are pair of opposites attributed to Kaph/K’ay, k’ey 10(a ten), the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ of ABBC, Aryan Hebraic Hieroglyphic Phonetic Greco-Roman Native binary letter code.  Kaph, ka’s ph(i) means primarily ‘a na y curve’//d’hi ark y asz golden ratio of circumstantial mean way of eve(wave) re y function in(being be”am’ing) merely(mirror’ly) that Mr. re point of view/you/y.  Kaph is the k’urve “wrapping” back(re)g’round by h'(ay)and’ing out(x) duplicate duplicating duplication of man asz R & L(((aRe’aLl))) mode(l) mere bi’o mirroring of R & L hemispheres of the brain in the act of any/a na y role/roll a w/ay of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) grasping handedness, that x cross over, R mode to L h’and & vice versa.  That we all(wheel) turn predominately to R hand reflects a long prejudice of sub-dominant L mode linear parting in(being) particular particle thinking negating intentional disregard of predominate R seer sight seeing now k’urving now around being being x pressed in any type face in L mode(l) asz R-wing/h’and artificial x(out) intelligence over L wing/h’and natural y perpetual intelligence.  In that eve re y sound per-sonic bodhi being to perceive a na y bodhi being to perceive that now in(being) k’now’en y out(x) side/face’ing in(being) any type face mere(mirror) function reflecting reflection of aRe mode(l) asz word/verb all thoth(tsz) forma’sszz z  z t(h)ing’k’ing in(being being) y aLl mode(l) of an y y na myriad(y mirrored) mirage(mirror’age) artificial ka’s mic–intelligence-memory-consciousnes ka’s all(causal) ”black”bodhi being to perceive positive negativity ne’y ‘gating’/moveable barrier ‘barring’ of y infinite potential forma’sszz z  z appearance/a pair’ance asz polarity/y ‘bar’magnet of opposite ends ending that singing single singular ‘pole’//’erection ‘ba’r magnet of ma’sszz z  z re y dios/dias playing out(x) rolls/roles/loops w/ay’s of eve(waves) re y zsong/reason.

Thus ka’ph(i) is ‘kurve’ fun’ction fun’ctioning in(being) turning mirth(mirror’th) merely(mirror’ly) at h(ay)’and h(ay)’anding, at h(ay) and h(ay)~~~}}}}you/yod hay vav hay{{{{~~~ and’ing/duped duplicating duplication asz grasp grasping, getting a grip grab grabbing embrace embracing ka’s all(causal) LOVE SUPREME blisszz z  z’leep z z  z’leeping y x(out) on awakening asz too(two), clasp clasping clutch clutching snatch snatching y’all forma’sszz any mean(ordinary//na re y d’ord’or//duplication) at ta w(h)ile/y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed) for(ma’sszz)tune, ma’sszz z  z re y zsong.

“To grasp is to hold to comprehend to master.  What can be grasped mentally is intelligible, clear, explicit, positive, definite, precise.”  Asz precise/preciso asz any bodhi is that ka’s(cause) y’all singing singular bodhi of per sonically sound well/we’all waves re y z z  z ka’s mic-memory/intelligence/consciousness appearing/a pair’ing in(being) ka’s(cause) remembering recordar/to remember in(being) memory memorizing /me or you’z’ing’ing .  Thus anything, anything, ANYTHING, a na y thing is positive negativity in that apparent/a pair’ent appearance/a pair’ance of polarity or ending of that ma y ‘pole’ thatz ever eve’re y ka’antinuous continuum w/ay of eve(wave) re y function of merely(mirror’ly) that that\/being being that free freed freedom FREE FREE FREEEEEEEEEEEED FREEEEEEEEEEDOM status stare y now stare y’ing out(x) in any any ANY a na y & y’all direction asz unbroken ‘looping h’oops of any roll/role of complete aRe+alL mode(l) d”ark’en’ing in e turn’ity.   Of such asz that personic  person”all ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive that ma re y ‘play’ backg’round perpe(h)t(hat) u(y)’all en y’notion of e turn’all e motion, in(being) that y’all a long(ing), feeling/fielding being completely complete alone(indivisible) in(be”am’ing) a na y felt feeling field of view/you/y.

