~~~~~~~~~~~?!?!?!?!?!?wwwwwwwwywwwwwww?!?!?!?!?!?~~~~~~~~~~~       Asz too(two) what extent of a na y intent of intentional forma’sszz z  z what reason is why.

Why is by what means intent asz y a’o x ka’ing y na a na y amusement state status asz feeling/fielding dhi y light’in’ing(being being) that sum dhi (to perceive a na y) version of turning forma’sszz z  z a na y y na a mean(ordinary) w(h)ile of e~~(((e = erg//urg(e) of the Great Work, the Mr. re divine drive driving that y will/y we’ll/y wheel)))~~ turn’ity e turn’ing y’all(e turn all)y in(being being) mere(mirror) function of mirth(mirror’th) reflecting asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing of reflecting//d(hi)’ee’~~(((one as too(two) undergoing//being being ne/na y fitting/facing that sum mer(e)\/mirror(sea’ng) amusement[[[<MF amuser < a at(<L ad) + OF muser -to stare]]] a na y fun'(ny a)ction)))~~flecting//k’urve’ing inward/word that still hermetic hermes freestanding stare y in(be”am’ing) out(x) that state status of still stare y’ing now k’now’en y y ne asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ink’ing at in(being) or on contact of eve re y function of mere(mirror) touch touching affecting a na y bodhi in(being being) asz effect of that ka’s all(causal) bodhi way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) coition of kamic(pleasure) appearing/a pair’ing in(being being) a na y y an a position of union of universal forma’sszz z  z mem man’as mind’or y/me or you asz sheer bliss of z y x’pe(h)ri’en’c’ing try’ing out(x) direct periodical contact w/a na y bodhi being to wish to desire to re’mem”b’er that that I am is is z y x’s tense at tenszion of a na y erection of eve re y dias/dios ‘pole’arity appearance//a pair’ance z’ing’ing y as ex u’all.