asz that forMa’sszz y’all ka’s all ‘black’ bodhi being to perceive a na y ‘ting’//p’ing’ing that x(unknown) by mere(mirror) function being being free freed freedom now k’no no no’wing that freedom  w/y intent of intentionally disregarding it/ y by x’eting/duplicating out(x) asz y an a a na y mere(mirror) function y infinite potential sublime subtle appearance/a pair’ance/duplicity forma’sszz z  z a w(h)ile/y’ll n’eve’r meant to last longer than that any w(h)ile is designed to last, being mere(mirror duplicity) potential y’all along.

In(being) that ‘entropy of planned obsolescence’ y we’re/y weir that apparent/a pair’ent obstruction ‘damming’ the ‘flow’ of the way of eve(wave) re y consciousness w/predominant ‘opening’ of eyes sight seer seeing w/water of y n(a)’otion of nun before, behind, to right & left, above & below & projected y’all around y we all(wheel) are bound forma’sszz z  z ‘glory’ to turn around at that sum point of view/you/yod/y & see asz certain asz any seer sight seeing that I am still free still(immortal) free freed freedom  STILL STILLNESS(IMMORTAL IMMORTALITY) FREE . . . . . FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE . .D . . . . FREEEEEEEEEE””DOM status of that stare y’ing out(x) now at this screen, at any bodhi, any time, any where.

Thus that ‘planned obsolescence ‘//disintegrating nature of y’all asz mere(mirror) potential sublime subtle duplicity reflecting in(being) memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you that indivisible status of that free stare state & re assures any bodhi will play out from e turn’ity of that y wheel/y we’ll/y’ll d’na(denial – positive negation of its indivisibility) if only asz thoth(tsz) too(two) re-turn into turning out(x) again & again & again under ‘cover of complete d”ark’ness’/en y roll/role’ment y spell(ing) out(x) asz thoth(tsz) that y x is tsz in(being) any/a na y forma’sszz z  z any roll/role in(being) h’ear’th forma’sszz z  z a longer w(h)ile under pow pow POWerful influence of that super man’as mind’or y super imposed superface’ially on that super wave(way of eve) re y ‘n(a)”otion of (e) motion of e turn’ity y’all asz y will/y we’ll/y’ll’/y wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn away from discerning that I am that observer observed observing observation from that motionless center centered centrality Mr. re point of view/you/y that I am that still freestanding stare y tsz y x’s tense asz that first person(ic) present singing sigh”lance singular singularity that that I am is is

In other word(sz) being now asz being k’now’en b’y a na y na me(ignore-ance of na me/na mem man’as mind’or y//memory) in(being) (d’)ord’or to en’d any roll/role by beginning x planing/spreading out(x) to take a peak at that asz seer sight seeing surveying & contacting any felt feeling field of view/you/y in(being be”am’ing) ways of eve(ma)(wave(ma) re y function of mere(mirror) touch touched touching that ka’s mic d”ark bodhi backg”round instantly at any time or place(((((((eve’n(a) scratching back of head, stroking chin, or blinking eye lids)))))) reassures a na y bodhi of that presence of being merely(mirror’ly) feeling/fielding being alone(((((instantaneous tangible backg”round of indivisible invisibility of a na y individual))))).