in mere(mirror) being being tangible instantaneously asz a na y sense of touch touching that sacred immortal untouched immortality now k’no no no’wing(denying) asz ka’ing/k’urving y y ka’m’ing  backg”round of ka’s mic ka’s all ‘black’bodhi of complete d”ark’ness/en y roll/role’ment asz y’all ways of eve(waves) re y fun”ny’a’ction function of mere(mirror) apparent//a pair’en’t tactile touch touching touched of that untouchable untouchability indivisible invisible singular bodhi experienced directly & periodically by y’all asz z  z ”leep back(re) in(being)to one/o ne/o na y/a na y bodhi appearing/a pair’ing y asz x’s tense first person present singular singularity awareness that I am now k’now’ing ‘at rest'(motionless) in(being) amidst y na an y potential motion(((ma’sszz z  z ‘otion/ocean of infinite potential))) of complete en y roll’ment//d”ark’ness to be x”p(eh/sonically) ‘(h)’anded /duplicated/spread out(x) by y awakening// a y w/ay of eve(wave) re y k’urving b’en’d’ing around asz beginning a na y forma’sszz z  z a w(h)ile, a cunning deadly duplicating duplicity of any appearance/a pair’ance of thoth(tsz) asz too(two) t(h)ing’ker t(h)ing’king out(x) y hermetic hermit hermes yod/y now k’now’en y man’as mind’or y/memory/me or you is y’all still(immortal birth-less immortality) that y’ll beyond the obvious fun fun function of procreation.

Thus that true divine fun’ny’a’ction function of memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you is re-mind’ing that w/mindful memory in mere(mirror) being being to desire that ‘picking up’ on realizing that I am is is that free freed freedom stare’y’ing me or you in(being) any face facing the roll/role of any tail/tale by superimposing superface”ially ‘pinning that tail/tale’ on that ja”ka asz the functional ending beginning of any ka’s all(causal) bodhi roll/role in(being) e(iya) turn’ity on that y wheel/y we’ll/y’ll/w(h)ile y’all still(immortal) standing(status) of that free freed freedom stare y’ing now out(x) k’now’ing any bodhi being to perceive thru eyes of any/a na y seer sight seeing.