in that extreme energy//en y erge/urge/go(a)d asz too(two twa twy’ee’n’ing) ka’an eSzpir(y’all)’ing [[[< L conspirare < com-together + spirare to breath]]] asz breath breathed breathing in(h)all’at’i’on ex'(h)’all’at’i’on in(being) out(x) by(((being you))) asz that point of y’all’sz Mr. re ja z z  z y x is tsz asz thoth(tsz) thing’k’ing a point’ing out(x) in w/ay of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) being being per sonically x pressed in eve re y’c(h)ord sound vibrant vibrating vibration between mean & extreme golden/goal’d’en y ratio of z x phi los sophos y.

That lethal(((((l”et’ing/duplicating th(e) al(l))))) ka’s mic conspiracy affords perpetual liberation of any t(h)ing’k’ing form(a) in (d’)ord’er to e(iya) valuate realizing, discerning, picking up on that awareness that I am still stillness(immortal immortality) of that Mr. re point of view/you seer sight seeing any field of view/you.  Thus death serves life in that death/nun asz purely infinite potential ka’s all(causal) bodhi assures directly & periodically passing away of any forma’sszz z z y ne/na/a na y gate, the movable barrier, to remembering that that I am is permanent permanence in the midst of impermanence, bodhi’less in the midst of eve re y bodhi, asz certain certainty in midst of any ambiguity of conspiracy of complexity over time(now).

Thus that extremely energetic erg’ent k’all’ing eve re y z z  z bodhi ka(asz/cause) ba(being) (al)la(h)/kabala all being being w/ay of eve re y fun”ny’a’ction/function of me’re y mirth(mirror’th) of mer”ear’th(mirror’th) echoing ka(((r)))mic  ka’s mic mic”ro wave(w/ay of eve/ma) re y back(((re))) g’round y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) ke’eep on k’eep’n on turning, churning, & burning forma’sszz y’all e turn’ity y’ll still free freed freedom status asz that stare y’ing now out(x) k’nowing ne’gating that asz that ay g’u(e)y stare y’ing a w/ay of eve re y z z  z’ing ja”az z  z Mr. re point of view/you/y asz y totem[[[ < Algonquian. Cf. Ojibwa ototeman his relations. ]]] pole polar’ity appearance/apair’ance in ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you in mean(ordinary) & extreme relation of p’h’ey’i constant constantly computing y’all y’ll merely(mirror’ly) that that I am is is still stillness(immortal immortality) free freed freedom status state stare y’ing y’ang’st inflame”at’i\/I’on of ka’s mic fire/’far’//fa’r’ce/face’ing ar’e facile facility of fascination in(being be”am’ing) forma’sszz z  z a long, long, looooooooonnnnnnnngggg mean(ordinary- d’ord’or na re y z z   z reflection of mere(mirror) being being) en erg’ent ne y y en erg’et’ic an’tic conspiracy conspiring that ka’s all ‘breath’ bre’a’thing a w(h)ile longer or shorter depending on y>>>)))))))you & you being feeling/fielding being alone(indivisible individual)(((((((<<< z x’s tense at x tenszion of a tor’us asz towers of a na y towering now k’now’ing ka’s en y y ne struck by that light’n’ing of ka’s mic ‘far’ ‘far’ing’ a w/ay of eve(wave) re y being being that ka’s all(causal) bodhi fun’ny’a’ction function of mere(mirror) distance[[[<L distare < dis apart + stare stand = stand’ing status free freed freedom of that STARE Y//STARE W/AY’s]]] reflecting a sense or d’sense (e)s’me’al(l)z y x tent of intent of conspiracy of that intentional disregard of being that stare y’ing x(out)’eting/duplicating here hear’ing h’ear’th now k’now’ing plan et et’ing eve re y z z  z function of mere(mirror) echo echo’ing Mr. re petition for’ma’sszz’y’all re quest to see ka’s all seer sight seeing that ka’s mic u/you/y ni verse.