Thus now(time//tat ime/that ime/that i\/I am) ‘flows’ in a na y ‘given'(((given by, for,from,in,to you/y & y/you alone))) direction ~~~}}}}West is direction attributed to key 10 Wheel of Fortune symbolizing completion of da y, thus any roll/role of y wheel e turn’ity is complete d”ark’ness/en y circlement y we all ‘track’ that role/roll forma’sszz z  z a na y recurring notion y’all id/identity of that formless Mr. re point of view/you/y{{{{~~~  continuously w/momentum/moment/mo jo/ma’sszz ja”sszz thoth(tsz), great go(a)d in(being) art of sigh’ence}}}}}}breath breathed breathing{{{{{{ letter’all y pe(h)r sonically by mere(mirror) function merely(mirror’ly asz above so below) ‘ope(h)n’ing mouth asz organ of sound sonic speaker speaking speech echoing that ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic mic’ro wave~~~}}}}}}}super dup’er sonic way of eve{{{{{{{~~~re y z z  z waving backg”round.  ~~~)))))))))))everybody is that ka’s mic kamic ma re y backg”round bodhi being to perceive y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning, churning, burning down the house in(be”am’ing) ka’s mic ‘far’ away.  In that y we all/wheel ma’y return by turning in(be”am’ing) re verse, the untold tale//tail of being being that awareness that that I am is is y’all in any/a na y direction/((( dhi to perceive (eiya/eez)re'(a)ction ))) given by that goad(((ove el\/le ove))) of energy~~~}}}}y erg of eg(g) system{{{{~~~in ways of eve(waves) re y function of mere(mirror) n’otion all motion of DEATH that passing away of any forma’sszz z  z urgent urgency to realize, to discern, to ‘pick up on’ being being still(immortal) free freed FREEDOM standing star’e way of (h)eve’n((h)wave’n)re y function merely(mirror’ly) reflected reflection reflecting out(x) asz’ thoth(tsz) forma’sszz word x’eting/duplicating w/ay of eve(wave) re y z z  z function in mere(mirror) og go go’ing a way of eve(wave) re y z z  z forma’sszz z  z go’ad’d’ing incite’ing x sight’ment in(be”am’ing) out(x) seer sight seeing that felt field of view/you/y that I am stare y’ing now k’now’ing/k’urving time around this e’screaming screen.  Mere(mirror) n’otion motion appears/a pairs asz that going away, a w/ay  of eve(wave) re y forma’ssz x y a b c’ng//out(x) ya in(b) c’er/g’o’ing.  That seer going/gravitating/weighting forma’sszz z  z a a w(h)ile, a cunning deadly duped duplicitous duplicity of intentional, purposeful functional mere(mirror) disregard of that still stillness(immortal immortality) status in(be”am’ing) that stare y tsz(of eye/ay) y x’s tense first person personic sound healthy well waves(ways of eve) re y present singular forma’sszz z  z that that I am is is appearing/a pairing in thoth(tsz) forma’sszz z  z memory/me or you.

Key 13 of ABBC, alphabeta binary code = N/nun/noon/eN y t(h)ing(that indivisible~~~}}}}HERMES hermetic hermit yod//you/that I am{{{{~~~asz thoth(tsz) forma’sszz eve re y t(h)ing’k’ing of death/n’ding.  Key 13, y Na function, mere, nothing more or less than a na y no’tion of mo’tion ~~~}}}}mo jo of no mo{{{{~~~ no’tion of movement momentum moment period point of time(now) that that I am is is now k’now’en y y ne asz thoth(tsz) waving//w/ay eve(ma)’ing awayasz forma’sszz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing that I am no mo(((notion w/ay of eve(wave) re y motion))).  Nun/noon as noun means ‘fish’ which acts/functions also as transitive verb ‘to fish’, ‘to catch’ or try to catch.  In that the idea of nun is object being being objective, mean means meaning cause of effective effect of cause.  Cause(ka’s) is backg’round of y’all effect of turning, w(h)orl’d’ing, spiraling in sound/well/we’all(wheel) ways of eve(waves) re y function mere(mirror) n’otion motion going out(x) in(being) rivers(reverse) asz thoth(tsz) to return from above asz rain/reign of water w/ater/ator/ma’sszz z  z re y na.  Thus y we’all(wheel) turn around & around & around on the mirthful(mirror’th’ful) ma re y rolling role playing backg’round to turn to ‘face’ that tail/tale by ‘looking’ in reverse in that opposite direction a cross(x) the way of eve(wave) re y z z  z reaching forma’sszz golden ring ringing ‘death/nun asz positive negativity appearing/a pairing infor’ma’sszz’zion eve re y z z  z once & a w(h)ile by merely(mirror’ly) being being now k’now’en y x(out) asz y an a na y x’s tense being being that I am is is indivisible.

