
is c’mon ka’s(cause) forma’sszz z   z y x tinction of that tincture[ < L tinctura a dyeing ] out(x) of that ‘green’ light of (h)our(time) ka man//c’mon sun is always always ALWAYS ‘at h’ey’and dyeing earth w/color green, blue green, yellow green, & red green.

7/23/12 . . . . . . . . . . . 2012 . . . . . . . . . . .the ‘ending’ of Ma’ya//Ma’sszz z  z ya y’all ‘calendar’ system of accounting for the (d’)ord’or of that mere(mirror) function of ‘fixing’ that fix/plight/scrape/ja’m/dilemma,quandry . . . . . . . . . .’pickle’ of appearing to disappear//a pairing as too(two) ‘dis’ a pair back(re) into that one singular being in passing y’ears, predicted forma’sszz z  z y x tinction/dyeing out(x) of that hue of man’as mind in(being) the ‘green’ light of (h)our only sun.

Y we all(wheel) turned just asz(justice) in time asz too(two) miss that by one week, ONE WEEK !?!?!? is pure grace of the great go(a)d pure grace of the GREAT GO(A)D  to realize, to discern, to apprehend, to ‘pick up’ on that being being y y that I am is is asz 7/23/12 witnessed a Carrington class(((((named after Richard Carrington, British astronomer, the first human who watched in 1859 a solar flare followed by a coronal forma’sszz ejection – a blast of electrically conductive, magnetized plasma(4th state of ‘super hot’ matter-1solid 2liquid 3gas)- followed by a ‘super storm’ of solar energetic particles))))) super storm ‘thrust’ of forma’sszz z  z magnetized plasma that would have effectively destroyed the entire global electrical satellite grid & sent us back to the stone age.  Asz fate would have it by that sheer grace (h)our only sun, having turned, ‘shot this green wad’ in the opposite direction!!!

Of such is the lethal nature of death/nun/na y z x re y z z  z of that green light of (h)our only sun go(a)d go(a)d’ing forma’sszz z  z ka’s all y photosynthesis produces green grass, leaves, & algae, etc..  In(being be”am’ing) that death, that nun of a na y forma’sszz z   z y x is tsz asz great go(a)d to realize, to discern, to apprehend, to ‘pick up’ on that a na y forma’sszz z  z a y’ll(((((cunning crafty deadly duped duplicitous duplicity))))) y’all by urgent e(iya) valuation/want’ing to now k’now it in(being) a way of eve(wave) re y turn of y we all(y wheel) suffer e turn’ity on that y wheel of fortune to be fortunate enough in (h)our hue & cry(((c’ing re asz on y) of man’as mind’or y/memory to find ourself in that great ‘sweet & sour’ green ‘pickle’ of awakening in that e turn’ing y’all y’ll/y will/y we all(wheel) spin spinning on & on & on a na y forma’sszz z  z y-e turn’ity of ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi k’urging k’urving of completely complete en y roll/role’ment d”ark’ness h(ey)”ark’ening asz too h’ear(sz) h(ey)’ear’th hereing now that ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) way of eve(wave) re y back g”round re y ‘dhi’ation(((to perceive, to think, to wish, to desire ‘ation’//aton i//that I am .

A wake, a rise, & smell the coffee/ka’f’ay & face the music of any tale/tail by singing that singular super sonic hum /aum h’ear’ing ka’s all ka’s mic mic-ro wave back g’round ringing in tin’tin’itus of that tincture of distinct sound ways of eve(waves) re y function of mere(mirror) here hearing now ‘green death’.

Y we all(wheel) turn into having the ‘green light’ of da y to go ahead & realize that now asz ka’ing y that I am.  Y y Y is the question, the quest that I am is is now k’now’ing at h’and h’anding out(x) spread sheets of pa per ma’sszz z  z’leeping off the precipice of a’ledge’d’ly k’now’en y z x is tsz x’eting/duplicating thoth(tsz) in(being be”am’ing) y function of mere(mirror) being being that star’e’y’ing at this screaming screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake up ‘little su’zy, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is y y’all there is asz too(two) it, purely desire to now k’now a na y reason/Mr. re appears/a pairs asz son of go(a)d that that I am is is y asz ka’ing y an a a na y memory//mem man’as mind’or y//me or you.