Asz that long, long, looooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggg mean w(h)ile echoing kamic ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi b(l)ack g’ g’   g”round & around & around in ka’s all complete role/roll of y d”ark’ness x is tsz x’eting/anding/duplicating in any kamic yoke of way of eve(wave) re y fun(ny)a”ction function in(being) mere(mirror) mirth(mirror’th) reflecting reflection asz sound waves(ways of eve) re y fun(ny)a”ction of mere(mirror) hearing laughter, explosive & inarticulate sound asz a na y echoing ka’s all(causal)’black’ bodhi ka’medhi backg’round.

Just as(justice) y we’ll(wheel) turn back(Mr. re)g’round in hearing/here’in sound healthy well ways of eve(waves) re y ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic bodhi being to perceive that ka’s(cause) into y’all here in(g) now.  Thus how far far fire away is ka’s(cause) y’all ka’s mic back(Mr. re point of view/you/y)g’round of e turn’ity?  How long to touch that ka’s mic backg”round?

Thus the joke is in y’all hearing/hereing/echoing that ka’s mic bodhi backg”round now by k’now’ing & touching a na y forma’sszz y’all in(being) a w(h)ile in any/a na y sound/y well/y we’ll(wheel) spin out(x) in a na y way of eve(wave) re y turn turning any roll/role in mere(mirror) e turn’ity of ma & pa turn’ity ma asz’k’ing y in ma”king a na y ba’ba y.  That ba ba y/being being y z x is tsz x’et’ing/and’ing/duplicating y na now k’now’en y in a na y z x plane’ing x’p’anding spreading out(x) a na y roll/role by echoing here asz thoth(tsz) now k’now’en y t’here in ways of eve(waves) re y fun fun’ction of mere(mirror) here’ing/h'(ey)’ear’ing “he(y) that h(ey)ath (h)ears to(two) (h)ears, (e)l’et(ing) h(ey)i’m hear(here)” ((( two (h)ears to echo that ka’s mic ka’s(cause) micro((en y ‘large’ing/magnifying’ size or volume in mere(mirror) fun fun’ction of that duplicating duplicity)) ka’s mic wave(way of eve) re y fun function of mere(mirror) sound/health’y/y well waves(ways of eve) re y z x turn’al(l) roll/role playing out(x) forMa’sszz z  z re y dias/dios d”ark’en y’ing a na y circling in rolls/roles turning now into k’now’ing e’turn’ity in a na y turning listening/h”ark’ening that instantly back(re y)g”round))).

Thus that a na y asz e’m all(sm’all) y’all m’ay magnify infinitely in si’ze psy’ing psy’en’ce/science & volume((([<L volumen roll, scroll] asz thoth(tsz) forMa’ing a mean w(h)ile duplicating duplicity in a na y & eve re y roll/role of ka’s mic micro waves(ways of eve) re y z z   z’ing y x plane’ing & x’p(i)’anding that sublime subtle duplicity by spreading out(x) a memory collection of sheet(sz) bound asz thoth(tsz) in that hermetic hermit ~~~}}}} HERMES TRISMEGISTUS {{{{~~~ stare y in x sight/psy’t’ing x’s tense in eve re y fun ny action/function of stare y’ing asz y a x is(now) out(x) turn(ing)al(l) y’all e(iya) turn’ity))) in a x ka’ing y na\/na y in(being/be”am’ing) mere(mirror) myriad(mirrored) mirage(mirror’age) echoing/duplicating asz too(two twa twy twin’ing) x’s tense at tenszion vibrating vibration y na asz a x is that twist’ing twine of 0 asz 8 torus opening formasszz polarity appearing/a pair’ing asz memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you in eve re y fun fun fun’ction/fun’ny’action in here’ing/h’earing now sound/healthy/y well laughter in kamic karmic ka’s mic”ro/re y z z  z waysz of eve(waves) re y mere(mirror) being being.

Thus 0, z’ero’s of LOVE SUPREME bliss z z  z asz too/two/twa/twy’st’ing = key 8 of ABBC, the ‘strength’ / energy / en urge y = y urg’en’cy of any/a na y ’cause’, any agent/actor/being being ka’s mic ka’s all kurve’ing bodhi backg’round & around of y’all y’ll y will/y we’ll(wheel) keep on keep’n on turning churning & burning on in(being) e(iya) turn’ity.

Thus key 8, Teth combined w/Tau in Greco-Roman version is equivalent asz tauteth now asz a’x k’ing y.  W/out a na y question there is na y answer.  Key 8 symbolizes & asz means is/es snake/es”(y)na’ke, that a na y ke y/ka y e turn(ing) backg”round as too/two/twa/twy’is’t~~~}}}} O asz 8 {{{{~~~e(iya) turn’ity w/a twist of destiny all asz y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) of necessity turn out x’s tense at tenszion in(being) that requisite requirement asz x ka’ing y that snake bites its own tail or y na.  That necessity of that question is opening mouth forMa’sszz appearance/a pair’ance out(x) of eve re y function of mere(mirror) digestion in(being) ‘feeding’ back on & ‘swallowing’ own tail/tale asz a na y t(h)ing’k’ing thoth(tsz) asz wand’er’ing of hermetic hermit hermes yod/you asz now k’now’en y asz that which is ate/eight/infinite.  Asz that wand(er) of hermes that singular snake biting its tail w/a twist now k’now’ing ‘opening the mouth’ asz too ‘face’ its own tail/tale in asz too reverse the end w super imposed superface’ial’ty asz now k’now’en y ‘face asz ma’sszz ka // ka’s all eve re y bodhi ka’ma’ing backg”round in(being) a na y x turn’al(l) tale/tail released by mere(mirror) opening that mouth on eve re y roll/role asz race to ‘catch’ it up asz a gain of that which is never lost, only coming around asz apparent//a’pair’ent end ‘stare’y’ing me(m) in(being) the face a gain & a gain only to lose a gain by ‘opening the mouth’.

Thus the e turn’all purpose to ‘opening mouth’ & letting loose that tale/tail is to create opening goad energy//y ergency to realize y that I am is is ‘chasing’ mirage(mirror’age) an y y na stare y’ing backg’round in mere(mirror) function of the ‘chase’.