
cannot be reached w/out(x) being y(by) that full fullness that I am is is hermes ignored asz thoth(tsz) that I am any mere(mirror) reflected reflection asz an y y na t(h)ing’king thoth(tsz) for’ma’sszz z  z asszzembly(y na t(h)ing a void of y nothing) of means meaning meaningful forma’sszz z  z any/a na y w(h)ile y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning, churning, burning on & on & on in(being) e turn’ity y we all(wheel) turn x’turn’ll’y y’all to a void w/out(x) realizing y.


Why a void that complete fullness that that I am is is by(being y/you) now k’no no  no”w’ing/intentionally disregarding that by appearing/a pairing in(being) being that singular y you’re you that that I am is is now asz thoth(tsz) x’eting/anding/duplicating  forma’sszz z  z any/a na y t(h)ing’king/kurving any ‘ting’/assembly of thoth(tsz) of ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi backg’round that point of view/you/y in(being be”am’ing) expanding//x(out) p(er)(((sonically in(being beaming) sound/well/we’ll/we all/wheel waves waving))) ‘anding/duplicating/spreading out(x) any (bio) field of view/you/y asz too(two) ‘forging’ forgery merely(mirror’ly)reflecting reflection imitation imitating that awareness that I am is is in(being) a voiding discernment of that indivisible indivisibility of that individual appearing/a pair’ing w/in(being) being y w/out(x) ka’s y’all(causal y) ka’s mic-memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you beyond that obvious ‘function’ of fun”ny a/y na’ction of pure mirth(mirror’th)?

Ka man(c’mon) ka’s y/you gotta laugh you’r(e) asz of f(face facing/x plane’ing any roll/role of ka’s y’all(causal y) complete d”ark’ness by awakening/a way of k’as en(d)ing that in beginning any/a an y da y now) asz we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) a void picking up on y Y y????? (h)our invisible ka asz(cause) that k’no’w bodhi appears/a pairs asz (e)x u’all(y’all).