ordinary) w(h)ile asz my/mem man’as mind’or y/memory super face’ialy super imposed in awakening asz any potential sublime subtle dupe duplicating duplicity bodhi roll-role of view/you/y z x planed x p’anded/spread out(x) & played out(x) asz in any direction on that field of view/you/y.

“If you were to say that the contact made on a surface by the very tip of the point of a pen would create a point, this is not true.  Rather we would say that of such contact as this would actually be a surface around a center & that center would be the point.”                                            Leonardo daVinci

Y we’ll(wheel) turning forma’sszz e turn’ity means the timeless changeless point of view/you/yod/y pi vot(e)/vow is in always, all ways of eve(wave) re y fun’ction  in merely(mirror’ly) reflecting asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing that still freestanding stare y tsz(of eye) y x is tsz asz now k’now’ing x et’ing/and’ing/duplicating as thoth(tsz) forma’ing a long, long, looooooooonnnnnnngggg w(h)ile of such duplicity by/being y x is tsz merely(mirror’ly) as thoth(tsz) reflecting that stare y’ing y’ang’s tsz in y x is tsz x’eting a’t’all forma’ing a w(h)ile.

Thatz y we’ll(wheel) keep turning a round back & forth time(now) after time(now) in e(iya) turn’ity y’all y’ll referencing repeated warnings asz too(two) being(s) aware of awareness of that duped duplicitous duplicity of appearing/a pair’ing in(being) memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you asz that pi(constant constantly computing asz too(two) infinity) vot(e)/vow to remember eve’n(a) y’all y’ll turning in e turn’ity that I am awareness is motionless center centered centrality/ccc’ng out(x) z y point of view/you/yod/y x’s tenszion circling complete rolls/roles in that ka’s all(causal) complete d”ark’ness now e turn’ity k’now’ing ccc/c’eer c’ing c’ng ratio/relation of pi in asz ka(ing) y in a na y circumferential fun’ction/fun’ny’action of mere(mirror) mirth(mirror’th) in(being) turning around that still ~~~{{{{!?! free freed FREEDOM !?!}}}}~~~ freestanding stare y point of view/you/y z y x’s tense in(being) that first person present singular that that I am is.

In(being) other word(s) y/you asz that awareness that that I am is is merely(mirror’ly) to be realized apprehended ‘picked up’ by cultivating value of ‘wanting’ to know.  Y’all potential appearance/a pair’ance of any a na y t(h)ing is merely(mirror’ly) asz y/you reflecting reflection t(h)ing’king that I am is is ‘separate’ from that inseparable indivisible awareness felt feeling field of view/you/y.