eL ove OXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXO goad of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi~~~}}}}LOVE SUPREME{{{{~~~y’all mimicking that ka’s mic mic ro\/or wave back g’round of that kamic ma re y z z  z play playing backg’round in(being) any super imposed super-face’ial supersonic super wave(way of eve) re y ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi being to perceive function of merely(mirror’ly) here hear’ing h(ey)ear’th being being ‘over’ above//ove ab/father/sire/de sire de sire’ing memory/me or you in that twist(x) of destiny/ de stare y tsz(of ay)z y x’s tense first person personic present singing singular echo echoing by merely(mirror’ly) being being here hearing h(ey)ear’th now k’now’ing ka’s mic mic’ro ro’w  ro’w’ing waves backg”round of sound sigh’l’ent sigh’lence breath suspended over e turn’ity forma’sszz z  z’leep into any complete roll/role of d”ark’ness of forMa’sszz z  z re y dias/dios playing out(x) en y circumstantial standing around asz turning into en y/a na y role/roll .