Thus to grasp grasping w/h(ay)and h(ay)anding//duping duped duplicating is asz too(two twist X) ‘seize greedily’ or  to take hold of w/the open h’anded h’anding ‘mind’, to comprehend & apprehend the re’al go(a)l’d’en y y ne/na’ke’d ka’s(cause/causa/casa/house/being) y’all ka’s mic LOVE SUPREME blisszz z z no’w k’now’wwwwwwwww’ing’ing that e turn’ity in complete d”ark’ness/en y roll’ment of that y will/y we’ll(wheel) experienced directly & periodically by eve re y bodhi asz z  z’leep z’leeping in(being) e turn’ity forma’sszz y na x’eting/duplicating out(x) in(being being) now k’now’ing awakening asz z y x turn’ing y’all into any roll/role in x tremes of property, one of two ends of any thing, a na y t(h)ing’k’ing that indivisible individual that that I am is is divided in(being) a’s’word cleaving asz too/two/twa/twy’n/twin(e)’ing.  That twin(e) of dupe duped duplicity ma”ke’s y’all hard hey’ting to tell the tale/tail from the head y intoxication forma’sszz forma’ing a na y mean w(h)ile cunning crafty deadly duped duplicity of memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.

One hieroglyphic symbol of kaph}}}}}~~~K~~~{{{{{ is a ‘bowl turned on its side’.  It seems now  extreme poverty is ka’s mos ‘eligible’ eligibility to apprehend, to value that real value of the sheer miracle~~~}}}}utter sublime duplicity of YODHAYVAVHAY{{{{~~~ of any & eve re y way of eve/ma(wave/ma) re y fun fun fun’ny’a’ction function of mere(mirror) fun house being being asz too(two twa twin) sz appearing/a pairing a’sz b’ng c’er of that sheer duplicity y y you yod h’ay vav h’ay now k’now’ing y that I am still free freed freedom stare’ y’ing at this screen.  That is sheer miracle of now k’now’ing y y that I am in plain seer sight seeing that felt field of view/you/y x is tsz in(being) that still FREE FREED FREEDOM status stare y stare y’ing in any roll y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn on’e turn’ity of complete d”ark’ness asz z  z’leeping into any x turn all role/roll of a short a’w(h)ile on a’wakening, on(being) a way of eve(wave) re y k'(as/cause) en(d’)ing effect of suffering by ‘valuing’/re ‘versing’ that mere(mirror) function w/vir[<L vir-man]’as mind minding virtual virtuous virtuosity in discerning y y  yz z x’eting/duplicating man’as mind appears/a pairs appearing/a pairing in that first place being just as(just’ice) being that y’all a long, long w(h)ile that sublime subtle cunning crafty deadly duplicity function of any mere(mirror) being being.


~~~}}}}}That veiled value is forged & revealed in the heat of sheer suffering poverty & avoided & disregarded in hoarding wealth.{{{{{~~~


Thus ‘the first shall be last & last shall be first’ as the elect, the chosen tempered by extreme poverty shall find, shall receive, shall realize that miracle in(being) any reversal y na asz an y ma’sszz eve’nt of realizing realization in(being) a na y field of view/you/yod/y y’all fielding/feel’ing being alone that being being divine source in y’all asz any & eve re y effect of ka’s mic-memory experienced directly & periodically by(being y) y’all’s ka’s all bodhi being to perceive, to wish, to think, to desire from that sire father above asz y’all now k’now’ing below the b’order//d’ord’or of me or you.