Out(x) of complete d”ark’ness/en y roll’ment now k’now”en y asz y x plane’ing/spreading out(x) forma’ing a w(h)ile of eve re y z fun’ction in(being) mere(mirror) being being standing/status/state in(being/be”am’ing) z y x is tsz x’eting/and’ing duplicating now k’now’ing as thoth(tsz) in a na y t(h)ing’k’ing forMa’sszz subtle bodhi being being to perceive, to think, to desire asz ka’s all(causal) roll/role unrolling y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn out(x) for’MA’sszz e turn’ity.

Thus that a na y appearance/a pair’ance is mere(mirror) miracle~~~((([<L mirare / mirror((mere (d’)or/go(a)l’d en y mem man’as mind’or y/memory/me or you appearance/a pair’ance)) to wonder < mirus (mirror’asz) (((sum t(h)ing/ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive))) wonderful])))~~~eve (re y)’n(a na y)t’ing/eve’nt that appears/a pairs neither part nor result(effect of ka’s(cause)) of any/a na y now k’now’en y na”(a na y)tu’r(n)’al(l)/natural e turn’ity asz thoth(tsz) forma’sszz a w(h)ile in(being) duplicate’ing duplicity asz mere(mirror) being being thoth(tsz) that that I am is other than(the a na y ting(assembly asz thoth(tsz)) that hermetic hermit hermes I mag(e)’us I mag(e)in’ing I mag(e)nation Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y z x’s tense first person present(now) singular that that I am is.

Thus that I am appearing to disappear in(being) a na y roll/role of ka(r)mic ka’s all bodhi being to perceive complete d”ark’ness/en y roll-role’men’t is purely miraculous marvel in mere(mirror) x(out)sight/psy’t”ment(out of sight) of ordinary reflection(d’ord’or) in(being) a re y(array) of eve re y fun(ny a)ction of y a na y mere(mirror) myriad(mirrored) mirage(mirror’age).

That z y x sight/psy’t’ment is mode(l) of key 16 of ABBC, P/peh y/p(h)i in x(out) sight’ing intelligence of ka’s mic-memory intelligence consciousness ka’s all bodhi being(in) to perceive y’all transfor’ma”ing eve re y transformation in sacred sound way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) vibration/h”ark’en’ing of accord/covenant/a chord~~~{{{{ark of covenant}}}}~~~of p(eh)i/y-pi/phi vot(e)/vow/vox/voice”ing in o”peh’n’y’ing mouth asz organ of s’p(eh)ee’ch.

Key 16 pictures appearance/a pair’ance as too(two) figures now k’now’ing ‘falling’ asz’leep’ing in complete d”ark’ness/en y roll/role’ment.  That these figures are fully clothed demonstrates ‘conceal’ment’ in en urge y en y role/roll of that that I am in forMa’sszz na ‘figuring’ out(x) z y of memory/mem man’as mind’or y.  They ‘fall’ under spell(ing) of s’pe’ech asz sound waves(ways of eve) re y field/feel’d of view/you/y/hermetic hermit hermes inforMasszz z thoth(tsz) in eve re y t(h)ing/h(ey) ting of a na y a vow-el of intentional disregard in na asz ka’ing y z x’s tense at tenszion of that resistance/disregard/ignore’ance in x sighting a na y x’eting/and’ing/duplicating being being inward(word) insight in(being) still that freestanding stare y.  Key 16 illustrates that field of view/you/y asz tower towering toward(word) structure building building(being being) forma’sszz a mean(ordinary) w(h)ile, a duplicating duplicity of eve re y fun’ction of mere(mirror) being being asz a na y field/feel’d of view/you/y being struck by x psy’t’ment of ‘light’en y ing’ discharging/unloading ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi en(y)ergy/urge y/goad y to perceive, to think, to desire sum ting(((kamic ka’s all(causal) infinite potential))) awakening asz y now k’now’ing out(x) a na y t(h)ing’k’ing thoth(tsz) forma’sszz z  z y x psy’t’ment loading up in(being) gravity of weighting for’ma’sszz zion in(being/be”am’ing) a long, long, loooooooooonnnnnnnngggggg w(h)ile y’all y’ll still merely(mirror’ly) ingenious clever cunning duplicating duplicity of z y x’eting/anding/duplicating asz thoth(tsz) forMa’sszz z  z eve re y dias/dios playing out(x) x cell”en’t roles/rolls y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn on & on & on in e turn’ity of that ‘tour de force’/lightening struck tower of pow pow POW’er of right R mode(l) realization of mere(mirror) sight seeing seer in reverse asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing out(x) y z appearance/a pair’ance in memory.

Thus the whole ‘tour de force’ universe may be realized in the first place/being being asz duplicitous painstaking elaboration of super’face’ial observation, traditional treasonous race prejudice, & super imposition of erroneous theory of y will/y we’ll(wheel) e’turn’ity of a na y complete ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi d”ark’ness/en y role/roll’ment.